XpButton.cs code using system;
Using system.windows;
Using system.drawing;
Using system.drawing.drawing2d;
Using system.windows .forms;
Namespace Xpctrl
/// XpButton's summary description.
/// summary>
Public class xpbutton: System.windows.Forms.Button
Private bool mouseover = false;
Public xpbutton ()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
this.cursor = system.windows.forms.cursors.hand;
Protected Override Void Onpaint (System.Windows.Forms.Painteventargs E)
// Base.onpaint (e);
// system.drawing.graphics pp = this.creategraphics ();
// E.Graphics.clear (color.Transparent);
// E.Graphics.drawellipse (new system.drawing.pen (system.drawing.color.whitesmoke, 5), 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
// system.drawing.solidbrush dd = new solidbrush (system.drawing.color.whitesmoke);
// E.Graphics.Fillellipse (DD, 0, 0, this.width, this.Height);
// (this.backcolor.tostring ())
Color C5 = color.fromargb
(255, 255, 255);
Color C2 = color.fromargb
(192, 192, 192);
IF (Mouseover)
C5 = color.fromargb (245, 245, 245);
//c2=color.fromargb (192, 192, 192);
C2 = color.fromargb (180, 175, 190);
Brush b = new system.drawing.drawing2d.Lineargradientbrush
ClientRectangle, C5, C2, LineargradientMode.Vertical;
//System.drawing.region=new region
INT offsetwidth = this.width / 50;
Point [] Points = New Point [8];
Points [0] .x = offsetwidth;
Points [0] .y = 0;
Points [1] .x = this.width-offsetwidth;
Points [1] .y = 0;
Points [2] .x = this.width;
Points [2] .y = offsetwidth;
Points [3] .x = this.width;
Points [3] .y = this.height-offsetwidth;
Points [4] .x = this.width-offetwidth;
Points [4] .y = this.height;
Points [5] .x = offsetwidth; points [5] .y = this.height;
Points [6] .x = 0;
Points [6] .y = this.height-offsetwidth;
Points [7] .x = 0;
Points [7] .y = offsetwidth;
// E.Graphics.FillRectangle (B, ClientRectangle);
E.Graphics.FillPolygon (B, Points, FillMode.Winding);
IF (this.focused)
INT offsetWidth1 = (this.width-5) / 50 2;
Point [] Points1 = New Point [8];
Points1 [0] .x = offsetwidth1;
Points1 [0] .y = 2;
Points1 [1] .x = this.width-offsetwidth1;
Points1 [1] .y = 2;
Points1 [2] .x = this.width-1;
Points1 [2] .y = offsetwidth1;
Points1 [3] .x = this.width-1;
Points1 [3] .y = this.height-offsetwidth1;
Points1 [4] .x = this.width-offsetwidth1;
Points1 [4] .y = this.Height-1;
Points1 [5] .x = 1;
Points1 [5] .y = this.Height-1;
Points1 [6] .x = 2;
Points1 [6] .y = this.height-offsetwidth1;
Points1 [7] .x = 2;
Points1 [7] .y = OFFSETWIDTH1;
// E.Graphics.drawPolygon (New Pen (Color.Yellow, 2), Points1);
Pen P = New Pen (Color.range, 2);
Pen P1 = New Pen (Color.wheat, 2);
E.Graphics.drawline (P1, Points1 [0], Points1 [1]);
E.Graphics.drawline (p, points1 [1], points1 [2]);
E.Graphics.drawline (p, points1 [2], points1 [3]);
E.Graphics.drawline (p, points1 [3], points1 [4]);
E.Graphics.drawline (P, Points1 [4], Points1 [5]);
E.Graphics.drawline (P, Points1 [5], Points1 [6]);
E.Graphics.drawline (P1, Points1 [6], Points1 [7]);
E.Graphics.drawline (P1, Points1 [7], Points1 [0]);
E.Graphics.drawPolygon (New Pen (Color.darkBlue, 2), Points;
// E.Graphics.drawline (New Pen (Color.darkBlue, 2), New Point (0, 0), New Point (this.width, 0);
// E.Graphics.drawline (New Pen (Color.darkBlue, 2), New Point (0, 0), New Point (0, this.Height);
// E.Graphics.drawline (New Pen (THIS.WIDTH, THIS.HEIGHT), New Point (this.width, 0)); // E.Graphics.Drawline (New Pen (COLOR.DARKBLUE, 2), New Point (this.width, this.height), New Point (0, this.Height));
StringFormat DrawFormat = new stringFormat ();
DrawFormat.formatflags = stringFormatFlags.displayFormatControl;
DrawFormat.LineAlignment = stringalignment.center;
DrawFormat.Alignment = system.drawing.stringAlignment.Center;
E.Graphics.drawstring (this.text, this.font, new lineargradientbrush (this.clientRectangle, color.black, color.ble, lineargradientmode.vertage), this.clientRectangle, DrawFormat;
b.dispose ();
Protected Override Void Onleave (Eventargs E)
Base.onleave (e);
// Protected Override Void OnMousehover (Eventargs E)
// {
// mouseover = TRUE;
// this.invalidate (false);
// Base.onMousehover (e);
Protected Override Void OnmouseEnter (Eventargs E)
mouseover = true;
This.INValidate (false);
Base.onmouseEnter (e);
Protected Override Void OnnotifyMessage (System.Windows.Forms.Message M)
Base.onnotifyMessage (M);
Protected Override Void OnMouseLeave (Eventargs E)
MouseOver = false;
This.INValidate (false);
Base.onmouseLeave (e);
Private void DrawButton (System.drawing.graphics G)
Protected Override Void onPaintBackground (System.Windows.Forms.PainteventArgs PEVENT)
// color c5 = color.fromargb
// (255, 255, 255);
// color C2 = color.fromargb
// (192, 192, 192);
// if (mouseover)
// {
// c5 = color.fromargb (245, 245, 245);
////C2=color.fromargb (192,192,192) ;// c2 = color.fromargb (180, 175, 190);
// brush b = new system.drawing.drawing2d.LineargradientBrush
// (ClientRectangle, C5, C2, lineargradientmode.vertage);
//pevent.graphics .drawRectangle (New Pen (Color.Transparent, 2), this.clientRectangle;
PEVENT.GRAPHICS .CLAR (color.wheat);
//base.onpaintbackground (pevent);
Call in Form1.cs
My method is to drag a Windows's Button to come over, change two places.
One is a variable definition:
Private xpctrl.xpbutton button1;
The other is the code generated by the Windows Form Designer:
THIS.BUTTON1 = New XpCtrl.xpbutton ();
This color I use is gray, and if you change to color, you can be very beautiful.