Get the column information of the table, including the column name, column data type, primary key column.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  64

The stored procedure, saved, ^ _ ^ create procedure dbo.trablename varchar (50) / * Obtain the information, column name, column data type, data type length of the corresponding table, according to the incoming table name Column is the primary key list * / as / * get the column name of the primary key column of the table, save in @CLNAME * / declare @SQL nVARchar (200) Declare @colname varchar (50)

set @ Sql = N'select @ ColName = name from syscolumns where exists (select id, indid from sysindexes where name = '' PK _ ' @ TableName ' '' and = and syscolumns.colid = sysindexes. Indid) 'EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @ SQL, N' @ ColName Varchar (50) Out ', @ colname out

/ * Get the column information, column name, column data type, column data type length of the table, column is the primary key column * / select as colname, as collength, code syscolumns. name when @ColName then 1 else 0 end as IsPkColumnfrom syscolumns join sysobjects on = join systypes on systypes.xtype = syscolumns.xtypewhere ---------------------------- Simple acquisition of the primary key column name, so you can: sp_pkeys 'YOUBLE'

You can get the value of the primary key field you want.


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