For Oracle 8 and Above, The New Dictionary View "V $ Sort_USAGE" shows
Currently Active Sorts for the instance. Joining "V $ sort_usage" to
"V $ session" Will Provide the user who is performing a sort within the
Sort segment. The contents column shows WHether the segment is
Created in a Temporary or Permanent TableSpace.
Creator of Sort Segment in Oracle 8 and Above
For Oracle 8 and Above, The Following Query Will Return All Users and their
SIDS Which Are Doing A Sort:
Select B.Tablespace, B.SEGFILE #, B. Segblk #, B. Blocks, A.SID, A.Serial #,
From v $ session a, v $ sort_usage b
Where a.saddr = b.session_addr
Order by B.Tablespace, B.SEGFILE #, B.SEGBLK #, B.BLOCKS;
You will receive the folload:
TableSpace name id ID Blocks Sid Serial # Username Osuser Status
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------
Temp 4 22 289 15 1966 Scott USUPPORT ACTIVE