How to use Jmail plugins in my space?
You can use the following functions in your ASP program: The following functions from Jmail from send mailbox, Mailto recipient, Subject theme, Message Send content: Function Send_mail (from, mailto, Subject , Message) Dim Jmail, ContentID, Domain, Username, TextContentSet Jmail = Server.createObject ("Jmail.Message") Domain = "21157.100.145" Valid mail server address username = "Digital Network" 'sender Name TextContent = "Please press HTML Format" 'Text Content Jmail.Charset = "GB2312" Email Character Set, default is "US-ASCII"
'Sender information (available variable method assignment) jmail.from = fromjmail.fromname = usernamejmail.subject = Subject' Sets priority, range from 1 to 5, more priority, 3 is ordinary jmail.priority = 3JMail .Addheader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables ("remote_addr") adds a recipient [Variable Email: Recipient Address] Can repeat multiple Jmail.AddRecipient (Mailto) "mail main body (HTML) same Note that the way the link attachment in the letter)) Jmail.htmlbody = Message 'Mail main body (text section) jmail.body = textcontent' Send [Call format: objjmail.send ([username: password @] SMTPSERVERVERVERVERADDRESS [: port])] Jmail .Send (domain) 'Close and clears the object jmail.close () set jmail = nothingnd function' The following is a way to call this function, where is the sender, Your @ is the recipient Call Send_mail ("", "", "Test", "this is test mail!")