The meaning of the HTTP protocol status code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  63

The meaning of the HTTP protocol status code meanings --------------------------------------- " 100 ": Continue" 101 ": Witching Protocols" 200 ": OK" 201 ": CREATED" 202 ": ACCEPTED" 203 ": Non-Authoritative Information" 204 ": no content" 205 ": reset content" 206 ": Partial Content "300": MULTIPLE Choices "301": Moved Permanently "302": Found "303": See Other "304": NOTIFIED "305": Use proxy "307": Temporary Redirect "400": Bad Request "401 ": Unauthorized" 402 ": Payment Required" 403 ": Forbidden" 404 ": NOT FOUND" 405 ": Method Not ALOWED" 406 ": NOT Acceptable" 407 ": Proxy Authentication Required" 408 ": Request Time-Out" 409 ": Conflict" 410 ": gone" 411 ": length Required" 412 ": precondition failed" 413 ": Request Entity Too Large" 414 ": Unsupported Media Type" 416 ": Requested Range NOT Satisfiable "417": Expection Faled "500": INTERNAL Server Error "501": NOT GATEGENTED "502": BAD GATEWAY "503": Service Unavailable "504": Gateway Time-Out "505": http Version Not Supported


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