SMON: Found Rollback Segment # 11 at address 67fd103c to take offline.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

From: ed laugel 08-SEP-04 16:05 Subject: undo and travel files with smon: Found Rollback Segment Rdbms Version: System and Version: HP-UX 11.0ERROR NUMBER (IE Applicable): Product (IE SQL * Loader, Import, etc.): RDBMSProduct Version: UNDO and trace files with SMON: found rollback segment I have many trace files generated with this error "SMON: found rollback segment # ## at address ### to take offline. "I understand they are generated when a redo segment is taken off line while it still contains active transactions. But I only use UNDO with Automatic Undo Management (AUM). I do not have redo segments. The alert log entry for about this time frame shows: SMON offlining US = 11 I'm running this version of oracle on about 20 other systems with no problems It's just thest 4 databases for this application that have this problem My issues are:..? Why is it generating trc files How Do i stop it from generating the trc files? and, is my database OK


Seshagiri GanguPantulu 08-Sep-04 16:35

Subject: Re: undo and trace files with smon: Found Rollback Segment

I have seen this messages even though we are using Oracle 9i and Automatic UNDO tablespaces. Oracle did not update this kind of error messages in trace files with undo segments but refer rollback segments only as Oracle 9i supports both manual as well as automatic undo management Your Database is Fine. Thanks,



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