JDK1.4 Tomcat 5
I. Environment variable:
PATH: C: /J2SDK1.4.2/bin;
Java_Home: C: /J2SDK1.4.2/
Note: Only two.
two. JDBC driver
COPY The corresponding JDBC driver to Tomcat5 / Common / Libsql Server 2000 (or MySQL) for JDBC / LIB / Directory three.jar: msbase.jarmsqlser.jarmsutil.jar
Third. Virtual directory and connection pool
Suppose you want to build your own virtual directory in D: / jsgtest
/ myjsp
Suppose you want to connect the pool JNDI named AAA
Assume that the connection database is chengji (Test Chengji in the Test Database)
Tomcat5 / Conf / Catalina / Localhost
New file under the directory:
Myjsp.xml content is as follows:
Resourceparams> context>
Built in the D: / jsgtest directory: Test.jsp:
<% @ Page ContentType = "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312"%> <% @ page import = "java.sql. *"%> <% @ Page Import = "javax.sql. *"%> <% @ Page Import = "javax.naming. *"%> <% connection conn = null; context itis = new initialContext (); if (initctx == null) throw new exception ("Can't get context!"); context CTX = Context) INITCTX.LOOKUP ("Java: Comp / ENV"); // Gets the connection pool object Object obj = (Object) CTX.lookup ("aaa"); // Type conversion javax.sql.datasource DS = (Javax. SQL.DataSource) Obj; conn = ds.getConnection (); statement stmt = conn.createstatement (); string strsql = "select * from Chengji"; ResultSet RS = stmt.executeQuery (strsql); while ( () ) {Out.println (rs.getstring (1));}}}}}}} rs.close (); stmt.close (); conn.Close ();
Out.println ("Successful connection pool test");%>
Test path:
Http: // localhost: 8080 / myjsp / test.jsp