The physical path of the explosion-out movable program, do you still remember the vulnerability of the Upload CER file of the MY POWER VER 3.51? That is a masterpiece before N years, must use it to invade a lot of sites. He is using These two sentences, the result of the legal file submitted by FileName Through verification, the second filename1 has been bypassed this verification, and the reason why CER can be uploaded, and the ASP cannot be uploaded because the ASP is also verified. The key is to use the two sentences. (Tip: CER files and ASP files explain in the same interpreter in IIS, that is, how to perform ASP relative to users, how to perform CER. Uploaded extension CER ASP Trojan, can be used normally To be honest, I sometimes like to mix my power and freepower, although there is a difference, I always think that the version is different, the smile. I use My Power Ver 3.51 to upload the vulnerability utilization program of the CER file (that is the changed HTM file) to change the address to FreePower UpFile_SoftPic.asp. The address is www. ******. Com / editor / upfile_softpic.asp. But the "Channel parameter loss!" Has appeared. I thought it was a version different, so the data submitted was different. Listen to the data packets locally, use the ASP's empty byte vulnerability (NC submission of UltraEdit modified data) is still errors.
I think: "This is not, the submit CER is not good, wait! Submit CER is not, it is different, then I can modify the source code of" Submit Upload File "on this version, then Local Submit? "View http://www.*****/editor/upload_article.asp? ChannelID = 1 Source code