Daily English collection of WHBTOMT (half-way home) (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

This tutorial is like this, 1, Chinese translation of English; 2, English translation; 3, easy to translate the wrong meaning; 4. Text exercise. It is completed before and after.

I want to do while thinking ... The language between the two countries is to translate. The select word is just a means of better expression. One means a variety of expressions, the same, a sentence translation, and a variety of translations. Just, which one is better. Excerpts have a few sentences, I am afraid that I will "know it, I don't know it", so I think, I will make appropriate explanations in the future. If you can give an array of three, it is the purpose. The way also wants to change. Give the exercise first, and then explain it again (of course, it is a copy of the book), give the answer. If you have a heart, you may wish to make brain, write a pen, and then contact Mr. Qian Chuan's answer. Time is long, there must be improved. If you feel better, please post it, in order to make progress (don't dare to live in your own, you are also learning). It is "Practice Don't be afraid."

The language in the grammar is not more than the following: the main, the ",", the guest, the replenishment, the fixed, the shape. The combination of these Chinese languages ​​constitutes a sentence pattern of English. The key is in power. The verbs are well, and the English is 90%. The remaining is the accumulation of words and phrases. But you have to use it, you really have some effort. The evolution of sentence patterns, mainly has the following types. First, the subject predicate (table). The dog is barking. Dog is calling. (Main )

Learning English is a process of changeing from an amount into a qualitative change. When I learned English, I broke through the quantity of words and expression methods. The practice is: for yourself, for yourself, such as 5000, find a textbook that you like, indicate the words you don't know in the process of learning and reading, transcribed to special words, and write the ID number And indicate the source, such as "The following words from 1 to XXXX from XXX textbook (or novels, information)", and then write the ID number when the dictionary finds this word. When you touch this word next time, you will be imaged. I used to fight this year for a year. After being completely completed, the prosperous discovery, reading English, is actually more simple. And even if it is two or three years, the memory of these words has not disappeared. Since the wordbook record method has special format, the principle of memory curve is used, the sample is a bit difficult, so doing the Leave Me An E_MAIL Address in the Word document.

Learn English, there are three phases: 1.. As a measure of the measured standard, it should be 1500 or less. The main content of this section is to die hard. It is possible that even words are renewed by letters. For example, the word under the Countryside has been recorded as C, O, U, N, T, R, Y, S, I, D, E, mathematical Mathematics) M, A, T, H, E, M, A, T, I, C, S. Of course, this stage to be completed, 1, learn to pronunciation rules, understand the relationship between words spelling and pronunciation; 2, 16 forms of verb timelines; . There is an initial look for the mastery of English. Time should be around 8 months, two hours a day, two hours, thundered! Second, the rules stage. The amount of words should be around 3000. The main task of this phase is, 1, read about 12,000 single-quantities of reading; 2. Further study English grammar, focus on the lexic, non-desirable graphics, and compound sentences; Physical symbols, the correct rate is over 90%. 4, develop a habit of intensive reading and extensive reading; time is around 6 months. Third, the return stage, the number of words in this stage is over 5,000. The specific approach is to go to the grounds, chaos, and write. As Zhang Sanfeng teaches Zhang Wuji, there is no such thing as a trick, it is repeated, full by the heart. Moreover, it is time to practice, and it can also use the rules of learning language. You said, the written English is the standard, completely reached the level 4 level. This stage is slightly longer, and it takes about a year. Rules of learning language: First, the words can be expressed without the phrase; can use the phrase expression without the sentence; the expression can be expressed without the compluence. Second, don't say that there is no sound; don't use sentence patterns and words that have not been seen. Because some words have special significance, they are used in different occasions, they are used to feel weird.

How to practice listening? When I first learn English, there is no hearing material. Only the record recording "Ling Guanfeng" English. A good suggestion is put forward in the study proposal of supporting materials. It seems that it is very referenced today. 1. Look for a set of listening textbooks you like. (Currently, the slow English in the United States). 2, one sentence imitating the sound heard, like learning singing, learning the hearing of the tone, must learn "味" full. Even if you are swearing, you must learn like a model. 3, the amount of learning is set to around 10,000 words, namely 50 pieces of 200 or so. After completing this amount, look back and check your achievements. Specific steps: 1, understand what you want to practice. 2, the control material looked at it. 3, say followed by the recording. 4, carefully identify the small place of recording, such as even reading, lose blasting, etc., and strengthen this practice. Like music, you can use music to do auxiliary exercise. Such as listening to the secondary non-monocho, or a musical instrument in the music, and so on. 5, or listen, this time you have to put the material aside, link the sound and the actual content of the actual meaning. 6, recite the material fluently. 7, often take the content you have learned and listen, and you will know the new. Ok, in your brain has already stored a lot of no longer strange sounds, these voices are familiar and meaningful. Once you have a suitable occasion, they will naturally come out from your mouth.

Sitting is often thinking about it, chatting is not! Because I can't do it, I want to remember! Often think of the foolish mistakes I made when alone.Will never make comment on the others while keep chating on.But the faults burst out before I know, That's why I often impose myself on the decition and so. 1, places the birds pool Tree, hit the moon home. Birds dwell in a tree by a monk knocks at the door under the moon.2, the moon is empty the moon shines brightly.

3, cool breeze day at the end of A Cool Breeze Sprang Up in the sky.

4, she gradually entered the honesty. She is groing.

5, Frost Leaves Red in February Flower The Frosted Maple Leaves Have Turned Red, Much Redder Than The Flowers in Spring.

6, Tree strikes Tall Tall Catch Much Wind.

7. They do not maliciously do the meant US no harm.

8. Singing old to think of you makess me.

9, do not do things that do not compensate. Do Not Pay Too dear for your wrote.

10. What are you doing this? What have you come here for?

11, I want to take the test, so I am desperate. I Studied with might and main not to five in the example.

12. Veneous is IT PAYS to Be Polite for people.

13. Wang Jun has never been able to study Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mr. Wang Will Shortly Go Abroad to Study Mathematics.

14. Perfect thinking belongs to a sound personality A Sound Thought dwells in a Sound Personality.

15. We are not born for food, but for the students, we do not a live in Order to Eat, But Eat in Order to Live.

16. If the legacy is left, it will be left. Stay if the work fils well, or you go away.

17. Don't speak our words. Don't Falter When You Speak.

18, the work did not bid the THE WORK DOES NOT PAY.

19. Diligence is not poor. ................... ..

20. Xia Joe is inquiry. He Descends from the Lofty Tree and Goes Into The Dark Vally.

21. Dongfeng thaw the snow melts away in Spring.

22, no grandmother, no to today; grandmother has no minister, no year; the grandparents are two people, depending on the life. I Could NOTHAVE LIVED TILL TODAY WITHOUT MY Grandmother, and She Would Not Survive In Her Latemother and I Rely On Each Other So as To EXSTS in The World.

23, this rose is very fragrant. The Rose Smells Sweet.

24, he looked like it at the time. HE LOOKED Reflective for a few moment.

25, he seems to be inextricably he seemed no ordinary mendicant.

26, like all shame, he is sometimes arrogant. Like All Shy Men He Sometimes Appeared Arrogant.

27, he did not marry until the age of forty. He Remained Unmarried Till Forty Years Old.

28. He is born as a saint, and the death is a martyrs he Lived A Saint, and the And Died a martyr.

29, I respect him very much. He Stands in My Estimation.

30, listen to what she logged and pale, straight to the lips. On Hearing That, Her Face Went White to the lips.

31, Bird Mountaineering IT Seem to Be More Lonesome in The Mountains When Birds Are Singing.

32, he appears young He Appears to be Young.

33, that will eventually succeed. IT Will Prove To Be Successful

34. If you continue to be lazy, you will always regret the if you continue to be idle, you will be sorry for it some day.

35, we are not cautious when we choose friends. We Must Be Very Careful When Picking Up Our Companies.

36, American good activities and independent spirit. The Americans Are Found of Activity and Rich In The SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE.

37, she feels a bit awkward, I don't know how it is good. She felt a little awkward and wuit at a loss to know what to do.

38. Good medicine, good medicine, good medicines, but is good for a disese.

39, this approach does not necessarily be effective forever. This rule does not always hold good.

40. It is often unknown. True Worth offen goes unrecognized.

41, the world is still allowed to prove the IT Remains to Be Prove.

42, he is still unhappy, there is no sound. He Continued Sullen, WITHOUT SPEAKING A WORD.

43, she sat up for a few minutes. She Sat Thoughtful for a few minutes.

44. The Chinese attitude is an argument to the Western behavior. The chinese attitude is a real...............

45. In the world, the most end of the most far away, how many centuries, actually do not know each other's saving the region lying at the furthest extremes of the world remained Entirely Unknown to Each Other for Centuries.

46, his travel is a very interesting record. The Account of His Journey IS An Extraordinary Interesting Document.

47, very few travel empty records are vivid as horses (Polo), as content. Few of the Accounts of Other Travelers Are As Lively and Informative As Marco Polo's.

48, it seems to have a slightly described. A Few Words Of Explanation Appear Necessary.49, does not make a lot of life, can't ignore the current publication. NO STUTENTS WHO Keeps Abreast of the Times Can afford to ignore the publications of the day.

50. From this road, you can go to the train station. THIS ROAD WILL Take You to The Railway Station.

51. If you help me, I will definitely succeed Your Assistance Will Make My SUCCESS CERTAIN.

52. See this reminds me of the previous days. This Reminds me of the good old days.

53, you rely on hopes and survive. Hopes Keeps USALIVE.

54, clothing and food and sundes to know the righteousness. Wealth enables men to be courteous.

55, because the weather is bad, we failed to live. Bad Weather Prevented US from Starting.

56. The robber grabs his money. A highwayman robed him of his money.

57. Worried bad habits have taken our peace and habit. The Habit of Worrying Robs US of Peace and Comfort.

58, I have learned a lot, enough to cure the problems I have seen before. I Have Learned Enough To Cure Me of My Old Fancies.

59. I will never give up this feeling I Shall Never Be Able Entirely to Divest Myself of this feeling.

60. He won't forget the pain in the past. He Could NOT RID HIMSELF OF The Painful Memories.

61. You come to save me to trouble and write a long letter. Your Coming Relives Me of The Bother of Writing a long letter.

62. He only begged to get a pleasure, no matter who seized it. He Does Not Care Whom He DEPRIVES Enjoyment, So That He Can Obtain IT.

63. He tap my back He Patted Me on the back.

64, he grabbed my collar. He Seized me by the collar.

65. Hell to the restriction. Death Stared Him in the face.

66, she played him a slap. She strikes him across the face.

67, unfortunately come to him. A Misfortune Befall Him.

68, this style of clothes is very suitable for you. This style of dress becomes you will.

69, the two size is similar. The Reemble Each Other in size.

70. It is said that there is a ghost in the house .they say ghosts haunt this house.

71, I made a strange dream. I Dreamed A Strange Dream.

72. He wakes up He Slept The Sleep That Knows No Waking.

73. He spit a breath and went to the prayers. HE SIGHTED A SIGH AND PRAYED A PRAYER.

74, I am determined to fight. I am determined to fight it out.

75, the white people are generally in the Treatment. The Whites Lord It over the native.

76, we are born to serve the people. We are born to serve it for the mind.

77, we have to take rain. We Had to Walk it in the rain.78, his appearance is unfair than expressive. He Looked The Thanks He Could Not Express.

79. She looked at me with a short sword, and then went out of the room. She Left the room, looking daggers at me.

80, I asked him if he was satisfied, he nodded himself. I asked if He Was satisfied, hended assent.

"Make" verbs. There is a dynamic verb, which is often expressed in words such as "make, get, have". In fact, there are many such words, which allows the sentence to be concise.

81, she put the candle on the floor (STAND). She stood the candle on the floor.

82, I slowly took the horse to the hill (Walk). I Slowly Walked My Horse Up The Hill.

83, they opened the boat to the beach (RAN). ............

84, they make the Horse Shui River (SWIM). The Swam Their Horses Across The River.

85, the ship is hanging out of FLY. The ship was flying the flag of true.

86. The boat can float (float) when the next high tide. The next Tide will float the ship.

87. The cruiser has sinked the ship ship (SINK). The Cruiser Sank The Transport.

88, they use those (Work). They work the donkeys too hard.

89. I lie down and let the tired limbs take a break (REST). I laid myself down to rest my wearied limited LIMBS.

90, they hit the enemy into the surrender. The Fight The Enemy Surrender.

How to use the causing grammatical volatility as a meaningfulness?

Some verbs can't grammar, but in the sense is in the sense; in English, there is no vocabulament in English, and it is a mutant in Chinese. Such as bring. When you take the meaning of "get", you have to add a preposition to become a bring thing. The ingredients behind the preposition, the syntax is called a metrics. It can be understood this way: can't be moved, and the word = and material volatility. Just sometimes expressing is not necessarily all the origin of that. Such as Knock, beat. "Knocking" in Chinese must have an object, it is a vocabulary. But in English is not a vocabulament. There is a cyclist between Knock and the object. Knocking the door became a knock at the door. The same usage is like Look AT, etc.

The following 10 sentences are to add a preposition.

91, how to get that result? (Bring About) How Was The Result Brought About?

92, when she is young, there are many people chasing her. Sub - instance pursuit) She Was Much ran after in Her Youth.

93, toddler with playing skin frown. (Frown AT) EVERYBODY FROWNS AT A Naught Boy.

94, the more you want. Wish for) Possession Makes One Wish for more.

95, fools will not recognize. (Persist in One's ERROR) Fools Persist in Their Error.

96, I don't know if there is such a person. (KNOW of know) I don't know of any such man.

97, I will not ask this question. (DWELL ON, detail) I Shall Not Dwell on The Subject An Any Length.98, you are best to think about it carefully when you have time. (Think over carefully) You Had Better Think over the Matter at Your Leisure.

99, my parents oppose this job. (Object AT oppose) My Parents Objects to the match.

100, entertainment cannot hinder business. (Intercess with hinders) Pleasure Must Not Interfere with Duty.

Some verbs, only the object, the meaning is still incomplete, and what else to add, usually the adverbs and prepositions.

101, doing people who are not drunkenness, sleep or Dream One's Life Away One Must Not Sleep or Dream One's Life Away.

102. Sleep can recover fatigue (Sleep off You can sleep off your fatigue.

103, other guests are going, he still doesn't go. He Sits Out The Other Guests.

104. He can convince others to listen to his opinions. Talk Sb over to) He Can Talk People To His Own Views.

105, you can check the dictionary yourself. (Look Up) Look Up The Word for Yourself in The DICTIONARY.

106, they called the speaker to the stage. Shout down..

107, he made me dilestly. Bore SB to Death) He Bored Me To Death.

108. He told me that all kinds of truths made me non-promising. He Has Reasoned Me Into Compliance.

109. I said he overthrew the original decision (Talk Sb out of ...) i Have Talked Him Out of His Resolution.

110, I think you must come (Insist thinking) i I insist that you shavert cup.

The sentence below is a double Bin.

111, I blame him to lie. (Give SB the Lie, in One's Throat) I Gave Him The Lie in His Throat.

112, fairly said that the enemy is very brave. (Give the Devil His Gue) To Give The Devil His Due, The Enemy Are Quite Brave.

113, I am very happy to receive it. Afford SB Pleasure) Your Letter Has Afforded Me Much Pleasure.

114, he gives him a month of 500 yuan a month. (allow) HE Allows His Son Five Hundred Dollars a Month.

115, I gave a heavy blow on his head. (Strike SB ...) I Struck Him A Hard Blow on the head.

116, I will try to help you. (lend) I'll Lend You All The Assistance in My Power.

117, he said that he would come. (Send SB Word) He Has Send US Word That He is Coming.

118, he promised to give me a job. "promise" He Has Promised me An appointment.

119, I am going to bubble to give you a drink. (Make SB TEA) I will make you some teame

120, she made a new dress for her own. (Make Oneseelf ...) She Made Herself A New Dress.121, Mr. Wang teaches us English. Mr. Wang Teaches US ENGLISH.

122. Would you tell me how to go to the station? Will you please show me the way to the station?

123, children want me to tell them to them. The Children Want Me To Tell The Story.

124. You sing a song, before I left. Sing ME A Song Before I Leave.

125, let me listen to you just here. Let me read you his letter just received.

126, sports are beneficial to you. EXERCISE WILL Do you Good.

127, drink a small amount of wine is harmless. A little wine will do you no harm

128, talking fairly, he is not a bad person. To Do Him Justice, He is Not a bad man.

129. Would you please help me? Will you do me a favour?

130. When I was poor, he gave me a lot of help. He Has Rendered Me Great Help in Time of NEED.

Top 10 sentences is also a double object. The verb (121--125) of the meaning of the indication (121-125) has contributed verbs (126-130).

131, only human talents have talents. (Give) Heaven Has Given Man Only The Gift of Speech.

132, I am very envious of your luck. (envy envious) I envy you your good fortune.

133, I was very compliment. (Pay) i Paid Him A High Compliment.

134, I wish you a happy success. I wish you joy of your.

135, I am sorry to give you a lot of trouble. (Give) I am Sorry to Give You so much trouble.

136, the Chinese book said, the woman is not only moral. . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

137, they have no sense of responsibility to their country. . '' '' '' '' s.

138, she is not for the love of her child, she is willing to die. (Bear) SHE Would Be Glad to Die, But for the Love Shehood Her Child.

139, I don't envy the rich wealth, which makes them very worried. Cause) I do not envy The Rich Their Wealth Which Cause Them So Much Anxiety.

140, the villain has long escaping, and finally arrested. (Give) The Rascal Has At Last Been Caught, After Long Giving The Police The SLIP.

141, I will always think he is honest. I have always though him honest.

142. The army feels that it is impossible to enter the heat. The Troops Found It Almost Impossible To March in The Great Heat.

143. When the child came out of the school, it was absurd to think that it was ridiculous, and the authority is coming. When He Leaves School and Enters The World, The Boy Is Not Disposed to Consider Rule Absurd And Authority Ridiculous.144, he is not evil, but people are easy to imagine his character is weak. Vicious He Could Assuredly NOT BE, But One Easily Imagined Him Weak in Character.

145. From the form of entertainment, it seems that he can prove his unfaithful. Such form of pasteime seems to prot him sincere.

146. Now I think life can't say emptiness. Now i feel my life unspeakably empty.

147, they all expected me to die, just want to get my money .they all want me dead, and area hankering for my money.

148. She replied that she was completely satisfied with the status quo and no longer wanted to hope. She replied That She Was Quite Contented and Wished Nothing Defference.

149, her hair was distributed. Shee har hair loose.

150, that message makes me feel uneasy the news left me vaguely uneasy.

151. They think that they have been desperate, giving him the (Give Up) The Gave Him Up as Hopeless.

152, I want to relieve all difficulties. (Set ... Right) I Will Set All His Troubles Right.

153. When I saw her in that place, I really made me surprised my dumb. (Be struck dumb) I Was Struck Dumb with Astonish at the right of Her in Such a place.

154. The Soer guy can make a despicable behavior. .

155, he is determined to open his beautiful garden for the public. . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

156. You are grateful to Dade, so you can't make this kind of thing for you. .

157. He speaks the voice and speaks. Talk Oneseelf Horse HE Talked Himself Hoarse.

158, most people are in that case - they all drink drunk. (Drink Oneself Dead Drunk) MOST People In That State Can't Stop - They Drank Themsels Dead DRUNK.

159, we must get rid of the ancient sad ideas. SHAKE Oneself Free of) We Have Got To Shake Ourslves Free of The Old Sentimental Noteions.

160, A, I just ask a little - please wake up and listen to me. (Shake Oneseelf Sober "Why, this is what I want - and just shake yourself Sober and listen, will you?"

161, will I see him again? (See SB Alive) Shall I See Him Again Alive?

162, I remember her young. I Remembed Her Young.

163, when she saw him, he was young, proud, and strong, now he has been old, exhausted, and it is terrible, and it is dead. (See SB Young) She Saw Him Young, And PROUD, AND STRONG, AND NOW HE WAS OLD, AND WORN, AND HORRIBLE, AND DEAD.

164, the war makes us business. . "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

165, Americans will never elect a black man to do the president. (Elect SB N) The People of The U.A Would Never Elect A Colored Man President.

166, outdoor sports make us healthy. (Make SB Adj) Outdoor Exercise make US Strong in Mind and Body.

167, the world thought he is right, in fact, he is a liar. (Think SB Adj) People Think Him Honest, But He Really An Impostor.

168, I have eaten dinner to take a while. (Make It a rule to do as usual) I make it it is walk after support.

169, when someone didn't pay attention, he walked out of the room. (Do Sth adj) He Leaved The Room Unobserved.

170, we found him lying on the road. (Find SB Doing) We found Him Lying on the Pavement

171, they are stealing fruit in our garden, I grab them. I caught Them Stealing Fruit from my garden.

172, our bodies and clothes must be cleaned to avoid illness. .

173, that named the question that was asked. (Call Sth adj) i call That Answer Impertinent.

174, I think he is not appropriate. (Think or consider sth adj) i consider what he said Irrelevant.

175, I feel that the problem is hard to solve. (Find It to do sth adj) i Found It difficult to Solve That Problem.

176, I think it is wise to conserve the secret for this matter. (deem it to do three adj) i deemed it prudent to keep the strret.

177, I looked at him is my benefactor. (Look Upon SB as ...) i Look Upon Him as my benefor.

178, they describe her into the fairy. (Describer sb as ...) They describe Her as a faIrylike beautiful woman.

179, his English is extremely good. (Excellent Leaves Nothing to Be Desired) His Knowledge of English Leaves Nothing to be desired.

180, my country is always respecting learning. HeLarning Has Always Been Held in High Esteem IN Our Country. This is said to the Chinese translation of the Chinese translation of the Chinese to the 180 sentence, and I will tell a paragraph. In the first 180 sentences, it is translated by the type of verb, which contains almost all types in English verbs. It should be noted here that the other means, not just a verb type to translate, there are many kinds of sayings, I like to see which kind, I have to look at my sense.

Next is another form of translation, called "construct" to classify sentences, mainly in several sentences in English.

First, use a single sentence to translate the so-called single sentence, refer to one sentence, only one subject and a predicate. Example: Birds Sing. Birds. What have you been doing. What are you doing? What beautiful hair what little girl has! How beautiful hair is the little girl! The single sentence is not necessarily very short. In a sentence, if the attributive and the adverb are more, it will become very long. Boys Go Somewhere. All The Boys Go Somewhere. Near all the boys in this class go somewhere for the summer. If necessary, you can still stay again. There are many ways to expand a single sentence. There are ten forms in terms of format. 1, with a fill (express language); 2, use the object; 3, use the adjective or adverb; ; 9, use the phrase phrase; 10, use a word phrase. The following sentences are translated by the above components, first try. First, use Comment (Speaking) 181, he looks very young. He Looks Young.

182, Washington is a good child. Washington was a good boy.

183, China is to raise children and prevent old. I China a Son Should Be The Staff of His PARENTS 'OLD AGE.

184, the people choose him as Chairman. The People Electr Cairman.

185, we must make the country rich. We Shall Make Our Country Wealthy and Powerful.

Second, use the object

1, use an object

186, I don't have a friend except you. I have no friends but they you.

187, natural beauty. Nature Has Molded Her Form and Features with Masterly Touch.

2, with two objects.

188, the old man tells us some interesting stories to listen. That Old Man Tells US Amusing Stories.

189, a pound of tobacco is only enough for him for two weeks. A Pound of Tobacco Only Lasts Him A Fortnight.

190, "Then you read a curse, fish, fish, send me a fish". THEN You Say The Magic Words: "Fish, Fish Send Me Fish".

3, used the point of view

191, she ignited a fire. SHE LIGHT A Fire.

192, he drilled a hole on the wooden board. He BORES A HOLE IN The Plank.

193, I painted a flower on it. I Painted a Flower on IT

4, use the same object

194, he sent a short bitterness. He laughd a little sort ugly laugh.195, he lived a bleak and lonely life. He is Living a Sad and Lonely Life

5, use the words

196, he felt very happy at the party. He Enjoyed Himself at the party.

197, you should use the library book. You Should Avail Yourself of The Books in The Library.

Third, the use of adjectives. (It is also understood as the role, function, etc.) of adjectives. Adjectives may be 1, described in the sentence. That is, it indicates the shape, properties, etc. of the matter. Usually used as a phrase.

198, he is satisfied with the result. HE WAS Content with the result.

199, this value is not as troublesome. It is not hor TROUBLE.

200, this rose is red. This is a red rose.

2, the unique method of adjective, that is, in front of the noun, indicating the shape, size, color, etc. of the noun.

201, contentment is often happy. A Contented Person Is Happy with His Status Quo.

202, he found an enemy dare to fight against him. He Found a Worthy Enemy.

203. Children's education must be implemented by the best teachers who can hire. .

204, there is no great thing is not made by enthusiasm. Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved without ENTHUSIASM.

3, noun usage: That is, it is used as a noun, it can be said that it is a territory, indicating a special thing or group.

205, he has aesthetic vision. He Has An Eye for The Beautiful.

206, there are also their distress. The Rich Have their Troubles Too.

207, the squad leader blocked strong people from being bullied. The Monitors Hinder The Strong from Bullying The Weak.

4, the use of adverbs. The syntax significance indicated is equivalent to an adverb.

208, she is a rude rich woman. She is one of the viggar rich.

209, they arrive safely. The arrived safe. (= They were safe when the arrived.)

210, red intelligence. SHE DIED Young. (= She was young when she died.)

211, I really want to be honest with you. I want to act honest with you.

212, look at it. Take it easy.

213, I was scared. I am awful matchund.

214, it will be very suitable for me. That Will Suit me fine.

215, a hunger tired hunter sleeps on the bed. A hunter, hungry and exhausted, Slept on the bed.

216, he was sad and tired, and slowly walked home. SAD AND WORRY, HE SLOWLY WALKED HOME.

217, he is always allergic. This is especially true. Always Sensitive, HE Was Especially SO At this moment.

218, her appearance is not ugly, it is very ordinary. Her Features, Thought Not Plain, WERE Insignificant.

219, still green leaves blown from the bush fence falling. The Leaves, Still Green, Tossed Off The Hedgerow Trees by The Wind

220, she is old, and lives alone. Aged and Bent, She Lived with Her Old Fellow. Using adverbs, it can be divided into: 1, modified verbs, adjectives or other adverbs;

221, she listened to the joke and laughed. She laughd healthily at the Joke.

222, her English is very good. She speaks english remarkably Well.

2, modified nouns or pronoun

223, this child can do it. Even a child can do it.

224, the saints are not awkward. Even home sometimes nods.

225, only you can guess. Only you can guess.

226, there have been a large number of people gathered there. QUITE a crowd had already GATHERED THERE.

227, what do you want? What else do you want?

228, I also have an upset. I, TOO, HAVE TROUBLES.

3, modify the apparatus phrase.

229, we arrive in time. We Arrived Just In Time.

230, I came to Singapore before the end of the war. I Came to Singapore Soon After the War.

231, Zhengtuan 10 o'clock. The Gate Is Shut Exactly At 10 O'Clock.

232, he is almost full of rivers. He is Almost Across The River.

233, he traveled the world a week. He Has Traveled Entirely Around The World.

4, modified full sentence:

234, simply, the truth is the case. Briefly the facts area.

235, I am very fortunate to go to him. Fortunately I found him at home.

236, it is really wrong. Certainly you are in the wrong.

237, he was stupid to kill the goose. He foolishly killed the goose.

238, it is a good plan. That is an excellent plan indeed.

5, adjective

239, is this a downtown? Is this a down train?

240, the gentleman on the side is his father. That Gentleman there is his faer.

241, I met him on the way back. I Met Him On My Way Back.

242, all of him finished. All is overhe.

243, he wore socks. He Put His Socks Wrong Side Out.

6, when the name is used

244, how far is it from here? How far is it from here.

245, today is my birthday. Today is my birthday.

246, that description of life of life. IT Described The Ups and Downs of Life.

7, make up the means.

247, fire extinguished. The fire is out.

248, the war is over. The War Is over.

249, the rose is open. The Roses Are Out.

250, the scene has been uncovered.

About the verb phrase and the verbs fixed match - idiom mobility word group is a verb and a certain other word, which is characterized by the meaning of the phrase. Such as: Look Out, look out. The verbs are different, and the verbs and other words are fixed together, and the meaning is also equal to the simple meaning of the meaning of the meaning, and sometimes does not seem to see true meaning. Such as: Look Out, is translated by the following sentences to use the verbs fixed match.

251, you shouldn't take your little brother to make a joke (Make Fun of Your Little Brothers.252, will hold a concert in the municipal lobby tomorrow. (Take Place) a concert is to take place at the direction hall tomorrow.

253, we can't live without money. Get Along. We cannot Get Alone without Money.

254, he is not going to work. Keep Up with He COULDN'T Keep Up with the class.

255, I am looking forward to your reply. (Look Forward) i look forward to remove your replay.

256, you have to re-consider the decisions. Thank Better of) You Must Think Better of Your Resolution.

257, I stipulate that I will take a walk before dinner. (Make a point of) I make a point of taking a wall before support.

258, I don't make a honest person. (Play a trick on) I don't play a trick on innocent people.

259, what is a problem with his feet. HAVE SOMETHING THE MATTER WITH HAS Something The Matter with His Foot.

260, I have no relationship with that. . - I have nothing to do with the matter.

V. Use independent phrase 1, independently. The full sentence, the syntax and the main sentence are uncommon 2, independent word.

261, honest, I don't like him. To Tell The Truth, I don't like him.

262, he can be described as a living dictionary. HE IS, SO TO SPEAK, A WALKING DICTIONARY.

263, making things worse, the sky is coming again. To make the matter worse, it beg..

264, the sun is falling, the children go home. The Sun Having Set, The Children Went Home.

265, he has this here, there is no danger. He Being Here, There is no danger.

266, the work is finished, they go home. The Work Done, The Left for Home.

267, spring is coming, we went to the park. Spring COMING ON, WE Go To Gardens to Take A Walk.

268, he is our elder, we should respect him. He Being Our Elder, Wehibs Respect Him.

269, strictly said that he is not a patriot. Strictionly speaking, he is not a patriot.

270, in his age, he is smart enough. Considering His Age, He is Very Clever.

Independent word by WITH

271, the young woman slowly moved forward, and his eyes were mally staring on the pink pallad pallad paper. .

272, this small village is located in the center of the flat and majestic pasture, and a poplar tree is shaking in the wind. This Little Village Was Set Midst Flat Breadths of PaSTURE AND Corn-lands, with long lines of poplars on the foreground bending in the window, makes me comfortable, I found that he was still alive. To my joy, i found him alive.

274, making me disappointing, he did not agree with my plan. To my disappointment, He Did Not Consent To My Plan.

275, so that I am satisfied that he finally solved the problem. To My Satisfaction, He Has Solved The Problem At Last.

276, making him sadly, he knew that his father died. To his sorrow, He Learned That His Father Was Dead.

Use adapt language. This is another way to represent the adverbial. That is, use the preposition plus noun = adverb. Usually you can find the adverbial form of this word in terms of morphe. Such as: I really thank you! THANK you really. In Chinese, one word is not an adverb, the words ", the ground," " . Such as "Happy" -> Everyone presents a happy smile. adjective. She smiled happily. adverb.

277, wrote it. Write with cre.

278, the sky is dark, we will go home. We Came Home After Dark.

279, he lives in the village now. HE LIVES in this Village at present.

280, treat him kindly. Treat Him with Kindness.

281, they hurried home. The Went Home in a hurry.

282. We strive to use effort to get it. WE Work Hard to Pass The Examination.

283, this book is too difficult to understand. This book is too difficult to understand.

Problem phrase. There are two forms of preposition phrase people. One is the center with a noun or adjective, there is a preposition before and after. Such as: by Means of, ON, At The Mercy of, For The Purpose of, In Return for, In Respect To, in Love with, etc. The other is the preposition plus noun, the noun is actually the object of the term. The first kind has formed a more fixed usage, and the latter one is the meaning of the grammatical structure, that is, as long as the preposition plus the noun. Both phrases can be modified in both phrases.

The first example:

284, he didn't come because of illness. HE Didn't come on account of instance.

285, they went to Taiwan. The Went As Far As Taiwan.

286, Jack succeeded because of an indomitable spirit. Jack succeeded by dint of perseverance.

287. Thoughts are expressed by language. Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

288, the people traveling in Dynasties. The traveler is an assoc

289. He and her marriage are to look at his property. He Married Her with anly to her fortune.

290, I like this dog because it is good. I like the dog for the sake of his sense.291, is wrong. In Haste, There is Error.

292, I only met him two years ago. I got acquainted with him two years ago.

293, please thank him for my gift. Return Him My Best Thanks for the Present.

294, the words retired, they got married on the same day. To Return to the Subject, They Got Married The Very Day.

295, take people, lost from childhood. Judging from Appearance You Will Lose The Man of Tsu Yu.

296, greedy money is the source of evil. The Love of Money Is The Root of All Evil.

297. He is looking at my purpose in borrowing money. HE Came to see me for the purpose of borrowing some money from me.

298, mutual suspicion between alliance countries. The Allied Countries Are Suspicious of Another.

299, reputation and money have nothing to do. Frame Has Nothing to do with money.

300, he earned a lot of money, his mother is very happy. To The Joy of His Mother, He Won a Lot of Money.

On this part of the blue text below: bambooboy (not graze wolf) Said I Loved You But I Lied - Michael Bolton

You are the Candle

You are a candle

Love's the flame

Love is a flame

A fire trough wind and rain

This flame burns in the wind and rain

SHINE Your Light on this Heart of Mine

You illuminate my heart

Till The end of tas

Until the time

You Came to Me Like The Dawn THROUGH THE NIGHT

You get dawn after the night

Just shining like the sun

Like the sun

Out of my dreams and tento my life

From the dream to reality

You are the one you are the one

You are a dream

SAID i loved you but i iED

Say I love you but the word is not intended

'Cause this is more tour i feel inside

Because this feels more strong than love

Said i loved you but I was wroge

Say I love you but I am wrong.

'Cause Love COULD Never Ever So Strong

Because never feels so strong

SAID i loved you but i iED

Say I love you but the word is not intended

With all my soul i've Tried in Vain

With my soul, I am working hard.

How can Mere Words My Heart Explain

How can I explain these words?

THIS TASTE OF Heaven So Deep So True

This feeling is so deep and true

I'VE Found in you

I found you

So Many Reasons in So Many Ways

There are too many reasons for all aspects

My Life Has Just Beun

My life has just begun

NEED you forever

Never you need you

I Need you to stay

Need you to stay

You are the one, you are the one you are that person

SAID i loved you

Say I love you

But this is more Than Love I feel inside

But this feels strong than love

SAID I loved you .... But I Lied

Say I love you but the word is not intended


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