Frenquently asked Interview Questions (ii)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

The most often asked in the interview (FRENQUENTLY ASKED Interview Questions) Analytical, Puzzles, And Brain-Teasers

Analytical, Puzzles, And Brain-Teasers Questions & Answers

1. If you have an infinite supply of water and a 5 Quart and 3 Quart Pail, How Would You Measure Exactly 4 quarts?

2. IF you could remove any of the 50 states, Which State Would IT be and why?

--I would not remove any of the definition of state is the definition of state is the


's states). Could you imagine the gerrymandering after Something Like That? Besides - Each State Has Something Special It Brings To Its Star on The Flag. That Is What Makes Tha


So remarkable.

--I Will Ask the interviewer for the definition of "Remove" First.if (The Answer IS Dig A Hole, Let Water Bubble Up) {I Would Say I "Remove" a state lack of water supply.} Else} answer is give it up or give it away to other countries) {I would say it's some state with the biggest area of ​​desert. And I would definitely trade sth. back from whom want it} else // default, {I will keep it For Possible Future Usage}

3. IF you are on a boat and you throw out a suitcase, WILL THE LEVEL OF Water Increase?

- The Answer IS: IT Depends on The Density of the BRIEFCASE. While The BRIEFCASE IS IN THE BOAT, IT WILL Displace It's Weight in Ware.

IF The briefcase floats after you Toss It Out, The It Still Display ITS Weight In Water, and There Is No Change.

However, if the briefcase is Heavier Than Water IT Will Displace ITS Volume, Not ITS Weight. The Amount of DisplayD Water Will Be Less (Which is why it sank) and the water level will decreage.

- The Other Question is WHETHER OR NOT The Suitcase Is Thrown in The Water. If IT ITWN TO A DOCK OR LAND, THEN The Level Will Decrease Due To Less Weight in The Boat. There Are 3 Ants At 3 Corners of A Triangle, They Randomly Start Moving Towards Another Corner. What Is The Probability That The.. Don't Collide?

- 1. Let's Mark The Corners of the Triangle As A, B, C. 2. There Aren't the ANTS WON 'COLLIDE: A-> B, B-> C, C-> A and A-> C, C-> B And B-> A3. Therefore, probability of ants not colliding: 2/8 = 1/4.

--- This assumes that ants move in a straight line, as we know they do not. They move all over the place, in random directions, eventually ending up in their final destinations. Although Microsoft asked me this question and was looking for The answer exerciseed by Other Posters, They Gave Extra Credit for what i expend.

--- you are all wrong! You have much not one but three obvious assumptions! 1) THEY START WITHIN THETEYTHININ THE CONFINES OF THE TRIANGLE.

Moral: Think Out of the Triangle !!

5, Three Men WERE RENTING A Motel Figuring The Room Cost 30 Dollars The Room Was Only 25 So The Bell Gave The Bell Boy Ten (Tip) The Bellboy Didn "T Think That Would Be Fair So He Gave Them Each Back 1 Dollar And Kept 2 for Himself. What happened to the other dollar? (SENT by

Oh After Giving It Some Thought actually I Was Right, There isn't any missing dollar.

If you go backwards you come up to this: 9x3 = 2727 2 = 29so it had to be 30 $ in Order to Be Correct Right? No, Because You Have to Add 3 $ and not 2. You Think It Would Be Right IF You Add 2 $ BECAUSE TIP IS That Amount. But The Tip is Already Included in The The Maths Aren't Right, IT Should BE 9x3 3 and NOT 9x3 2.6. "You Have B Boxes and N Dollars. If I Want Any Amount of Money from 0 to Hand Me 0 to B Boxes SO That I get Exactly What I Request." The Two Questions Were "What Are THE RESTRICTIONS ON B and N, AND How is MONEY DISTRIBUTED AMONG THE BOXES? "

Trick is of binary number Numbers

2 ^ 0 = 12 ^ 1 = 22 ^ 2 = 42 ^ 3 = 82 ^ 4 = 16 .......

2 ^ 7 = 128 ...

THE FORMULA IS [LOG N to Base 2] 1 = bwhere [] Denote Integral Part of The Log Base 2 of N

Exampleso if we want 0 to 15 DOLLARS [log of 15 to base 2] 1 = [3.90] 1 = 3 1 = 4 Boxeswe Need to Have 4 Boxes Each Having 1, 2, 4, 8, DOLLARS Respectively.Now WE KNOW From Binary Numbers That Any Amount from 0 to 15 Can Be Formed with this Boxes.

For 0 to 6 DOLLARS [log of 7 to base 2] 1 = [2.58] 1 = 2 1 = 3 Boxeswe Need to have 3 Boxes Each Having 1, 2, 4, DOLLARS Respectively

For 0 to 100 dollars [log of 100 to base 2] 1 = [6.64] 1 = 6 1 = 7 Boxeswe Need to Have 7 Boxes Each Having 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,64 DOLLARS Respectively

-Ameya Vaidya

7. What is the amount of the number number from 1 to 1000?

Depends What Number Means Here:

If Means Integer, That's 100 * (100 1) / 2 = 5050; if NOT, That's Infinity.

8, You are an employer. You have ten employees. Each month, each one of your ten employees gives you ten bags of gold. Each bag of gold has ten pieces of gold in it. Each piece of gold weighs one pound. One of Your Employees Is Cheating You by Only Putting Nine Pieterials of Gold in Each of His Ten Bags of Gold. You Have A Scale (Not A Balance, A Scale), And You Can Only Take One Measurement from The Scale, ONLY ONE (1) reading. How can you tell which of the ten employees is cheating you by using this scale and only taking one measurement? --- When your employees come to pay you at the end of the month, take one bag from employee number one's pile and Set it aside. Take Two Bags from Employee Number Two's Pile and add it to one from Employee Number One. Take Three from Employee Three, Four from Employe Four, ETC ...

ONCE You Have Now Compiled A Pile of Bags (One from One, Two from Two, ETC). Set The Whole Pile (All 55 Bags) on the scale and take aread. If all the bags were honest You Would Have 550 Pounds on The Scale.

If employee one is cheating you, then the reading would be 549, since you only have one bag from employee one. Likewise, if the measurement is 547, then 3 pounds are missing, and employee three is the thief.

--- I Think WE Are Given a scale not a balance. So we can't Tell The Exact Weight of the Bags. So How do We Find Out WHETHER ITS 549, 547 ETC.?

--- Why does He Need to weigh? Can't He Just Count?

9, How Many Points Are The Place Where North You Reach The Place WHERE You Started.

--At The North Pole, The South Pole Wouldn't Quite Work, Since You Can Only Go North From The South Pole.

--Both answers (North Pole, and all points on the circle 1 mile north of the circle having circumference of 1 mile around the South Pole) are right.10, How would go about finding out where to look for a book in a library ? (You do not know how the books are organized beforehand)

- I WOULD Go AND ASK a Person in Charge of Arranging The Books Instead of Wasting My Time In Searching All of Them

- This Question is Open end, Thought Microsoft Might Be Testing Fundamentals on Binary Search, Indexing etc By asking this.

The approach I would take is, check out the index cards and find the shelf where the book is located. Then do an alphabetical search by physically going to that shelf. You can also say that you would start on the top of the shelf or the Bottom Depending on The "Letter" Name of The Book etc.

- I Would Leave The Library, Drive To The Exact Location of The Person Wro Wrote this Question, and SLAP Them.

11, Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror, facing it. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand. Look at your reflection. When you raise your left hand your reflection raises what appears to be his right hand. But when you Tilt Your Head Up, Your Reflection Does Too, And Does Not Appear To Tilt His / Her Head Down. Why Is It That The Mirror Appears To Reverse Left and Right, But Not Up and Down?

- It's Mainly Because Man Himself Is "Left-Right" Symetric But Not "Up-Down" Symetric.

- this is not a Physics Issue ... this is a matter of perception.

WHEN You Stand in Front of the Mirror and Raise Your Left Hand, The Reflection is of Your Left Hand.

By referring to "what appears to be his right hand" the question has essentially asked you to envision yourself rotated 180 degrees about a vertical axis, thus subtly introducing the apparent conflict between left and right.Why it works: Since humans are relatively symmetric along A Vertical Axis You Are Able To Envision Your Left Hand Asia Right Hand for your Reflection.

Humans Are Not Generally Symmetric Along a Horizontal Axis (Hey, I've Never Seen It, But That Doesn't Mean Some Freak isn't out there ...), SO it's much harder to envision feed as a suitable head and vice Versa.

12, You Have A Bucket of Jelly Beans. Some Are Red, Some Are Blue, And Some Green. With your favor SAME?

IF you select 4 Jelly Beans You Are Guaranteed That You Will Have 2 That Are The Same Color.

13, You are given a scale which you are to use to measure eight balls Seven of these balls have the same weight:.. The eight ball is heavier than the rest What is the minimum number of weighs you could perform to find the heaviest of The Eight Balls ?. Remember It's a scale not a balance. (IE IT IS Heavier Tell You ether it can't give you the exact weight).

!. Umm. You can do this in 2 weight side of the scale. That's a Total of Six Balls You're weighing. If the three balls on each side weigh equally, you know that one of the two remaining balls is the heaviest. Weigh those two balls to determine which one is heaviest. If, however, one of the three ball combinations weighs most, remove all balls from the scale, then weigh just two of the three "heavier" balls. If those two balls are equal weight, the third, unweighed ball is the heaviest; otherwise the scale will indicate which of the two balls on the scale is the heavier one.So, what's the difference between a balance and a scale?

14. How Would You Design A TOASTER?

1. Find Out Voltage to Besu Supported2. '' '2-pin / 3 PIN PIN PIN PLUG? 3.' '' 'How Many Slots for Bread? 4.' '' 'What Size Bread? 5. Automatic Pop-Up 6 . Easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance7. Easily operable8. Compact and good looking9. Design a simple circuit that uses components that are easily available.10. Internet enabled? 11 (?). Provide a place to keep the stack of bread slices, a Settable Counter, Place To Keep The Plate, TOASTER Automatically Chicks Up Bread from The Stack, "Toasts" it and place it on the place.

12. Also could provide a butter holder that melts the butter and sprinkles it on the toast, once done. 13. Optional alarm that rings after the job is done (entire stack is toasted) 14. Optical sensor to sense the actual browning of the Bread (Different Settings for Wheat and White Bread)

.. and so on .... :))

15. How Would You Design AN Universal Remote Control?

16. How Would You Design A CLOCK for A BLIND PERSON?

I would design a clock with Brail Code, Self talk and vibration and with capabilities for disabling any of those features depending on the requirement. Since vibration is very difficult to design, they can be set aside in another version of the clock.17. How Miles Of Road Are The Us?

- This Series of Questions Is Called Guesstimates, And Tests


Ability to make Meaningful Guesses and assumptions. Some 帖子 帖子


Annually? '

- actually this questions is like that: how many cars in USA u can answer any number u want and argue later: ask the interviewer to count them for u, if he finds more cars than, more cars have been bought since he last counted ..., IF Less Then a Lot of Cars Have Been Scrapped ... The Same Thing Applies To Road Also, Enjoy

- i Guess this is funny !! I would rather Say, 0.625 Times the number of kms in



18. There are n couples attending a party. Each one shakes hands with the persons he does not know. (Assuming each person knows his / her partner) Mary and John are a couple. John asked the rest of the party-attenders how many times HAS SHAKEN HANDS. Each One Gives a Unique Answer. How Many Times Does Mary Shake Hands?

The most often asked in the interview, Algorithms & Coding

Algorithms & Coding Questions & Answers

1, Write a Function to Print The Fibonacci Numbers.

- INT FIB (INT N) {IF (n == 0) Return 1; Else Return FIB (N-1) FIB (N-2);}

- int fibo (int N) {INT I, CURRENT, One_BACK, TWO_BACK;

IF (n <= 1) Return 1; else {one_back = 1; two_back = 1; for (i = 2; i <= n; i ) {current = one_back two_back; one_back = two_back; two_back = current;} / * end for loop * /} / * end else block * / return current;..} - There are better ways to find a solution to this problem instead of using Recursion Recursion is a disaster as someone has already mentioned Try giving 20 or more elements in your series and your program will take awful lot of time to compute. For every element in series you're finding the element before using recursion though you theoretically you would have computed it before !!!

2. Give a One-Line C Expression to Test WHETHER A Number IS A Power of 2. NOW IMPLEMENT ITWITHOUT Using Loops.

- IF (x> 0 && (x & (x-1)) == 0)

- I Think All The Answers Here Are Either Wrong Completely, Partially, or Too Complex. The Best Answer So Far, by Jinjhaveri, Was IF (! (X & (x-1))), Which I Believe Works for All Powers of 2, But Also for 0, Which is not a power of 2.

Basically, an integer which is the power of 2 Will Have One And Only One Bit Set in Its Binary Representation. If You Subtract 1 from That, You Will Get All Bits Set (Equal to 1) Before The Original 1 Bit, And The Rest Are 0. Taking Advantage Of this, The Answer IS

IF ((x << 1) == 1 (x | (x - 1))) {}

The Term x | (x - 1) Makes an INTEGER WITH BITS STT Starting from the Original Set Bit Bit And Clear All The Previous Bits, Effectively Doubling X, Which Is The Same As x << 1 .

It's a pity what the second solution work for 0 TOO, WHICH IS JUST What HE / SHE WANTS TO AVOID.

3. Implement an algorithm to sort a linked list. Direct insertion, sequentially, sort, sorting.

If the additional memory space can be used, it will be more simple; otherwise, you need a little thoughts.


Void str_rev (char s []) {int LEN = Strlen (s); int 1; char Temp; for (i = 0; i

{TEMP = S [i]; s [i] = s [(len-1) - I]; s [(len-1) - i] = TEMP;}}

5. Given a Linked List Which is sorted, how will you insert in sorted Way.

U Have Already Very Familiar with it if you div Question 3 (Sort a Linked List) by Direct Insertion Sort.

6. Implement an algorithm to insert in a sorted list.

7. Delete An Element from a Doubly Linked List.

Void deletenode (node ​​* n) {node * np = n-> prev; node * nn = n-> next; np-> next = n-> next; nn-> prev = n-> prev; delete n;

8. Implement an algorithm to sort an arch.

An Array Can Be Sorted Using Any of The Classic Algorithms Like Quicksort, Heapsort and the inefficient bubblesort.

9. Given a Sequence of Characters, How Will You Convert The Lower Case Characters to Upper Case Characters?

Void Toupper (CHAR * S) {While (* S! = 0) {* s = (* s> = 'a' && * s <= 'z')? (* s-'a ' ' a ') : * S; s ;}}

10. Write a Routine That Prints Out A 2-D Array In Spiral ORDER.

INT number; // around the edge of the circle

INT TINIT = 0; // The starting value of the winding

For (int i = 0; i <(size 1) / 2; i )


Int t = Tinit;

For (int J = 0; J


// out here

PrintData (T);

T = Size;


For (j = 0; j


// out here

PrintData (T);

T = 1;


For (j = 0; j

// out here

PrintData (T);

T - = size;


For (j = 0; j


// out here

PrintData (T);

T - = 1;


NumBerspertime - = 2;

Tinit = Size 1;


11. Give a fast way to multiply a number by 7.

INT NUM = (n << 3) - N;

12. Write a Function That Takes in a string parameter and checks to see the integer, and if it is the the rete the integer value.

INT str2int (const char * str) {int value = 0; int Sign = (STR [0] == '-')? - 1: 1; INT I = (STR [0] == '-')? 1 : 0; char ch; While (CH = STR [i ])

{IF ((CH> = '0') && (CH <= '9')) Value = Value * 10 (CH - '0'); Elsereturn 0; // Return 0 DENOTES ERROR OCCURS} Return Value * SIGN }

13. How Would You Print Out The Data I Binary Tree, Level By Level, Starting At the top?

1) Put the root node in queue; 2) While the queue is not empty, do as follows; 3) get a node from the queue, print its value

14. Write a Routine to Draw A Circle Given a Center Coordinate (X, Y) And A Radius (r) without Making Use of any floating point computations.

In Order to Avoid Floating Point Calculation, We can do two things:

1) Instead of Fixing One Co-Ordinate and Looking For Another Via The Equation, Search The Whole Co-Ordinate Space from X - R and Y - R. Plot The Point That Is Close. But this is a costly n * n Algo.2) To Go for An Efficient Workhorse, Go for Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algo, Found in Any of The Good Graphics Textbooks.

15. You are Given Two Strings: S1 and S2. Delete from S2 All Those Characters Which Occur In S1 Also and create a clean s2 with the relevant characters deleted. # Include #include main () { Char str1 [5] = "abcd"; char str2 [3] = "bc"; int Len = Strlen (str1); int i = 0; char newstr [len]; int CNTR = 0; for (i = 0; I

16. Write a Small Lexical Analyzer for Expressions Like "A * B" ETC.

BOOL IS_ASTARB (CHAR * S) {IF (* S ! = 'a') Return False; While (* S ); if (* - s! = 'b') Return False; Return True;}

17. Given an array t [100] Which contains number between 1 and 99. Return the duplicated value. Try both o (n) and o (n-square).

- Traverse Array To Compute SUM, SUBTRACT 99 * 100/2, The Sum of Integers Between 1 and 99.

- Create a New Array of B [100], Elements Initialized all to 0

INT B [100]; for (i = 0; I <100; I ) B [i] = 0; int Tm; for (i = 0; i <100; i ) {TM = T [i]; if b [TM] == 1; Return (TM); // Return The duplicate Numberelse B [TM] = 1;} PRINTF ("" there is no duplication "); return 0; // 0 INDICES NO DUPLICATION

O (n square) ... Just Sort All Numbers and check if two consecutive numbers are same by traversing the sorted array.

18. Write Efficient Code for Extracting Unique Elements from a sorted list of arrrey.


Main () {Int a [10] = {0, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9}; int I;

For (i = 0; i <10; i ) {if (a [i] == a [i 1]) {while (a [i] == a [i 1]) i ;} elseprintf (" % D ", A [I]);} Printf (" / n ");} We do print the ununique number out, but we do not extract them!

19. Print An Integer Using Only Putchar. Try Doing It WITHOUT Using Extra Storage.

1) Void Printint (INT A; CHAR * STR; INT i = 1; int Len = 0; while (b) {b / = 10; i * = 10; len ;} I / = 10 ;

While (I> 0) {PUTCHAR (A / I 48); A = a% I; I / = 10;}}

2) This Can Be Done by Recursion. Since The Number of Recursive Calls IS Not Significant, IT Does Not Affect The Performance Much.

PrintNumber (INT I) {IF (i == 0) Return; PrintNumber (I / 10); PUTCHAR ('0' I% 10);}

20. Write a Function That Allocates Memory for A Two-Dimensional Array of Given Size (Parameter X & Y)

--Array = (int **) Malloc (= 0; i

--I prefer this method because it uses less memory allocation calls and the memory is in a contiguous line. I used calloc .. which can easily be swaped out with malloc. Also, this makes a 2d array of integers but that is easily changed AS Well.

INT x = 0, y = 0; array = (int **) Calloc (Height, SIZEOF (INT *)); * (array) = (int *) Calloc (Width * Height, Sizeof (int));

For (y = 0; y

twenty one. How Would You Do Conditional CompiLation?

# neydef / ifndef # else / Elif # ENDIF

#pragma token-string // provide compiler or machine specific instructions and arguments

twenty two. WRITE AN Algorithm to Draw A 3D PIE CHART?

twenty three. Write a Function That Finds Repeating Characters in A String.maintain a Character Count Table Like - Int CHAR_COUNT [255];

// Initialize to 0 here Keep Adding The Count of Each Characters.scan Throughout The Array and Print The Characters with Count More Than 1.

twenty four. Write a Routine to Reverse A Series of Numbers without using an arrrey.

- int Reverse (INT I) {int REV = 0, x = 0; IF ((i / 10) == 0) Return I; While ((I / 10)> 0) {x = I% 10; I = I / 10; REV = (REV * 10) x;} REV = Rev * 10 i; return rev;}

- # include void main () {INT i = 12345, y = 0; while (i! = 0) {y = y * 10 i% 10; I / = 10;} cout << Y;}

25. Write a Function to Find The Nth Item from the end of a linked list in a single pass.

I would do...

26. Write a Function to Compute The Factorial of a Given Integer.

27. Give me an algorithm for telling me the number I Didn't Give You in a Given Range of Numbers (NumBers Are Given At Random)

1. SAY THE RANGE OF NUMBERS IS 0 To N-12. Initialize An Array Say, Seen [N] to 03. for Every Number I Given Set Seen [i] to 1.4. In the end, print all indices for which seen [ Index] = 0

28. Write a Function That Finds The Last Instance of a Character in A String.

MAIN () {

Char * x = "acbcd";

CHAR Y = 'c';

INT LEN = Strlen (x);

INT i = 0, J = 0;

For (i = len-1; i> = 0; I -) {

IF (x [i] == y) {




Printf ("% S% C% S% S% D% S", "the # of last occur of", y, "is", i 1, "/ n");

The final article of FRENQUENTLY ASKED Interview Questions - Question Interviewer

Questions for the interviewer


Ask Questions That Will Help You Make A Decision On Work For That Company.


l Is it Possible To Move BetWeen Departments?

l How much contact is there with management?

l Is this position more analysis?

L How soon could I expect to be advanced to the next level in the caeer path?

l How much travel is normally spected?

l Will I be expected to meet certain deadlines? Howif is?

l How offen area?

l How much decision-making authority is given after one year?

l Does the company provides any educational benefits?

l HAVE Any New Product Lines / Services / Curricula Been Announced Recently? Frenquently Asked Interview Questions Microsoft and Other Companies

Microsoft Interview Questions

Interviewing at Microsoft Used to Be Different from Interviwing At Other Companines. However, with the advent of a new economy and the Internet things have new days.

More and more companies are adopting Microsoft Interviewing philosophy and hence their questions. Here is a typical set of Interview questions asked for an entry level Software Design Engineer (SDE) or Internship position.

· If you have one 5 quart and 3 quart pail, how Would You Measure EXACTLY 4 quarts? · IF you are on a boat and you throw out a suit, Will The Level of Water Increase?

ON An Average, How Many Times Would You Have To Open THE


Phone book to find a specific name?

· There Are 3 Ants at 3 Corners of A Triangle, The Randomly Start Moving Towards Another Corner. What is the probability what the the the thing ?t Collide?

· IF you look at a clock and the time is


What is the Angle Between The Hour and the minute hands? (the answer to this is not zero!)

· What new feature would you add to msword if you wante hired?

· Why Did You Pick The School You Graduated from?

· Why do you want to work for microsoft?

· How Many Gas Stations Are The There in the



· How Would You Weigh A Plane WITHOUT USING SCALES?

How Would You Move




· Two math graduates Bump INTO EACH OTHER AT FAIRWAY ON The Upper West Side. The Up't Side. The first grad says to the second: "How have you been?" Second: "Great! I got married and I have three daughters now "First:"?? Really how old are they "Second:" Well, the product of their ages is 72, and the sum of their ages is the same as the number on that building over there .. "First:" Right, OK .. oh Wait .. Hmmmm .., I STILL DON'T KNOW "Second:" Oh Sorry, The Oldest One Just Started to Play THE PIANO "First:" Wonderful! My Oldest IS The Same Age! "

Problem: How old are the daughters?

· Why Are Beer Cans Tapered At The Top and Bottom?

· Why is it That Hot Water IN A Hotel COMES OUT Instantly But at Home It Takes Time?

· How many times a day a clock's hands overlap · Mike has $ 20 more than Todd How much does each have given that combined they have $ 21 between them You can not use fractions in the answer (Hint:?... This is a trick Question, Pay Close Attention to the Condition

· There are four dogs, each at the counter of a large square. Each of the dogs begins chasing the dog clockwise from it. All of the dogs run at the same speed. All continously adjust their direction so that they are always heading straight towards THEIR CLOCKWISE NEIGHBOR. HOW long does it Take for the dogs to catch each other? Where does this happen? (Hint: Dog's Are Moving In A Symmetrical Fashion, Not Along The Edges of the Square).

Misc .Frequently Asked Questions by Other Companies:

l Have you used any Tools to do java application development? have you used any application server?

LHOW Would You Design and Develop Internet Based, Scalable, Mission-Critical Middle-Tier and Backend Software Solutions.

l do you have any Commercial Software Design and development, Multi-Oriented, Multi-Threaded Application Development Using Windows or J2EE (Java or C / C Environments).

l What Tools Can you use to check your java or C code for errors?


l What Real-Time, Event Driven Operating Systems You Are Familiar With?

L Have You Built Middle-Tier and Backend Components Using C-Sharp (Java) and XML.

L Have Have you been involved in designing, exveling and testing software products?

L Have you use any off-the-shelf testing Tool to do automatic software testing

L how Would You Go About Optimizing An Application For Performance Or Isolate Problems? l What Tools Can You Use to Test Java / C Based Applications

Oracle Interview Problem - Technology This may be an article you have been looking forward to, while paying attention to this part of technical issues, be sure to read questions and answers about individuals in the interview. The answer here is not very comprehensive, these issues can be explained by multiple angles. Maybe you don't have to give a completely detailed answer during the interview process, just need to make the interview examinations to understand your familiarity of Oracle concept. .

1. Explain the different points of the cold backup and thermal spare and their own advantage: The hot backup for the archive mode, the database is still in the working state. The cold backup refers to the backup after the database is closed, and it is suitable for databases of all modes. The advantage of the thermal spare is that the database can still be used when backup and can restore the database to any point in time. The advantage of the cold backup is that its backup and recovery operation is quite simple, and the database performance is slightly better than the archive mode due to the database of the cold backup. (Because you don't have to write Archive log to your hard drive) 2. You must use the backup to restore the database, but you don't control the file, how to solve the problem? Solution: Reconstruction Control File, recover the database with the Recover command with the Backup Control File clause.

3. How to convert init.ora to SPFILE? Solution: Using the Create SPFile from Pfile command. 4. Explain the Data Block, Extent and Segment Differences (Recommended English Terminology) Answer: Data Block is the smallest logical storage unit in the database. When the database's object requires more physical storage space, continuous Data Block constitutes an extent. A database object has all extents called the object's segment. 5. Method of answering the table structure: 1.Describe command 2.DBMS_Metadata.get_ddl package 6. How to view the error of the database engine: Alert log.

7. Compare the Truncate and Delete commands: Both can be used to delete all records in the table. The difference is that Truncate is a DDL operation, it moves hwk, does not require Rollback Segment. The delete is a DML operation, which requires Rollback Segment and takes a long time. 8. Reason to use the index: Quick access to the Data Block 9. Data from both tables in Star Schema and their separate data: Fact Tables and Dimension Tables. Fact Table contains a large amount of main information and Dimension Tables stores information on the Fact Table some attributes 10.Fact Table What kind of index is built? Answer: BitMap Index 11. Give two related constraints? Solution: Primary key and foreign key 12. How to rebuild a masterometer answer without affecting the child table: The foreign key for the sub-table is enforced, Reconstruction of the master table, activate the foreign key 13. Explain the difference between archiving and non-invasive modes and their respective advantages and disadvantages: Archive mode means that you can back up all database Transactions and return to any time point. In contrast, the non-invasive mode cannot be recovered to any time point. However, non-archiving patterns can bring a little increase in database performance. 14. How to build a backup control file? Answer: ALTER DATABASE BACKUP Control File to TRACE. 15. Several status experienced by the database normal boot? Solution: Startup Nomount - Database instance launched Startup Mount - Database installed Startup Open - Database Open 16. Which Column can be used V $ view and GV $ view? Solution: inst_id indicates a specific INSTANCE in the cluster environment. 17. How to generate an Explain Plan? Answer: Run UTLXPLAN.SQL. Create a Plan table For a specific SQL statement, use the Explain Plan_Table run UTLXPLP.SQL or UTLXPLS.SQL to view the Explain Plan 18. How to add Buffer Cache Hit rate? Answer: When the database is busy, the Buffer Cache Advisory tool is applied to query V $ db_cache_advice. If necessary, you can use the ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE command 19. ORA-01555 should be the right way? Solution: The specific error message is Snapshot Too Old Within Rollback SEG, you can usually solve the problem by increasing Rollback Seg. Of course, I need to check the specific SQL text 20. explanates the difference between $ ORACLE_HOME and $ ORACLE_BASE? Solution: Oracle_base is the root of Oracle, Oracle_Home is the directory of Oracle products. 21. How to determine the time zone of the database? Solution: Select DBTIMEZONE from Dual; 22. Explaining Global_Names Use to True Use: Global_Names specifies the way the join database. If this parameter is set to True, you must connect the remote database with the same name when establishing a database link.

twenty three. How to encrypt the PL / SQL program? Answer: WRAP

24. Explain the Function, Procedure, and Package Differences: Function and Procedure are a collection of PL / SQL code, usually in order to complete a task. Procedure does not need to return any values ​​and Function will return a value in another, and Package is a collection of Function and Proceudre for completing a business function. 25. Explanation of Table Function: Table Function is returned by PL / SQL logic A set of records for ordinary table / views. They also used for the Pipeline and ETL processes.

26. Three species can collect Three Advisory Statistics: Buffer Cache Advice, Segment Level Statistics, Timed Statistics

27. Which Oracle directory structure is stored in Audit TRACE? Solution: Unix $ Oracle_Home / Rdbms / AuditWindows The Event Viewer

28. Explanation of the effect of Materialized Views: Materialized Views is used to reduce the collection of information for those summaries, collections, and packets. They are usually suitable for data warehouses and DSS systems.

29. When the user process is wrong, which background process is responsible for cleaning it: PMon

30. Which background process refreshes the Materialized Views? Answer: The Job Queue Processes.

31. Which session is being linked and the resources they wait? Answer: V $ session / v $ session_wait

32. Description What is Redo Logs Answer: Redo logs is a physical and logical structure for storing database data changes. Can be used to fix the database.

33. How to enforce Log Switch? Answer: ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE

34. Have two methods for judging DDL modifications? Answer: You can use logminer or streams

35. What did Co. Coalescing do? Answer: Coalescing is fragmented for the tableSpace of the dictionary, incorporates small extents into a single large extent.

36. What is the difference between Temporary TableSpace and Permanent TableSpace? Answer: A Temporary TableSpace is used for temporary objects such as sorting structure and Permanent TableSpaces is used to store those objects (such as tables, rollback segments, etc.) 37. Automatically create a TABLESPACE name when creating a database? Answer: System TableSpace. 38. When you create a user, you need to give new users what permissions can make it on the database. Answer: CREATE SESSION 39. How to add data files in TableSpace? Answer: ALTER TABLESPACE Add DataFile SIZE 40. How to change the size of the data file? Answer: Alter Database DataFile resize ; 41. Which view is used to check the size of the data file? Answer: DBA_DATA_FILES 42. Which view is used to determine the remaining space of TableSpace: DBA_Free_Space 43. How do you determine who adds a record? Answer: Auditing 44. How to reconstruct an index? Answer: Alter Index rebuild; 45. Explain what is partitioning (partition) and its advantages. Answer: Partition divides a large table and index into a smaller and easy management partition. 46. ​​You have just compiled a PL / SQL Package but there is an error report, how to display error information? Answer: Show Errors 47. How to collect the various status data of the table? Answer: Analyzethe Analyze Command. 48. How to start the session level TRACE solution: dbms_session.set_sql_trace alter session set sql_trace = true; 49. IMPORT and SQL * LOADER These 2 tools for these two tools: These two Oracle tools are used To import data into the database. The difference is that the import tool can only process the data generated by another Oracle tool Export. SQL * Loader can import different ASCII format data sources

50. 2 files for network connections? Answer: TNSNames.ora and SQLNET.ORABLACK_SNAILIBM Java Interview 1. STATER TUN: a) What is J2EE? Please use three sentences to describe it. B) Which two types are mainly divided into session EJB? What is the main difference? Who is better, why? C) EJB developers must provide which type of Java object for each EJB? These Java objects must inherit or implement which interfaces (should answer if the session ejb and the entity ejb are different)? D) Whether or not to return a tris reference from the method in EJB, or the THIS reference is passed as a parameter. Is there any other way to get the reference to ejBObject? E) What is the task of EJB container? F) How can the customer get a remote reference of an EJB instance? G) What types of transaction division can be used eJB? What is their respective advantages? H) Which statement below can create an instance of an InputStreamReader correctly? i new InputStreamReader (new FileInputStream ( "data"));. ii new InputStreamReader (new FileReader ( "data"));. iii new InputStreamReader (new BufferedReader ( "data"));.. iv new InputStreamReader ( "data" ); V. New INPUTSTREAMREADER (I) is passed to the event object of the mousedragged () method in the class that implements the java.awt.event.mousemotionListener interface. J) After entering a line in TextField, press Enter to implement what interface can realize the response to the event. K) The following correctly creates a socket statement is i. Socket a = new socket (80); II. Socket B = New Socket ("", 80); III. Serversocket C = New Socket (80) IV. Serversocket D = New Socket ("", what is the default port of the RMI registration program? M) What methods of the Naming class can bind the remote object to the RMI registration object? N) What interfaces should I extend in the remote interface? 2. Questions: a) Please briefly describe the hierarchy of the J2EE architecture and introduce the functions provided by each level. Note: It is recommended to answer the form of a picture text. B) Determine if the following statements are correct. If not correct, please explain the reason. I. Data associated with a typical entity EJB is stored in a relational database. Ii. The remote interface of the entity EJB represents the database table associated with it. III. Entity EJB-administrative persistence entity EJB requires deployers to specify SQL statements that insert, update, delete, and query the database. IV. The local interface of entity EJB will insert a new record in the underlying database. V. Entity EJB will get the necessary resources in EJBCREATE.


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