In one of our program, to convert the legacy data into our SQL Server, we used the function of DTS. But now our customer tell us that they want to install the program on a computer without SQL Server. What shall I do now? Revise THE CODE or TRY TO FIND A WAY TO DISTRIBUTE THE DTS Component With Our Program? Anyway, I Have to Solve this Problem as soon as possible.
Finally, i Find Some Useful Information in The
redist.txt file that is on the root of our SQL Server CD-ROM. It lists all the files used in the DTS service. There are two sections about DTS, the first lists all of the files required, the second details which files must Be registered and one or two what must placed in the Windows System Directory.
As well as the usual dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) there are also some localized resource files (RLLs) listed. Resource files should be placed in a sub-directory structure under the DLLs, / Resources / XXXX /, where XXXX represents the language of the SQL Server instance 1033 is the language identifier for "English, US", so assuming the DLLs are in the ApplicationDirectory, the RLLs would be in C:. / Program Files / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 /
The Following Table Summarises The Files, Their Locations and Any Registration Requirements:
FilenameDescriptionInstallation FolderRegistersqlresld.dllSatellite Resource DLL Loader / ApplicationDirectory / dtsffile.dllDTS Flat File OLE DB Provider / ApplicationDirectory / Yesdtsffile.rllDTS Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / dtspkg.dllDTS Package / ApplicationDirectory / Yesdtspkg.rllDTS Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / dtspump.dllDTS Datapump / ApplicationDirectory / Yesdtspump.rllDTS Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / axscphst.dllDTS ActiveX Script Host / ApplicationDirectory / Yesaxscphst.rllDTS Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / dtsrun.exeDTSRun Command Line Utility to Execute a DTS Package / ApplicationDirectory / dtsrun.rllDTS Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / SQL Server 7.0 Onlysqlwoa.dllSQL Server Unicode / ANSI Translation LayerC: / Winnt / System32 Or C: /Windows/Systemsqlwid.dllSQL Server Unicode / ANSI Translation LayerC : / Winnt / System32 or C: / Windows / Systemsql Server 2000 OnlyCusttask.dlldts Custom Tasks File / Applica tionDirectory / Yescusttask.rllDTS Custom Tasks Resource File / ApplicationDirectory / Resources / 1033 / sqlunirl.dllSQL Server Unicode / ANSI Translation LayerC: / Winnt / System32 Or C: / Windows / SystemBased on my tests, I'm sure that the DTS can be Installed On Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Me, And Windows 98.