Use the registry to maintain and manage from the system from the system from:

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

The system is fully maintained and managed by the registry in Windows 3.x, and the system is logged in to hardware and initializes various software information through the INI file and establishes a work environment that meets the requirements. In the Windows 9x era, Microsoft uses a registry to unify management of hardware and software configurations, which greatly improves the stability and security of the system, and also makes us easier to maintain and manage the system. In general, the registry is actually a huge database that includes all configuration information, initialization information, and other important data of the application, system software. The following writer lists some registry common skills, I hope to everyone's daily Use help.

Main menu skills

When the "Start" menu uses the menu in the multi-page display, it is often not shown. At this time, use the following function to implement the menu multi-page display, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \CurrentVersion hkey \MACHINE \CurrentVersion hkey @ wDows \currentversion \ New string value "StartMenuscrollPrograms" in the window, and set the value "false". To cancel this feature, simply delete the string.

The "Windows Upgrade Menu" in the "Start" menu is disabled in HKEY_USERS \ ', DEFAULT \Software\Microsoft \Windows ingwrrentversion \policies \' ".

Do not allow the change start menu to create a DWORD value "NochangeStartMenu" in the window in HKEY_USERS \, DEFAULT \SOFTWARE ∎MICROFT \WINDOWS \CURRENTVERSITION \POLICIES \TWLORER, and sets the value "1".

Adjusting Double-click Sensitive Area Modify "DoubleClickheight" and "DoubleClickWidth" in the right window of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop, you can change the area size.

Changing the Menu Show Speed ​​HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop Newly creates a string value in the window: "MenushowDelay", its value ranges from 0-999, 0 indicates the fastest.

Whether the window opens, narrows, and displays if the animation process hkey_current_user \Control Panel \Desktop newly creates a string value in the window: "MINANIMATE", the data is "0" indicates that the process is not displayed, "1" means display.

The "Close System" menu is prohibited in HKEY_USERS .FAULT \SOFTWARE [Microsoft \WINDOWS @ 口 \ "new" Noclose ", and set the value of" 1 ".

Windows Smooth Roll HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop modifies "SmoothScroll" in the window, set its value to "0", if allowed to set value "1". The "Find" menu hkey_current_user \Software\Microsoft \Windows \crentversion \Policies \ x p 中 中 中 "NOFIND" in the window, and set the value of "1".

Prohibit "Document" menu hkey_current_user \Software \MiCrosoft \Windows \currentversion \Policies \Explorer newly created a DWORD value "NorecentDocsMenu" in the window, and sets the value of "1".

Prohibit "Run" menu hkey_current_user \Software \Microsoft \Windows @currentversion \Policies xp "NORUN" in the window, and sets the value of "1".

Create a "Control Panel" and other menus in the start menu

Below is the corresponding name

Printer. {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}

Control panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

My computer. {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

Recycle bin. {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00Aa002F954E}

Remove the "login" item in the "Start" menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \WindWos \currnetveion \ PLOICIES \ e p \ 二 二 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值

It is forbidden to reserve history to "documents" in "Start"

HKEY_USERS \MICROSOFT \SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Policies \ 创 创 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值 值::::::::::

Different menu skills

It is forbidden to use the "Connection" menu in IE "Internet Options"

In the window of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \POLICIES \ Microsoft ignition, the window is newly created in the window of the right side: "securityTab" and set its value to "1".

Prohibit the "Security" menu in IE "Internet Options"

Create a DWORD value in the window on the right side of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Policies \MICROFT \Internet Explorer \Control Panel: "SecurityTab" and set its value to "1". Disable the "Appearance" tab in the "Display" setting item of the control panel

Create a DWORD value in the window on the right side of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\ Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Policies \System: "NodisPAPPEARANCEPAGE" and set its value to "1".

Disable the "Show" setting item of the control panel

Create a DWORD value in the window on the right side of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\ Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Policies \System: "Nodispcpl" and set its value to "1".

It is forbidden to appear in "Display Properties".

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \policies \System New creates a DWORD value in the window: "nodispscrsavpage" and set its value to "1".

It is forbidden to appear "Effect, Web, Settings" in "Display Properties".

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Policies \System New DWORD value in the window: "NodispSettingSpage" and set its value to "1".

Prohibit the "Start" menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows incenTVersion \Policies \ 'The new DWORD value is created in the window: "NochangeStartMenu" and set its value to "1".

It is forbidden to appear "File System" menu in System Properties.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software ∎Microsoft \Windows ing\ \CurrentVersion \Policies \System New creates a DWORD value in the window: "Nofilesyspage" and set its value to "1".

It is forbidden to appear "Virtual Memory" menu in System Properties

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows ing\ \currentversion \policies \System New DWORD value in the window: "NovirtMempage" and set its value to "1". It is forbidden to appear "Device Manager" in "System Properties"

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software ∎Microsoft \Windows ingwwbooks create a DWORD value in the window on the right: "NodeVMGRPage" and set its value to "1".

It is forbidden to appear "Hardware Profile" menu in "System Properties"

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \policies \System New creates a DWORD value in the window: "NoconfigPage" and set its value to "1".

Do not add printers

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows ing@currentversion \policies \ ''

Prohibit deletion of printers

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE ∎Microsoft \Windows ing\currentversion \policies \ '' s newly built a DWORD value in the window: "Nodeleteprinter" and set its value to "1".

Change the list of "Security / Uninstall" in "Adding / Remove Programs" in Control Panel

There are many primary keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft \Windows \CurrentVersion \unsTALL, to delete a content in the "Security / Uninstall" list, as long as the corresponding primary key is deleted.

It is forbidden to display the "Network" attribute in "Control Panel"

In the window of HKEY_USERS \ ', DEFAULT\SOFTWARE ∎MICROFT \WINDOWS \CURRENTVERSION \POLICIES House, the new DWORD value "NonetSetup" is newly created, and its value is "1".

It is forbidden to display "Identifier" attributes in "Network"

In the window of HKEY_USERS \ 'DEFAULT \SOFTWARE ∎MICROSOFT \WINDOFTWARE [Microsoft \WINDOWS \CURRENTVERSION \POLICIES ● "NonetSetupidPage", and it is set to "1".

It is forbidden to display the "Internet" attribute in the window of HKEY_USERS \WINDOWS @ d \ \ "NOENTNETWORK", and set it to "1".

Mouse menu

Add the option for the "Map Fragment" for the actuator

Create a primary key "defrag" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SHELL, and change the "default" value in the right window to: "Solving Disk Defragments", and create a primary key under this primary key "Command" COMMAND ", Click" Command ", change the" default "value to" C: \windows\defrag.exe% 1 "in the right window. (Note: C: \windows is the directory of the operating system)

Reduce the length of the "New" menu in the right mole menu

When we use the system for a while, we have installed a lot of procedures, often increase the length of the "New" menu in the right mouse mole. At this time, we want to reduce the burden on the "New" menu, we can modify the registry, if we Want to delete some of the directory in the right-click menu, we have to know what type of file to be deleted, such as "winzip file" extension is .zip, to delete "Winzip" in the New menu ", We can run the registry editor, then find" .zip ", find the .zip this primary key we found that it is the primary key name" shellnew ", remove this button, you can delete" New " "" Winzip file "in the menu

In order to the right-click menu, add the command "Open in a new window"

We often choose to open the folder in the same window in the Folder option, but we sometimes want to compare the difference between the two folders, or want to open multiple windows to browse the folder content. The following method can be used. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Classes \Directory \Shell, create a primary key "newwindow" to change the "default" value in the right window: "Open in a new window", and create a primary key under this primary key "NewWindow" Command, click "Command", change the "default" value to "Explorer.exe% 1" in the right window.

Add the "Remove" and "Rename" command to "Recycle Bet"

In HKEY_CLASES_ROOT} {645ff040-5081-101b-9f08-00aa002f954e} \SHELLFOLDER, modify the secondary value "Attributes" in the right window, and set its value as "70 01 00 20".

Add a command to run DOS for the right-click menu of the folder

Create a primary key "commandprompt" under hkey_classes_root od ot ot ot otter \Shell, change the "default" value to: "Command" in the right window and create a primary key "Command" in this primary key, put "default" in the right window The value changes to " / K CD% 1". Add a space when you enter Chinese characters

Under HKEY_USERS \MICROFT \Software\Microsoft \Windows \currentVersion, you can see the full fight, Microsoft Pinyin, English, Intelligent ABC and so on, click the primary key of a input method, we can see the window on the right. There is "inserted" this DWORD value, which means that "0" means that the space is not added, and the "1" is automatically added to automatically add a space when entering Chinese characters.

Change the order of the input method

When we press CTRL SPACE to select the input method, we often have to switch several times to find the input method we have, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System \CURRENTCONTROLSET \TROL \KEYBOARD LAYOUTS with the primary key of the keyboard and input method, its primary key and input method correspond as follows:

E00E0804 Microsoft Pinyin input method E0040804 Intelligent Pinyin input method E0050804 location code input method E0010804 full spell input method 000409 English input method E003080 Zheng code input method E0020804 double spell input method

There is 1, 2, 3, 4 ... such as 1, 2, 2, 4 ... such as the primary key 1, 2, 3, 4 ...... The sort of the input method, click 1, 2, 3, 4 .... You can see the key value of the corresponding input method in the window, change the key value, and change the order of the input method.

Increase the option of "Quick Start"

Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Classes \Directory\Shell, create a new primary key "Quick Start System" in the window, modify "Default" is "Quick Start System" in the window, in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software \Classes \Directory \Shell \ Quick Start System New primary key "command", modify "default" in the window to "C: \Windows \Rundll.exe User.exe, ExitWindowsExec".

Increase the option of "shutdown system"


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