// Convert the numeric string to a capital amount string
@ at
@ created 2004/11/15 19:37
@ param numeric string
@ return capital amount string
// The processable situation includes these digital forms: [.] [0.] [.0] [.3] [.32] [1.] [23]
Public string cncurrency (String snumber) THROWS EXCEPTION
String sunit = "Practitioner Yuan Pick up 佰 万 万 佰";
String Schinese = "Zi Zi Zun Lu Yu";
Int nunit; // Money unit subscript
Int nDOTPOS; // In the incoming number, the location of the decimal point
INT Nlen; // Length
INT nvalue; // Temporary value
INT i; // cycle variable
String sinteger; // integer part
String sdecimal; // decimal part
String ssuffix = ""; // suffix part
IF (snumber == null) throw new exception ("No password!");
// Get position where the decimal point is
ndotpos = snumber.indexof (".");
IF (ndotpos == -1) {
SINTEGER = (SNUMBER.EQUALS ("))?" 0 ": snumber;
SDECIMAL = "00";
} else {
Snumber = new stringbuffer (). Append ("0"). Append (snumber) .append ("00"). TOSTRING ();
ndotpos = snumber.indexof (".");
sinteger = snumber.substring (0, ndotpos);
SDECIMAL = snumber.substring (ndotpos 1) .substring (0, 2);
Stringbuffer sbChinese = new stringbuffer ();
/ / Start processing integer part
Nlen = sinteger.length ();
For (i = 0; i
// Start processing of the fractional part
Ssuffix = "whole";
} else {
Nvalue = integer.parseint (SDECIMAL.SUBSTRING (0, 1));
IF (nvalue! = 0) sbchinese.append (schinese.substring (nvalue-1, nvalue)). Append (SUNIT.SUBSTRING (1, 2));
Nvalue = integer.parseint (SDECIMAL.SUBSTRING (1, 2));
IF (nvalue! = 0) sbChinese.Append (Schinese.substring (nvalue-1, nvalue)). Append (SUNIT.SUBSTRING (0, 1));
// If the decimal part does not write anything,
// Return to Chinese Results
IF (sbchinese.length () == 0) Ssuffix = "Zero Yuan"; sbChinese.Append (SSUFFIX);
Return SbCHINESE.TOString ();