Free Webalizer is a Web Log Analyzer for UNIX / Linux, which also has a Windows version. This article mainly describes how to quickly install Webalizer under Windows 2000/2003 Server. Since the software needs to support the support of Perl, you need to install the Perl first.
Step 1: Install Perl1. Download the latest version of Perl: x86.msi, set the installation path to D: / Perl.
2. Test Perl, copy the following code and save it as, save it under the root of the IIS server. Enter:, if you can see the screen shown in Figure 1, your server has supported Perl.
# 代 开始 开始
#! / perl / bin / perl
Print "Content-Type: Text / HTML", "/ N / N";
Print " / n";
Print "
Print "
Print "This is the CGI test ./N";
Print "Congratulations, your server has supported Perl./N";
Print " center> body> / n";
Print " html> / n"
# 代 结 结
Step 2: Install Webalizer1. Download Webalizer: ftp: //, unzip to D: / Webalizer.
2. Changing the IIS log format is the NCSA public log file format, as shown in Figure 2.
3. Modify the configuration file. Copy Sample.conf to Webalizer.conf to modify Webalizer.conf.
Outputdir H: / wwwroot / webalizer
# Set the analysis result storage directory
Analysis of web host traffic in Beiyi Middle School, Foshan City
# Set the title of the output web page
# Set the extension of the web page as. HTM, the default is. HTML
4. Execute. Create a new file autorun.vbs, the content is: (a log of a day, with the log name, ncymmdd.log)
DIM myshell
Set myshell = wscript.createObject ("")
LogPath = "E: / Windows / System32 /
Logfiles / W3SVC1
Year1 = Right (year (Date ()), 2) REM Years Right Digital
Month1 = month (Date ()) REM month
Date1 = day (date ()) REM day
IF LEN (MONTH1) = 1 THEN MONTH1 = "0" && Month1
if Len (DATE1) = 1 Then Date1 = "0" && Date1
Filename = "NC" && Year1 && Month1 && Date1 && ". log" "Webalizer" && logpa && "/" && filename
At this point, some files are generated in the corresponding directory set by OutputDir, as shown in Figure 3. Open the following URL: http: //, the renderings are shown in Figure 4.
5. Automated execution. Create a new task plan, set up Autorun.vbs every day, and the data on the day will be automatically statistics.