Daily English collection of WHBTOMT (half-way home) (4)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

941. Four Years of War Drained The Country of Men and Resources. The four years of war enables the country to exhaust their truth and resources.

SEIZE ...... .be ...

This is a pure English performance method, and the Chinese is different, and the form is "his verb object preposition THE noun". Chinese dialect must use the genus, while English first tells the entire object, and then talk about the part of the body. This is a big view, and the small office is in the middle. When the partial accepted action of the body, uses the form of "preposition the noun" in the genus "One's". Such verbs have Seize, Catch, Take, Strike, Drag, Pat, Hit, Hold, Pull, Stare, Look, etc.

942. He Seized me by the arm. He grabs my arm

943. Don't let the next you by the nose. Don't let others take your nose.

944. He Kissed His Horse on the forehead. He kissed his horse on the amount.

945. He Struck E on the head. He called my head.

946. I caught him by the right hand. I hold his right hand.

947. He Polled Me by The Sleeve. He pulled my sleeve.

948. HE LOOKED ME in The face.

949. I Gave Him A Blow on the head. He stared at me.

950. He Wounded Me in the arm. I turned my arm.

951. He Slapped me on the shouth. He took my shoulder.

Battle in front of you.

953. He PRESUMED in The Gentlest Manner To Take Her by Her Hand, he dare to hold her hand with the most gentle attitude.

"See if" "see That"

954. He Came Out to see if it had becom. He came out to see if it was raining.

955. He Came Out to See That The Boy Did NOT GET HURT. He came out to prevent child from injuring

The IF in See IF is WHETHER solution. The See That has the meaning of Take Care. This See That is actually the omission of the SEE to IT That, equal to Look Well to it; attend; consider; take care, etc. 956. See if He can do it. Go see if he can do this.

957. Go and see if there is anything to eat. Go see what you eat?

958. Go and see what is the matter. Go see what happened.

Let's take a look at the situation in Let's see how the land lies. Let's take a look.

960. See How The Wind Blows. Watch the situation.

961. I will see That they do it. I am responsible for them.

962. I Will See That He PAYS you.

963. See To It That this Does Not Occur Again. Guarantee is not in the same thing.

964. See to it That you do not off offnd him. Be careful not to take him. 965. I Will See to it That Everything is ready for your departure. I will be ready for you to get up.

966. See To It That The Boys Learn The Lesson Well. Please pay attention to your students.

967. See To It That The The Work Is Done Before Dark. You should not be done before the sky.

968. I Will See (That) You avenged. It must make you avenge.

969. I will see you has hanged first. Some people are willing to do this.

Take ... .for granted Its form is equal to "Assume as true", can be translated to "think it is true", "assume that it is real", that is, there is no clear evidence, and believes to be true.

970. I Take it for granted That you will be interested in it, Too. I think you will certainly be interested in this.

971. I Just Took it for granted That We will close on may day. I think the Labor Day store is of course close.

972. I TOOK IT for Grand That He Would COME. I think he will come.

973. He Takes Nothing for granted. He suspected everything.

974. I TOOK HIS Qualifications for granted. I think that his efforts are true and reliable.

975. They Themselves Take Their Love for Grand, And Do Not Care What Strangers May Think About It. They think that their love is a matter of course.

976. I TOOK for granted the innumerable Little Jobs She Did for me. I have a countless trivial matter for me.

977. from your manner i am to take it as true. From your attitude, I have to take the same true.

978. Physical and Intellectual Miracles We Take for granted. We think that the miracle is of course.

"Used to original form" and "be used to 动 名" used to do the form, indicating past habits, that is, it is often done, it is not as good. "Be buy to doing" means the current customary behavior, "BE", sometimes "get",

979. He Used to do soings. He used to often similar things.

980. He is buy to doing such a thing. He is accustomed to doing this.

981. I am Used to sitting up late at night. I am used to sleeping late.

982. I used to sit up late at night. I used to sleep very late.

983. He Climbs a mountain every Sunday. He has to climb the mountain.

984. He Will Offen Climb a mountain of a sunday. He often goes to climb the mountains in the day.

985. HE Used to climb a mountain on a surunday. He often went to climb the mountains in the day.

986. He Would Off .. He is always going to climb the mountain when he is young.

987. He Would Often Sit for Hours, Book in Hand. He often took a book in his hand, and a seat was several hours. 988. Sometimes The Boys Would Play A Trick on Their Teacher. Sometimes the children often have a joke to the teacher.

989. He Used to Play Tennis Before His Marriage. (He often hit tennis before marriage) now.

990. WHEN I WAS A BOY, I Would (used to) Get Up Early. I always got up early.

991. People Used to Think That The Sun Went Round The Earth. (From the beginning, people think that the sun is rotating around the earth) now.

992. He Usedn't to Answer. He always does not answer.

993. I used to go disning on sundays when i lived in Taipei. I live in Taipei and I often go to fish.

994. I am Used to the military life now. I am now used to live with the army.

995. I'm Sure It's Because She is not buy to the new typewriter yet. That is because she is not used to this new typewriter.

996. I Got (Became) Used gradually to the Vegetarian Diet. I am getting used to vegetarian.

997. The Country Inn Was AS PLLESANT AS It Used to Be in The old Times. That countrynet inn is still as comfortable as before.

998. That is how automobiles use to be my name. That is the previous manufacturing method.

999. The book used to be belong to you? (Gissing) This book is yours?

1000. I used to remonstrate with laura like a fussy old uncle but she'd, I often want to be like an annoying uncle, always give Rona advised, and she just smiled. 1001. There are some of butterflies That Used to be quite compon, and now They is quite rare; I Expect in a Few Years There Will Be none left at all .. Some types of butterflies, before, now it is rare I would like to have no more than a few years.

1002. Sometimes he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he would describe the curious animals and birds he saw before he always told me about. He is in the forest and in the wilderness around his family, and how he finds some silent streams and ponds, then he old to describe the raise birds he saw.

1003. "i offen buy to have a bit of fun with mer, in the hold name!" Mr. Bailey Spoke As if He Had Already Had a Leg and three-quarters in the grave, and this happened twenty or thirty Years "I have been a long time ago, I often have a joke with her." Mr. Die said that he already had a feet and three-quarters into the grave, and this is already two, thirty years ago. Be Automatic Words The past points of the automatic word after the verb "be", can not be seen as passive voice, but should be considered as a completion, because that is the action of an automatic word The state of state. Now there is only a form of "Have Done", but in the era of ancient English is "Have object past word". This type of automatic word, especially table movement, change, termination, etc., such as "Come, Go, Arrive, Fall, Arise, Become, Grow, Change, Die, Depart, Rise, SET," Still retain "be past word" form.

1003. Spring is come. Spring is full.

1005. We are prepared for the Worst. Preparing the worst situation.

1006. He was married. He is married

1007. The Train was stopped. The train stopped.

1008. The day for payment is com. Sales of days.

1009. All hope is gone. Everything is finished.

1010. I Was determined to go. I am determined.

1011. The sun is risen. The sun has come out.

1012. The sun is set. The sun is falling.

1013. My Money is gone. My money is over.

1014. She Found That Her Strength Was Gone .. She found that her strength was gone.

1015. He is dressed elegantly. He is gorgeous.

1016. Here's Mr. Land Come All The Way from Yorkshire. This is Blue Mr. Blue from York County.

1017. Arrived at the spot, the party lost no time. Getting to work. One go on the scene, the group will start working.

1018. All The Guests Are Arrived and We'll Have Dinner Served Right Now. All guests are here.

1019. I am Agreed to Accept The Offer. I agree which proposal is accepted.

1020. The Weeds Are Grown. Weeds were born.

"Negative Fail Utty Word", English "Can't Fail to Do" and "Can't But Do" agree, can be translated "must, must, have to".

1021. I Shall Not Fail to Do So. I will take it.

1022. He Never Fails to Accomplish His Purpose .. Bulk

1023. NEVER FAIL TO COME TO ME. Be sure to help.

1024. Don't fail to let me know.

1025. You will never five to be moved by the beauty of the right. You will be moved by the beautiful scene.

1026. I can't fail to save enough Money to Buy a new watch. I must save enough money, buy a new table. "Verb original shape", two verbs in English cannot be used, must be connected with "AND" or change the second verb to an unqualified word. This form is only the "AND" or "to" is omitted after the first verb.

1027. Go Bring me my hat. I will take my hat.

1028. Let's go talk to the other fellows. Let's talk about people's places!

1029. Won't you go take a look at him? Don't you see him?

1030. I'd Better Go Fetch Him Before All The Fish Die of Age. I'd better find him, afraid of these and die from the old age.

1031. I'd Better Go Telephone Dilly First. I'd better go to call Dily.

1032. She'S Better Come get you, Anyway. In general, she is best to take you.

1033. Better Come Join Us. You go with us.

1034. Run get the ball for me, jamie. Jimmy, you ran to let go of me.

1035. I like Say Something ID You Got A Minute. If you are empty, I want to tell you a few words.

1036. He Offered to Help Carry Her Basket. He said that he wants to pick it blue.

1037. I Have Heard Say He is a miser. I heard that he is a lavess.

1038. Don't Leave Go Until I Tell You. I don't say you don't let go.

1039. I Hear Say That there. I heard that I have to hold an election soon.

1040. I Hear Tell There's a new arrival six days old. I have heard that there is a baby born six days.

1041. Let it go hang. Let it go.

Leave Much (Nothing) To be desired. It means [extremely imperfect], [a lot of disadvantages], Nothing is the opposite usage. It is very perfect.

1042.Your Behaviour Leaves Much to Be Desired. Your behavior must still be improved.

1043. It leaes Nothing to be desired. There is no shortcomings.

1044.The Telephone Service At Singapore Leaves Nothing to Be Desired. Singapore's telephone service has no regret.

1045. The System of Water Supply in The City Leaves Much to Be Desired. The city's tap water supply system is extremely imperfect.

1046. This Steamer Leaves Nothing to Be Desired So Far As Comfort And Luxury Are Concerned. The Domestic transportation system in the UK is very perfect.

1047. The book is very imperfect.

BE uncertainty. This expression has many different meanings, he can "book, possibly, obligations, assumptions, purposes, results," 1048. He is to arrive at sever in the morning. He reservations.

1049. We are to meet him at the airport. We have to pick him up at the airport. 1050. The Meeting is to be help on sunday.

1051. In The Sky Not a Cloud Was to Be Seen. There is no cloud in sunny day.

Everything may have endurance. All unfortunately.

1053. Her feelongs as she read teiling. She is in a confrontation.

1054. You are to stay here. You will wait until you come here.

1055. You are always to knock before you enter my room. You have to knock on the door before entering my room.

1056. It was inderstood That Everybody Was To Pay His Own Expenses. I heard that people pay each person.

1057. Let me know everything That I am to lnow without delay. I need to know what I will tell me.

1058. She asked him what she was to do. She asked him to see what she had to do.

1059. if He were to come, Say That I am Absent. He is coming, just say that I am not at home.

1060. We are TOGO to Town This Afternoon. We intend to go to the city this afternoon. 1061. This House is to be let or sold. This house is to be rented or sold.

1062. Not an instant is to be lost. Don't waste it in a second.

1063. And The Augurs Wee As Clever As Are Politicians, WHO Also Most Practise Dicination, IF EVER The name. The current politician is also the same as the ancient accountout, if they If you want to do a veritable thing, the ancient accountanta is also smart as modern politicians.

1064. He Was to Blame for Not Locking The Door. No lock door is his fault.

1065. Am I to indersataator That You HAVVE ENGAGED YOSELF TO THISYOG GENTLEMAN? Do you say that you have been married with this young man?

1066. The Prince of Wales Has Been Touring The Worldwide Dominions of Which, Some Day, He Is To Be The Crown Head. The Crown Prince of the King of the British Territory will be returned to the territory throughout the world.

1067.The Worst is stock to come. There is also the worst to come.

1068. CERTAIN SKILLS MUST Be Learned IF One Is To Use English Effectively. If you want to use English, some techniques must be learned.

1069. if it is to be done at all, do it Well. If you must do it, do it.

1070. to see is to believe. (This sentence is not the usage of the example above, it is a noun, which is not confused).

1071. I Have a knife to sharpen my pencil with. I have a small knife of a pencil. 1072. The Weather Has To Be Good; OtherWise, We'll Postpone It. Be sure to be good, otherwise, we will postpon.

1073. Do I have to go to bed now, Mother? Mom, will I go to sleep?

1074. Wake Them All Up, if You Have To, But Find That Paper! There is no way, I have to woke all them, and that file is to find out.

1075. My Doctor Says I Haven't to Eat MEAT, But I don't have to take Take His advice if i don't want to. Doctor says I can't eat meat, but if I don't want to listen to him, I will not Be sure to obey him.

1076. He Has to Get Through Work Before Eight. He must finish the work.

1077. Everything had to have his approval. Everything has to be approved by him.

1078. You don't have to decide this matter at onCE. You don't have to make it right away.

1079. I have to tell you something. I must tell you something.

1080. I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you.

Have Unscheduled words objects or Have object uncertainty, these two forms do not necessarily have different differences, mostly agree. Generally speaking, the Have object is "has" solution, and "HAVE is noticeable" must "solve.

1061. I hve to spend much Money. I have a lot of money.

1062. I have much Money to spend. I have a lot of money.

1063. He Has To Write a Composition. He is not a composition

He has a composition to do.

1065. I have three miles to walk. There are three miles to go. (Meaningful to walk, no car

1066. Who can complain about anyone outside of himself? ,

1067. I have only to blame myself. I only blame myself.

1068. AS A Matter of Fact, He's Having to Sell His House. In fact, he is now selling a house to not

1069. He Has Several Letters to Write. He has several letters to write.

1070. He Has Nothing to Eat. He didn't eat something.

Preven object from 动 词, English said "prevent a person from doing something", this form, "Hinder Him So That He Can't do it" can do "to prevent" or " Do ", what is wrong to do what people do.

1081. Illness prevented him from going there. He is not there because you are sick.

1082. This is Only to Prevent Him from going abroad. This hampes him. 1082. He Could NOT KEEP From The Use of Tobacco. He failed to stop smoking.

1083. What prevented UOU from COMING LAST night? Why didn't you come last night?

1084. Urgent Business Prevented Me from Calling on You. Because there is something to be able to visit.

1085. Bad Weather Prevented US from Starting. = We Could Not Start Because of Bad Weather. Because the weather is not good, it is not possible to be able to live.

1086. We must prevent the Trouble (from) spreading. We must prevent disputes from expanding.

1087. Please refrain from somking. Please avoid smoking

1088. Failure in the examniation shop NOT DETER You from Trying Again. This exam is in the exam, should not prevent you with the courage you try again.

1089. Tired As I Was Exhausted, IN FACT, I WAS prevented from sleeping by the pain in my kne. ​​I actually be exhausted, I didn't sleep because of my knee pain.

1090. if He 10 Only Keep From Bad Company, He Might Yet Do Well. As long as he doesn't pay a friend, he can still be good.

1091. Her LiPS WERE SET TOGETHER Almost As ethe WAS Pinching The Tight to Prevent WAS OR Sounds from Coming Out. Her lips do not let language or sound, almost seem completely closed as complete.

1092. A man Can Never Be Hindered from Thinking Whate HETINESS SO Long As He Conceals What He Thinks As long as he does not say what you think, how can he think of thinking about how to think, no one can stop his .

Persuade object INTO guest name DISSUADE object from 动 名. Its verb "persuade" is to persuade people to do something, and "dissuade" is advised not to do something, so advised success It is to do it (INTO DOING), or don't do it. After PERSUADE, it is often used to replace the nominal. However, after the word "dipuuade", only the DON matrix can be connected, and it cannot be received. In addition, "from" "from" "" from "" "from" is sometimes available for "Out of" or "Against"

1093. I Persuaded Him Into Doing So. I persuaded that he did this.

1094. I Dissuaded Him from doing so. I discourage him to do this.

1095. Theyi Dissuadeded People from (Against) going to japan. They advised people not to go to Japan.

1096. The Father Dissuaded His Som from Leaving School. The father advised him to drop out of school.

1097. He was persuaded Into doing it aginst his own wish. He was persuaded to do his discovery. 1098. The study. They advised her not to play.

1099. The Priests of The Old Religions Used to Persuade The People to Do All Hurt to The Christians. Ancient religious monks always persuaded people to harm Christians.

1100. I Could Not Persuade Her To (Into) My Way of Thinking. I can't convince him to follow my thoughts.

1111. They were delighted to learn of the arrival of our baby. (CAUSE) They heard that we were very happy to have children.

1112. HW Awoke to find himself famous. (Result) He woke up and found himself.

1113. I Little wish THEN THAT I LEFT IT, Never to Return. (Result) I didn't think that I left. I won't come back.

1114. Few Live to Be a hundred. (Result) Unintentional people who live to a hundred years old.

1115. It is discouranging to tell the truth only to find this we are not believed. (Result) We said the truth, but no one believes, it will not make people feel free.

1116. One Day Mr. Nelson Disappeared from Town, Never to Be Seeen Again. (Result) One day, Mr. Yu is invisible in the city, no one will see him in the future.

1117. HE Must Be a fool to say so. (Reason) said that he is so stupid.

1118. He Must Have Studied Hard To have surceded SO SPLENDIDLY. (Reason) He is so high, must be very useful.

1119. What a fool i Was to have Have Expected Him To Help Me! (Reasons) I hope that he will help me, how stupid.

1120. They must be crazy to let hASn't got a driver's lince. (Reason) He did not drive a license, they were confused to drive their car.

1101. I Have Convinced Her That She Needs a Holiday, But Cannot Persuade Her to Take One. I believe she believes she needs a holiday, but she can't persuade her.

1102. I Knew I shop study, but he personaded me to go to the movies. I know should be reading, but he advised me to watch the movie.

The sentences of uncertainty. Unscheduled words can be used in the sentence "purpose, reason, results, reason, conditions", etc .; Anything that is used for verbs that does not have an emotion, it means "purpose"; used to express feelings or automatic times The subsequent definite words refer to "reasons"; after an unsatisfactory verb, it means "result", and in the "ONLY" "Never", the unfair words will be more than such. 1103. I went to see him off. (Purpose) I will send him.

1104. I am Glad to see you. (Cause) I am so happy to see you.

1105. He Worked Only to Fail. (Result) He has finally failing.

1106. We eat to Live, (But do) Not live to eat. (Purpose) We are born, not for food.

1107. The Boy Rushed His Home Work Through and went Out to Play. The boy hurriedly put the job well, and played out.

1108. They area solding red feathers to raise Money for cripples. (Purpose) They are raising the fiscal funds for the disabled children.

1109. She was hurt to find this no one admired her performance. (Why) she found noble to appreciate her play is quite sad.

I can't help but cry.


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