NEWUSER.JSP file Description: User registration page, with user name, password, home page, email, personal signature, etc. Information, mainly used to provide user input registration information, submit the Action processing page for donewuse.jsp file, all parameters will Pass to the donewuser.jsp file for processing. The file start <% @ page contentty = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%> "indicates that this page uses the GB2312 Chinese character set, if the no declaration, there is garbled on the Chinese display. <% response.setHeader ("Expires", "0");%> The statement is to make the page automatically refreshed, this sentence does not have much impact. The back is the html statement, everyone is more familiar, so there is no need to waste the space here.
<% @ Page ContentType = "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312"%> <% Response.setHeader ("Expires", "0");%>
new Personal users register big> strong> span> font> p>