Springframework (7)

zhaozj2021-02-16  183


(1) JDBC summary

l makes JDBC more easily, less error

l Handling the creation and release of resources by the framework

l Manage exception handling by the framework

(2) JDBCTemplate

l Execute SQL queries, update statements and stored procedure calls

l Cyclic traverses the parameter value returned by the returned

l example:

DataSource DS = DatasourceIls.getdataSourceFromjndi ("MyDS");

JDBCTemplate JDBC = New JDBCTemplate (DS);

JDBC.execute ("Drop Table Temp");

JDBC.UPDATE ("Update Employee Set Firstnme =? Where lastname =?",

NEW STRING [] {"Joe", "Lee"});

l Use the convenient method to query

Int maxage = jdbc.queryforint ("SELECT MAX (AGE) from Employee);

String name = (string) jdbc.queryforObject (

"SELECT Firstnme from Employee WHERE Lastname = 'Lee'", String.class);

List Employees = JDBC.QueryforList (

"SELECT EMPNO, FIRSTNME, LastName from Employee";

Returns an ArrayList (an entry corresponding to a row) (an entry corresponds to a column, using the column name to do key)

l Use the callback method to query

Final List Employees = New LinkedList ();

JDBC.Query ("SELECT Empno, Firstnme, Lastname from Employee,

New rowcallbackhandler () {

Public Void ProcessRow (ResultSet RS) throws sqlexception {

Employee E = New Employee ();

E.sempno (rs.getstring (1));

E.SetFirstName (Rs.getstring (2));

E.SetLastName (Rs.getstring (3));

Employees.Add (e);



l Storage procedure

Jdbc.call (new callablestatementcreator () {

Public CallableStatement CreateCallablestatement (Connection Conn)

Throws sqlexception {

Return Conn.PrepareCall ("My Query");


}, params);

l Batch update

BatchPreparedStatementSetter setter =

New batchpreparedStatementSetter () {

Public void setvalues ​​(preparedStatement PS, INT i)

Throws sqlexception {



Public int getbatchsize () {

Return ...



JDBC.BatchUpdate ("Update ...", setter;

(3) SQLQuery / SQLUPDATE object

l Package query and update to the Java class

Class EmployeeQuery Extends mappingsqlquery {

Public EmployeeQuery (DataSource DS) {

Super (DS, "SELECT EMPNO, FIRSTNME, Lastname from Employee WHERE Empno =?");

DeclareParameter (New Sqlparameter (Types.char));



Protected Object MapRow (ResultSet RS, INT Rownum) throws sqlexception {

Employee E = New Employee ();

E.sempno (RS.GetString ("Empno"));

E.SetFirstName (RS.GetString ("firstnme");

E.SetLastName (Rs.getstring ("LastName"));

Return E;


Public Employee FindemPloyee (String ID) {

Return (EMPLOYEE) FindObject (ID);



Map result set to a Java object

(4) SQLFunction

l Package returns a single line of query

SQLFunction sf = new SQLFunction (DataSource,

"SELECT Count (*) from myTable");

sf.compile ();

INT rUN ();

(5) abnormal treatment

l Convert SQLEXECPTION to the DataAccessException level

Ø Universal, more information, unrelated to DB / JDBC (SQL error code is mapped to abnormal)

l Use RuntimeException (no check)

l We can cover unchecked data access exceptions

Try {

// Do Work

} catch (OptimisticLockingFailureException ex) {

// I'm interested in this


(6) Database connection

l Datasource (), getConnection (), getDatsourceFromjndi (), CloseConnectionIfnecessary ()

l DriverManagerDataSource

Ø Return to a new connection every time

Ø Can be used outside the container or test

l SingleConnectionDataSource

Ø Return the same connection every time

Ø Can be used outside the container or test


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