C: WinntSystem32Rasctrs.dll Window 2000 Server Log Error!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

Event ID: 2002

Source: perflib


Description: The Open Procedure for Service "RemoteAccess" in DLL. "C: /Winnt/System32/Rasctrs.dll" Has Taken Longer Than THE ESTABLISHED WAIT TIME to Complete.


This Error Occurs After Restarting The Server Because Resource Manger is attempting to query Counters of a service (s) That has not start.


Add The Following Key To The Registry.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to correct them Citrix can not guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved Use this tool at your own risk.. .

Locate Rasctrs.dll in The Registry. It will be under the folding key.


You need to add a REG_DWORD key with the name Open Time-out (see comments below). The default time-out value is 10,000 milliseconds.Increase the value to a higher number (35000) and no error will appear in the Event Viewer after You Restart The Server.

More information

From Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 226494:

Open Time-Out

The Open Time-out value is new in Windows 2000. Note the space in the value name. If this value is present, perflib sets up a time-out procedure internally. If the Open function of a performance monitor extension DLL does not return within The Time Specified, In Milliseconds, In this Registry Value, An Event (2002) Is posted to the Event log.


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