Managing incoming information

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  63

How to organize computer1. Establish a general folder for each area of ​​your work. Within each folder, create a subfolder for each project or client.2. Consider creating a new folder when a current folder contains more than one screen of files.3. Use the search feature to locate files or documents. Search programs will locate "key words" to help you find a missing file.4. Clean out files regularly. Delete duplicate and unnecessary fiels and transfer in active files to floppy disks or other removable media Your Computer Will Operate Faster with Less Data.

How can I Effectively Manage E-MAIL MESSAGES? 1. Feel No Obligation To Reply2. Avoid Interrupting Yourself3. Delete the message

What Steps CAN i FOLLOW TO HELP ME REMEMBER INFORMATION? 1. Make an association.2. Personalize Information



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