Daily English collection of WHBTOMT (3)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

621. She is an an an an an an an an an an ANGEL OF A Wife. She is a fairy average wife.

622. She Gave a Party in baby-house of a dwelling. She opened a party in her baby's general size room!

623. The Child Is A Treasure of a Son is a baby son.

624. He Live in a Palace of a house. His house is like a palace.

625. Your Fool of a husband said so. This is your stupid husband.

626. She is an old blackguard of a woman. She is a vicious old woman.

627. It is important.

628. The Earth Is The Shape of a Pear. Earth is the shape of a pear.

629. I am Not a man of his means. I am not an asset home like him.

630. He is a man of your expect. He is an experienced person like you.

631. She Has No Children of Her owned. She didn't have a child.

632. The Moon Has No Light of Its Own. The moon itself does not illuminate.

633. It is a poem of his owmbs. This is the poem he wrote.

634. This Professional of My Own Choosing. This is my own choice.

He Dressed His Own Food. He cook himself.

636. She Married Him of Her Own Choice Against Her Parents' Will. She violates the people's will, marry the people who choose.

637. I had the fortune to success. I am lucky to succeed.

638. She Had The Cheek To Say Such A Thing. What she is so thick!

639. How can you have a carling little kittens? How can you so be solewhere to drown this cute kitten?

640. Will you have the goodness to do it for me? Help me busy?

641. My I Have The Pleasure of Dancing with you? Can I jump with you?

642. I Had The luck to find him at home. I am fortunate to find him at home.

643. He Had The Misfortune to Break His Leg. He unfortunately broke his leg.

He Had The Courage to Express His Opinion. He did not avoid his opinion.

645. I had the folly to spend all i eightned. I am stupid, spending my got.

646. He Had The Kindness to Show Me Round The Place. His kindly took me to see a circle.

647. He Lost That Picture Which He Had Got with Much Trouble. He took a lot of painting.

648. The root is this part of vegetable Which Least Impresses The Eye. The root is the most uncomfortable place in plants.

649. Those Rich Man Are Great Who Do Not Think Themxelves Great Because The isy. Don't think that they have money, they are great. 650. A Dog Will Become Attacked To Those Members of The Family Who Are Kind to Them. Who is good at home?

651. That Wretch Has Had The Audacity To Touch My Children's Doll. Is it a dog to be a toy to be a child?

652. It is one thing to know and another to teach. It is a thing you know, and you have to teach others to another.

653. He is as kind as his sister. He is like his sister.

He is as kind as honest. He is honest and harmonious.

655. HE is as kind as his sister is honest. His sister is honest and he is a kind.

656. His Behavior Is as Good As Ever. His behavior is the same as the past.

657. His Trust In His Friend Was Firm As Ever. His trust in your friend is still still.

658. It is as a place as plain can be.

659. You are as wrong as wrong can be. You have a big mistake.

660. Is He Dead? Yes, as dead as dead can be. Did he die? Yes, you can't die again.

AS SAD AS SAD CAN Beas Adjective AS Adjective CAN Be is an expression method. CaN BE sometimes also speaks May Be.

661. a Lot of this Boys.. These bones are mostly energetic.

662. I am as thirsty as thirsty can be whaling.

663. She is as happy as happy can be. She is very happy.

664. The Place is as sale as still can be there quietly, quiet, quiet.

665. "Thou'rt Wrong, My Friend" Said Good King Haul; "As Wrong As Wrong Can Be". "My friend, you are wrong" Halwood said, "Fair can't be wrong again"

666. The old folks name me welcome; The Father's fellows welcomes me, cordial.

667. Since I Have Been in Prison He Has Been COMING TALK to Me, And At Times He Would Talk to Me, And as Good To Me As Could Be. Since I entered the inspection, he often looks at me, sometimes talk to me. I can't get it.

"As ...., So ..." SO is here: in the Same Way is the same, the same. In order to strengthen the tone, you can add Just before AS.

668. As Rust Eats Iron, So Care Eats The Heart. Worried is hurt, like rust energy.

669. As you treat me, SO i will treat you. How do you treat you? 670. As the lion is king of beasts, so is the Eagle king of birds. The eagle is the king of the bird, just like the lion is the king of the beast.

Bed with your bed, until now i Have Been Doing Thorough Cleaning Till Now Very Since I Got Up

I have intended this afternoon to move two hours I have decided to do two hours excercise thisificoon.

Plan a word, the translation is too much. As long as it is "Things to do, you must do what you want to do", you can express this. It is common to use to be going to do the tool in the spoken language, and only WILL can also be used. Other words, such as: Decide, Plane, Think About, etc. can be used. But the word is too neutral, there is no high expression. It is used in the oral language, and the tone is relatively hard. So fewer use.

The word "movement", the difference between the meaning of the meaning, and also choose to use. Sport is a neutral word, Athletics and track and field, Calisthenics is related to body shape, which belongs to bodybuilding, and EXERCISE refers to activity activities, simple clutch or outdoor sports. With the ball, you have to use Play.

671. 671. As Fire Tries Gold, So Does Adversity Try Courage. As fire test, adversity

672. As human body is nourished by the food, so is a nation nourished by its industry. It is like the body to rely on food, the country also rely on industrial support.

673. Just As No Two Words Are Truly Synynyms, or Ways of Expression, Can Mean Exactly The Same Thing. There is no two ways to express the same one without two words. Matter.

"IT is in (or with) ... as in (or with)

This performance method is turned from "as ... so", meaning "is like", can be translated as, "it is good, just as". If the sentence:

674. It is in life as in a journey. Life is like travel.

In the example sentences, IT does not really refer to what is just a general usage. This sentence can also be said: Life Is Like a Journey.

675. IT is in studying as in eating; He Who Does it gets the benefits, and not he who sees it done. Reading and eating, the benefit is actually eating, rather than people watching.

676. It is with Woman as with flowers.

677. It is with a machine as with a child this must always be taken care of. Machine is also like a child, you have to take care of it.

678. It is in mind as in body which must be nourished by good food. Spirit and body must have good food nutrition.

679. It is with one as with the os with each other.

680. IT IS in Man As in Soils, WHERE Sometimes There is a vein of old which the Owner Knows not of. The situation is like the land, when is there a potential ability? I don't know, it is like the landlord sometimes I don't know. His land has a gold mine on the land. "As Much" "As Many" "Like So Many" commentary: AS MUCH has three mean: 1, indicating the same degree, the same amount; 2, indicate the same, same, can be transpincible 3, the same thing. AS MANY indicates the same quantity. Like So Many said it seems to have the same amount. It can be translated as "like ...

681. I though as much. I also think.

682. Those Five Days Seemed to Me As Many Years. In these days, I was as long as I was five years.

683. They Work Like So Many Ants. Those people are working like so many ants.

He was very respected, and his brother was very despised.

685. I Was Not At All vexed at my failure, for i had expected as much. I don't worry about failure, because I know that I will fail later.

686. I was not in The Least Surprised, for i had expected as much. I am not surprised at all, because I know that it will be like this.

687. I Found Ten Misprints in As Many Pages. I found 10 printed errors in 10 pages.

688. You Have Made Two Blunders in As Many Minutes. I made two big mistakes in two minutes.

689. IT WAS A Truly Sight, Watching The Numberless Little Wooden House Catching Fire ONE ANODEN HOUSE CATCHING Fire One After ANOTHER, AND FLAMING UP LIKE SO MATION MATCH-BOXES. That is a terrible scene, looking at countless cabins, one after another is burning Just like the same matches.

690. The Wall Was About Fifteen Feet High, And As Many Feet Thick. This wall has 15 feet high, also 15-scale.

691. It is as good as done. This is the same.

692. It is Broad as well as long. That is long and wide.

693. HE WAS As Good As His Word. Have a message.

694. HE is as good as dead already. He and the same as it is.

695. I have understanding as well as you. My understanding is as good as you.

696. Work in Modression IS Health To Human Constitution. Moderate labor gives your body pleasure and benefits.

697. He Has Experience As Well as Knowledge. He has learned and experienced.

698. AS Well Be Hanged for a Sheep As for a lamb. It is worse than stealing the laugh, it is better to steal the sheep.

699. This is the case with manufacturing asset. This is an example of beneficial to the industry and is also good for agriculture. 700. The Merchant As Good As promise the orphan boy, That He Would Adopt Him. The businessman agreed to the orphan to collect him for the child.

"As good as" "as well as" "as good as" is two meaning: 1, the same, equal to 2, in fact, in fact, in each point. "AS Well AS" has 4 mean: 1, equal to, the same; 2, with ... and ... 3, both ..., 4, with it ... The fourth usage is small.

690 ~ 700

AS IS, AS IS, Sentence

Commentary: AS IT IS is used after a hypothetical tone, indicating "actually", the same meaningful expression, as Matter of Fact, As Matters Stand, As The Case Stands, AS Things Go, etc.

The AS IT IS of the sentence means "keeping the original look", when the previous mentioned item is a plural, change to As the isy.

711. if I were rich, i shop do so. As it is, i do nothing. If I have money, I will do this. But it is too poor, I can't do anything.

712. The Painter Does Not Copy Nature As It Is. The painter depicts nature, not completely realistic.

713. IWERE A College Graduate, I Would Go. AS IT IS, I Cannot Go. If I am a college graduate, I will go. In fact, I can't go.

714. As Matters Stand, I do not like to make the plan public. In the current situation, I can't disclose the plan.

715. As The Case Stands, I don't care to make public the real my visit. Currently, I don't want to open my reasons for my visit.

716. AS Things Go, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE A Forecast of The Development of The Peace Talk. On the current situation, the development of peace talks is unpredictable.

717. I take the world as it is. The world is like this, people don't expect it to become better.

718. Leave it as it is. Let it be like it, don't move it.

719. You Had Better Take Things as They is. You'd better accept the status quo of things.

720. if Hene Not Ill, He Would Go To See the Play. AS IT IS, He Hasto Stay At Home. If he is not sick, he is going to watch. In fact, he had to stay at home.

721. If I Had Been Rich, I would have bought it. As it was, i missed the chance of getting it. I have to buy it early, but in fact, I lost the opportunity to get that.

722. We Hoped Things Would Go Better, But as it is the the is the is the. We originally desired that the situation can improve, but it is actually worse.

723. Please Leave the Apple-Box as it is. Please put the apple box as it is. 724. HE FINDS FAULT WITH SOCIETY AS ITHOUT HAVING ANYTHING BETTER TO SUGGGEST ITS PLACE. He did not propose an alternative good policy, just a refractory of reality.

725. HE TOOK The Bundle Just As It Was To The Police-station. He sent the parcel to the police station.

726. I. OFTEN WISH I Could Read. As it is, i Have Nothing to do but to do but it. I really hope that I can read it. I don't know like this, in addition to thinking, I can't do anything.

727. There is no alleviation for the suffering of action and the resolution facing of the world as it is. Human pain will not alleviate unless we have real ideological behavior, and determined by firmness Go face the world of reality.

728. i Should Have Followed Him Through the open window if i had been stronger. As it was, i rang the Bell and Roused the house. I have already followed him from the window. In fact, I just call the whole family by pressing the bell.

729. Hidden as it was by the trees, The Tomb Was Difficult To Find. Deficing in the woods, the grave is hard to find.

730. Standing As It Does on a High Hill, The Church Commands A Fine View. It is based on the mountain, and the lookout of the church is very good.

"Past word" as it is "now word" AS it Does

This structure is actually the actually deformed in AS IT IS. It can be translated as "just as ... the same"

731. Written as it is in good english, this book is recommendable to all. It is actually written in good English, so this book can recommend it to you.

732. Because the burden is too heavy, he can't go very quickly.

733. Living as we do in a remote Village, We Rare Have Visitors. Because they live in the village away from the city, our guests are rare.

734. Bathing as He Did Several Times A Day, He Could Not get his Hair to stay Down. Because of the swimming a few times, his hair will not be smooth.

735. Published As IT WAS at Such A Time, His Work Attracted Much Attention. It is rare to publish this period, and his book has caused great attention.

736. This movement, Arising As It Does Among The Poor Themselves, IS Likey to Have More Force Than IT Was from Upper Class. Because this movement occurs between the poor, it is likely to be more powerful than from the top society. .

737. COMING AS IT DID AT A PERIOD OF EXCETIONAL DULLNESS It Attracted Perhaps Rather More Attention Than It DeServed. Because this happens in special dosing, it is more attractive than that should be more attracted. "Noun as subject verb"

738. Child as She Was, She Was More Thani Match for Him. Although she is a child, it is better than his opponent.

739. Strange as it may self, it is true. It sounds a bit strange, but it is true.

740. Try as you may, you will never succeed. You can try it, but you are hard to succeed.

741. Young as He is, IT IS But Natural That He Should Commit Such a mistake. He is a matter of course because of young and doing such a mistake.

742. Woman As She is, She was Brave. She is very brave at that time.

743. Poor Piper As I Am, I Won't do anything below contempt. Although it is abused, do not do despicable things.

744. Teacher As He is, He Explains It Very Clearly. Because he is a teacher, it is very clear.

745. STRUGGLE As We May, We can Never Be Completely Satisfied. Only we struggle, we will never be satisfied.

The sentence "May Well verb" "And Well Professional May" May Well: "It is also reasonable"; and Well subject may, that is also.

746. He May Well Be Proud of His Success. His success is proud.

747. He is proud of his success, And Well He May is proud of his achievements and it should be.

748. We cannot Very Well Refuse Him. We have no good reason to reject him.

749. She May Well Be Proud of Her Son is proud of his son.

750. You May Well Say So. You can say this.

751. Well He Might Be Proud and Glad. He is also proud and happy too.

752. You May Well REFUSE HIM. You refuse him is right

753. HE WAS PROUD OF His Feat, And Well He Might. He is proud of his merits.

754. AS Regards ITS Climate, Japan Does Not Differ Material from Britain, And in this, The Country May Well Be Called "The Britain of The Pacific". Japan is inherently unlike the UK in nature, so at this point It is very reasonable to say that Japan is the UK on the Pacific.

755. The Good Lady Was in Delight. And Well Might She Proud of Her Boy. This kind of woman is very happy. She is also advocated with her own son.

756. During this Period i Met Persons Who by Their Rank, Fame or Position Might Very Well Have Thought Themselves Destined to Become Historical Figures. I met some people, with their identity, status, reputation, is very likely to be It is a famous figure in history. "May As Well ..." "Might As Well ... AS"

757. You May As Well Call a cat A Tiger AS Call A Tiger A Big Cat. You call the tiger to be a big cat, and it also likes to call the cat.

758. You Might As Well Throw your Money Away as spend it in Gambling. You have to spend money on gambling.

759. One May As Well Not Know A Thing At All as Know It Perfectly. It's better to know it less than knowing it.

760. You May As Well Begin Atce. You should start early. About "May As Well ... AS" "Might As Well ... AS" commentary: Two are used for the present, there is no distinction, but the former refers to "possible things", the latter is "impossible Thing. Therefore, the former expresss "reasonable", "reasonable" meaning, more advance, is "still ... good", seeing sessage 758, throw your mother away is a stupid thing, and spend it in Gambling is also foolish. Indicates that the extent of two things is quite. Since the role is to strengthen the negation, it is similar to how to "with this, it is better than that," has a Had Better, Rather ... Than et al. It will be encountered later. Again

761. You Might As Well Throw your Money Into The See as lend it to him. You borrow money to him is better than throwing it into the sea.

762. I Might As Well Act It as Say IT. I am equal to that.

763. I Think We May As Well Set Out ON Our Travel. I think we are best to travel.

764. You Might As Well ERECT A HOUSE WITHOUT BRICKS AND MORTAR AS Try to get on in Life with out education. It is like a tens of thousands, just like there is no brick and stucco to build a house.

765. You May Just As Well Tell Me Truth. You tell me what I am taking me.

766. You Might As Well Advice Me To Give Up My Fortune as my argument You told me to give up the discussion, it is better to give up the property.

767. Friendship Is a Vase, Which, IT IT IS CRACKED BY AT OnCE. Friendly seems to be in a variety of bottles, as long as there is a crack, it is easy to break.

768. You Might As Well Except the sun to rise in the West as except me to change my opinion. I want to change my idea? It is best to wait for the sun.

769. When this lady saw that the magazine was not going to rise, she became a little disgusted with the editor and decide that she might as well get what there was to get while there was still something available. When this woman saw the The magazine did not increase sales, and she had a little hate that editing. Determined to take advantage of what can be used, it is best to get all the things that you can come. (Take a look at this sentence). 770. You Might As Well Let Me Broke My Computer As Leave Msdn. (This sentence is not written).

"SO That ... May" "Lest ... .should" These two expressions are the purpose of expression. "Lest ... Should" usage is older, and there is a negative meaning. Now use "for fear what" instead, or IN Case ... Should express it, but in modern speaking, it is often used to save the Should, only verb prototypes. Such as: Take Care Lest You Fall, don't fall. "That ... .may" also has an ancient taste, "in Order That ... May" is the current expression method. SO as not to ... is also very common.

771. WE whispered lest He Should He. I am afraid that he heard so saying.

772. Man Does Not Live That He May Eat, But Eats That He May Live. People are not eating, and they are eaten. (There are also this statement in front, please compare)

773. He Spends That He May Succeed, and succeeds That He May Spend. He consumed success and successfully made consumption.

774. The Door, Lest The Prisoner Should Find Means of Escape. They sent a guard to guard the door, so as not to escape.

775. He Tried to Shout So That He Might Be Heard All Along The Street. He shouted, he expects someone who can hear him along the street.

776. Kindly Sign IT and Return to Me, SO i can put through a voucher for the $ 1000 we agree on. Please sign it back to me so that the 1000 yuan agreed by our parties will complete the guarantee procedures.

777. I Ran fast so thing i may catch the train. It is to catch up with the train.

778. I Ran fast lest i shop miss the train. I will run away from the train.

779. Science Consists in Grouping Facts So That General Laws or Conclusionions May Be Drawn from Them. Scientific purposes are collected in order to lead to general rules and conclusions.

780. When the schoolboys Find A Nest, They Are Very Careful Not to Disturb It Lest The Mother Bird Should Be Frightened and Desert It. Students are extremely careful, they are very careful, and they are afraid of mother birds. Wash it.

"Cannot Help Maxet" "Cannot But ... original" Help in Cannot Help ... "avoid", "Avoid", "Resist", "Forbear", etc., "Avoid", "Resist", "forbear", etc. "Cannot Keep (Refrain, Abstain) from -ing". The expression method of Cannot But, it sounds a bit "classical Chinese" taste. The but = Except is intended to be: In addition to the thing, what can not be done. 781. I Cannot Help Admiring His Courage.

782. I canNot But Admire His Courage. I have been admired for his courage. (Two sentences).

783. I cannot Help Thinking He is Wrong. I can't help but think that he is wrong.

784. I Cannot But Feel Thankful That It formed Such A Material Part of My Education. I can't help but gratitude, it has formed an important part of my education.

785. I Cannot Help Forming Some Opinion of a man's Character from His Dress. I have to wear a person's personality from one person.

786. We cannot But Believe In The Youth Who is always trying to improve himself. It is often struggling to change your own youth. I have to trust.

787. I cannot But Laugh on Seeking Such A Funny Sight. Seeing the funny scenery, I can't help but laugh.

788. The Little Child Was So Beautiful, Kind, And Good, That No One Who Saw Her Could Help Loving Her. That child is very beautiful, kind, and kind, so I didn't see her not to love her.

789. i cannot help Wondering About The child. About the child, I can't help but feel strange.

790. She Could Not Help Sympathizing With Every Little Helpless Thing; Her Heart Was Always Touch by a bird. She can't help but have sympathy for those weak things, encounter injured birds or The beast is always a pain.

Have object (object) past word

This is a very common structure. In this structure, there are three meanings, 1) will, 2) expression of the principal is independent of the subject; 3) Maintain a passive state.

In the 791 sentence, the will of the subject is expressed, that is, the repair style is that I want to repair it. It is a trick, and the fortune is not me, it is what I let others do. So is not the will, passive.

791. I had my watch mended. I find someone to repair my table.

In the 792 sentence, it is a thing I don't want to do.

792. I had my watch broken. I broke my form.

What is expressed in the 793 sentence is another.

793. We have Our Enemy Almost Surrounded. We have almost surrounded by enemies.

Other examples are:

794. I Had my hat blown off My hat is blown by the wind.

795. I Had my foot Severely Trodden Upon in The bus. I was repeatedly stepped on the foot on the bus. 796. He Had His Left Hand Cut Off. He was cut to the left hand.

797. She Her Head turned. She is crazy.

798. We share has ur rights traxled under foot. Our rights will be people's happening.

799. I will have a new suit name. I want to make a new set.

800. I will have my photograph taken. I have to take pictures.

801. No family is too poor to have the table cover covered with a clenate tablecloth in the table, no family

802. He Had His Right Leg Pierced by a shot. His right back to the bullet

803. Old ladies in The State Will Have New Novels Read to Them. The old lady in the United States likes to read the newly published novels.

804. He Has His Leg Pulled. He is fooled by people

805. Falling from His Bicycle, He Had His arm sprained. He fell from the bike to drop his arm.

806. SO i went first to have my wounds dressed. So I first put the wound.

807. You Must Have this Fact Impressed Upon Your Mind. You must remember this.

808. He Had a Ticket Given Him. Someone gave him a ticket.

809. I had my right leg hurt in the account. I hurt right back in a car accident.

810. After paying his bill and Buying His Railway Ticket, He Had Only Fifty Cents Left. Fu Qingdu also bought a train ticket, he only left five fur

Have object (person) verb prototype This structure has two explanations: Anything that happens in the subject's unconsciousness, it is used as passive; if the subject is meaningful, it is to make the meaning. When is passive, when is it, it is necessary to see before and after. However, sometimes it can be seen from the assistance.

811. Did He Have His Hair Cut YesterDay? Have he went yesterday?

812. I have my revolver loaded. I put the pistol on the bullet.

813. Sadie Had Her Hand Clapped to Her Cheek As Though She Had Toothache. Saudi seems to have a toothache, tapping her cheek.

814. THIS ERROR WATIA We Already Had Japan Beaten. When we have already defeated Japan, it seems that the mistake is particularly significant.

815. Some Achieve Greatness, And Some Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them. Some people are born to be great, some people complete the great cause independently, and some people are being greatly added to their body. .

816. WE NEED TO HAVE OUR LIBERTIES TAKON AWAY From US in Order To Discover That They area Worth Dying For. We must be a desired thing. We first have the necessary necessary for deprived freedom. 817. I invite him to repair my table.

818. He Had His Mother Die. His mother died.

819. I don't like to have you go. I don't want you to go.

820. HE Likes to have peole com.

821. I Will Have Many People Come. I want to call many people. (Intentional)

822. I Shall Have Many People Come. There will be many people. (Unintentional)

823. I Will Have Someone Come and Keep Me Company. I hope someone will come for me.

824. I Wouldn't Have You do That. I don't want you to do that.

825. I Should Like to Her Meet you. I hope she can see you.

826. I Had The House Before Your arrival.

827. My Wife Would Have Me Buy That Television Set. My wife just wants me to buy the TV.

828. I don't line to have.com I don't like others to do so.

829. If you will have me stay, i shavertay. I want to stay me, I will leave.

830. What Would you have me do? What is the command?

831. The Students Are Afraid of Having Him Become Principle. Students break through him as the principal.

832. Those Little Animals Seem Glad to have people. These little animals like someone to see them.

"Have object adverb (place, direction)"

This statement is also made in principle, but when translated into Chinese, choose a good sentence, not necessarily translating the meaning of the emotion. However, it should be noted that this statement is encountered in Chinese, will it be translated into English?

833. Let's have him here. If he is here.

834. He Had His Tooth Out. He dialed a teeth.

835. We'll Have The Big Table Here. We have to put the big table here.

836. Let me have mr. Wang here. I will call Mr. Wang.

837. I had him there. At that point, I defeated him.

838. HE WAS HAD UP for Exceeding The Speed ​​Limit. He is prosecuted by the speed of driving.

839. WE Shall Be Having The Decorators in Next Month. I would like to make the decorate to renovate the house for me next month.

840. He Won't Stand for It. He'll Have You Out on Tuesday, So That You May As Well Make Up for your mind to it. The one made him can't stand. He intends to take you out on Tuesday, so you still have a good time.

Have object present word

There are two meanings of this structure: 1, expressed license, can be translated into "let"; 2, indicating that the enable 841. I can't Have Him doing That. I can't let him do.

842. I Have a car waiting for me. I have a car waiting.

843. I have a lot of visitors coming. I have a lot of guests.

844. I Won't have you going out. You don't always go out.

845. I had it coming. This is of course compensation.

846. I Won't have smoke at your age. I don't want you to smoke like this. (In the original text)

847. We Told Him We Had Relatives COMING. We told him that we have some relatives.

848. I see That Woman Downstairs Has A Couple of Sailors Sitting There. I Wonder How She's Gotten Acquainted with Them. I saw the woman downstairs actually got two sailors sitting there, I don't know how she knows them.

849. It is me to help, you doing nothing. Don't do anything, I am very big.

850. I Will Not Have You Talking Indecently Before The Children. I don't want to hear you say something in front of the children.

Find Oneseelf in Find Oneseelf has three mean: 1, living, dynamic. 2, conscious, self-knowledge, discover your ability. 3, unexpected, accidental

851. After Half An Hour i Found Myself in Front of The House. After I was, I found it being in front of the building.

852. How Did you find your self this morning? Is your body this morning?

853. HE Works for One Hundred Dollars A Month and Find Himself. He is 100 yuan per month, enough to self.

854. After Trying Various Jobs He Found Himself and Became A Successful Report. After changing the profession, he found his ability and became a successful reporter.

855. I found myself in a church. I found it into the church.

856. I found myself in his company. Note that he accompanied me.

857. She returned to england and found hersel famous. She returned to the UK and found that she has become famous.

858. She Found Herself a Mother at Fifteen. She did a mother after 15 years old.

859. When He Awoke, He Found Himself in a jail. He woke up and found that he had entered the prison.

860. He Found Himself at last. He finally discovered his own day.

Find in "

In addition to IN, in addition, in addition to IN, you may also use the clause of the THAT. Due to experience, "finding, thinking, knowing, recognition, identifying, and experiencing".

861. I found a friends in him. People found that he is a real friend.

862. I found that work pays. I think this is a cost amount.

863. We found That The Report Was False. We ask that it is a false report. 864. I awake to find it a dream. Wake up to know the dream.

865. I found a friend in a support, I was originally an enemy found a friend.

866. Columbus Found A Warm Support in Queen. Columbus got the enthusiasm of the Queen.

867. i Found An Enthusiastic Coadjutor in The Person of a young fellow named Wang Ming. I got a enthusiastic youth assistant called Wang Ming.

868. We found Victory in Defeat. We recognize that failure is victory.

869. WE Lost A Great Scholar in Dr Hu Shi. Hu Shi's death loses a great scholar.

870. We found Brothers in Thieves and Murderers. Thief and murder committed a class.

Depend On the two usage

Depend On, with the differences in the subject, people-oriented, dependence, dependence; use things as the subject, it is according to ...

871. He Depends on his pen for his Living. He relies on writing to live.

872. Success Depends on Perseverance. Success is constant.

873. HE is not to be dependedned Upon. Others are unreliable.

873. We depend on the newspaper for daily news. We know the message by reading the newspaper.

874. I Shall Have to depend on you to do it. I only have to do this.

875. He No longer Depends on his father. He has long been unrelated.

876. His departure depends on the weather. When he stopped to see the weather.

877. The Effect Depends on The Cause.

878. Everything Depends on The Amount of Money Given. Everything is set to the size of money.

879. The Sale Depends on The Quality. The sales depends on the quality.

880. Victory Does Not Always Depend on NumBers. "Know ... from" is more commonly used in tell ... .from. In order to expire. Translation is "distinguishing, distinguishes".

881. He Does Not know An adjective from adverb. His adjective and adverb are unclear.

882. I do not know the one from the other. I failed to identify the differences between the two.

883. I cannot Tell the one from the other. I can't distinguish between each other.

884. Is IT Possible to Tell A Good Book from a bad one? Is it possible to discriminate the quality of a book?

885. How do you know an englishman from an American? How do you disconnect British and Americans?

886. I Can Tell a crocodile from an alligator. I can separate the crocodile and the American crocodile.

"Had Better original shape" "Would Rather original shape"

The first sentence has the meaning of advice, translation as: it is best, sometimes it can be said to be HAD BEST. The second sentence has the meaning of choice, translated as Ningken, both are not blended, if you add Than, this means more obvious. 887. You Had Better Go at Once. You'd better go right away.

888. I Would Rather Go at Once. I would rather go right away.

889. I'd Best Go and Settle The Score. I'd better get the debt.

890. I Would Rather Be a doorkeeper in The House of Wickeedness. I am not as good as the guardian of the sin.

When HAD Better is used for the second person, there is a tone with commands. Meaning: Have a duty to do, or Have an obligation to do. Say you had do what you are told or else you will succented in the meaning of you. So, don't say you had better to the elders. Don't say that people who are not familiar with. Instead of saying: You Had Better Take A Bus. It is better to say: I WERE you, I will take a bus. Please taste.

891. When He proposed to fly across the atlantic, i said "you had better not try" When he is planning to fly through the Atlantic Ocean, I said: You should not try it.

892. We Had Better NOT Remain Here Any Longer. We'd better go quickly.

893. I Would Rather Die Than Live on in dishonour. Ning is jade, not awkward.

894. I Would Rather Be a Poor Man in a Garret with Plenty Of Love Reading. I am not as good as a king who doesn't love reading. It is better to be a poor who lived in the roof building but there are many books. .

895. He Said He Would Rather Have Lost Both His Legs Than Have Seen Dishonour Brought Upon The English Nation. He has suffered a shame in its own thanks to the British nation, and rather lose your legs.

896. You Had Better NOT WORK AFTER You Have Tired Yourself. Don't use it after fatigue.

897. You Had Better Go Back-The Risk is Great. You'd better go back, the danger is too big.

898. I really don't think I had better. I think I best don't go.

899. You Had Better Make Hotel RESERVATIONS Before You Leave Here. Before you leave here, it is best to set the room in the hotel.

900. You Had Better Wear a Blue Necktie with this Suit. Put on this suit, it is best to make blue tie.

"Make ... of" make ... of ... The original intent is to make the material, transliterate to: make it ... It is often used in the following words, but it is only different. It is found that the use of the raw material is processed by the raw material, and the finished product 901. I will make Make A Scientist of My Son. I want to cultivate my son into scientists.

902. She 's make a hero of her husband. She regards her husband as a hero.

903. Don't make a fool of him. Don't tease him.

904. HE Made an ass of himself. He made a stupid look.

905. I don't want Make a cat's Paw of him. I don't want to take him as a beggar.

She has conquered him on love.

907. Nothing More Makes a Coward of a man Than the be in the WRONG. It is better than doing something wrong.

908. A Sea Life May Be the Very Required To make a strong man of him. The life of the sea may make him a strong thing necessary.

909. Men WHO Have Done Great Things, Made Stepping Stones of Their Failure. It is necessary to make the failure as a ladder.

910. A Well-to-Do Farmer in China Cannot Make Up His Mind To make a farmer of his Son. A rich Chinese farmer is able to decide to make their son as farmer.

"Make One's Way"

911. He 'LL Have No Difficulty in Making His Way in The World. It is not difficult to get out.

912. IT Rapidly Made Its Way Into Universal Favour. That quickly got the hobby of the world.

913. He Has Yet His Way to make in the world. He has not achieved

914. Great Men Are Those Who Cut Their Way To Success Through Difficulties. The great man is hard to achieve success.

915. A Young Man Must Find His Own Way in The World WITHOUT PROPS AND SAFEGUARDS .. Young people must play the world without support and protection.

916. I had some difficulty in finding my way back. I have a very much to find the way home.

917. He Forced His Way from a humble origin to an exlevant position. He has a high level

918. With no further formal education, He Had worked His Way to a major position. He has not received more formal education, and it also has an important position.

919. He Worked His Way Through College Asia. He half-worked, one side of the waiter, read university.

920. The Young Man Will Make His Way, for He is Industrious and economical. It will succeed in diligence and thrift.

921. He is determined to make his wa ye. He is determined to succeed.

922. Snails Are Making Their Way As An Article of Food. Snails gradually become food. 923. The Word Is A Provincialism, But Has Made Its Way Into Standard Speech. This word is originally dialect, and later become a standard language.

924. The Carp Always Make Its Way Up A Waterfall. Squid jumped.

925. Be Active! That's The Way to make your way! That is where you are out of the place.

926. So long As you are a useful, faithful, and truthful man, you can scarcely Hope your way, you can't want to succeed in this world.

927. He Has Made His Way to Presidency Step by Step. He walked to the president by step by step.

928. There IS scarcely a Great Truth But Has Had to Fight Its Way TP Public Recognition in The Face Opposition. In the face of the acknowledgment of the society, the great truth without struggle is very small.

929. The Offector Has Made His Way THROUGH DIFFICULTIES. This is a human experience, and it is finally the upper person.

930. The Chick Breaks Its Way Out INTO The World. Chicken broke out.

"Rob ... of" 931. He Robbed Me of My Watch. He grabbed my money.

This is a special usage in English. It is clear that it is money, but it is necessary to speak people first, then say. The meaning of the flanity is separated. Such verbs include: Rob, Deprive, Deliver, Divest, Break, Relieve, Clear, Inform, Bereave, Cure, Strip, RID, etc. Steal meaning is similar to ROB, but with different uses, use from. Other useful with supplies, Supply Him with Money, Furn In INETH WITH, FURNION One with information, furnides One with an interview, trust one with a second., Etc..

932. He Does Not Care Whom He Deprives of Enjoyment, So That He Can Obtain It. He only asked himself to enjoy it, regardless of wherever

933. I don't want to rob him of his inalienable rights. I don't want to capture his natural rights.

He cleared the pirate. (I have appeared before)

935. I have learned enough to cure me of my old fancies. I have enough enough to cure my fantasy.

936. I Shall Never Be Able Entirely to Divest Myself of this feeling. I will never give up these feelings.

937. He Could NOT RID HIMSELF OF The Painful Memories. He won't forget the pain of the past.

938. He Was Determined to Break Himself of the Bad Habit of Lying in bed Late of a Morning. He is determined to go to the early sleeping. 939. Thieves Stripped The House of Everything Valuable. The little sneak has went to his family's money.

940. Death Bereft Him of His Son. He has blind pain. Take the goods you are doing goods, what is the relationship?


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