
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

The .NET Framework class library is a library that consists of classes, interfaces, and value types included in Microsoft .NET Framework SDK. The library provides access to system functions, which is the basis for establishing .NET Framework applications, components, and controls.



Thread security


The .NET Framework class library provides the following namespaces:


Contains classes that support compile and code generated with C # languages.


A class that supports compiling and code generated with JScript languages.


Contains classes that support compilation and code generated in Visual Basic .NET language.


Contains an interface that allows you to integrate scripts of the .NET Framework script engine to your application and compile and execute code at runtime.


Provide two types of classes: processing classes for events caused by operating systems and classes that operate on the system registry.


Contains basic classes and base classes for defining common values ​​and reference data types, events, and event handles, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.

Other classes provide services that support the following operations: data type conversion, method parameter operation, mathematical calculation, remote and local programs, application environment management, and supervision of managed and unmanaged applications.


A class containing elements and structures that can be used to represent source code documents. These elements can be used to establish the structure of the source code document. by using

System.codedom.comPiler Namespace The feature provided, you can output the source code document to source code written in supported languages.


Contains a type for managing a supported programming language to generate and compile source code. Each code generator can be based on the structure of the Code Document Object Model "(CODEDOM) source code model (by

The element provided by the System.codedom namespace is generated by a specific programming language.


Contains interfaces and classes that define various objects (such as lists, queues, bits, hash tables, and dictionaries).


Contains a dedicated strong type collection; for example, a link table dictionary, bit vector, and only a collection of strings.


Provides classes for runtime and design-time behaviors for implementing components and controls. This namespace includes a base class and interface for implementation, data source binding, and component authorization for attributes and type converters.

A class containing a user interface that can be used by the developer to generate a custom design when designing the components in the design. Design environmental environments provide systems that make developers can arrange components and configure their properties.

Provides types that support customize and control serialization in design.


Provides you can access the .NET Framework configuration settings and handle the incorrect classes and interfaces in the configuration file (.config file).


Contains classes for configuring the assembly.


Provides a class that allows you to write a custom installer for your own components.

The Installer class is the base class of all custom installer in the .NET Framework.

Basically consist of a class constituting the ADO.NET structure. The ADO.NET structure allows you to generate components that can be used to effectively manage data from multiple data sources. In the disconnected scheme (such as the Internet), ADO.NET provides a tool that can request, update, and coordinate data in a multi-layer system. The ADO.NET structure can also be implemented in the client application (such as a Windows Form) or an HTML page created by ASP.NET. System.Data.COMMON

A class containing the PRAMEWORK data provider. The .NET Framework data provider describes a collection of classes for accessing a data source (such as a database) in the managed space.


Package ODBC .NET Framework data provider. The .NET Framework data provider describes a collection of classes for accessing a data source (such as a database) in the managed space. by using

ODBCDataAdapter class, you can fill in memory

DataSet, use it to query and update the data source.

For additional information on how to use this namespace, see ODBCDataReader, ODBCCommand, and ODBCCONNECTION class.

Note: This namespace is only supported in the .NET Framework 1.1 version.


Package OLE DB .NET Framework data provider. The OLE DB .NET Framework data provider describes a collection of classes for accessing the OLE DB data source in the managed space.


Encapsulate Oracle .NET Framework data providers. Oracle .NET Framework data provider describes a class collection for accessing an Oracle data source in a managed space.

Note: This namespace is only supported in the .NET Framework 1.1 version.

Package SQL Server .NET Framework data provider. The SQL Server .NET Framework data provider describes a collection of classes for accessing the SQL Server database in the managed space.

Description Access to the class set of the database from the SQL Server CE based on the Windows CE-based device in the hosted environment. This namespace can be created on a device and connect to the SQL Server database on another device or remote server.

Note: This namespace is only supported in the .NET Framework 1.1 version.


Provides classes for native data types in SQL Server. These classes provide a safer and faster alternatives for other data types. Use the classes in this namespace help prevent type conversion errors that can occur in the case where accurate loss may occur. Since other data types are converted with SQLTypes in the background, they are explicitly created and used in this namespace.


Provides classes that allow interaction with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. This namespace also provides classes that enable you to debug applications and tracking code. For more information, see


Debug class.


Provides a class that enables you to read and write debug symbol information (such as the source line of the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) mapping). The compiler for .NET Framework can store debug symbol information into programmers' database (PDB) files. The debugger and code analyzer tool can read the debug symbol information at runtime.


Provides a way to access Active Directory from managed code. This namespace contains two components: DirectoryEntry and

DirectorySearcher. These two classes use the Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) technology. ADSI is a set of interfaces provided by Microsoft, which is a tool that can flexibly handle various network providers. ADSI enables administrators to find and manage network resources relatively easily, regardless of the network size.


Provides access to GDI basic graphics functions.


System.drawing.Imaging and

System.drawing.Text Namespace provides a higher function.

Contains the user interface (UI) logic and the class that is expanded. This design functionality can be further extended to create the following objects: Customize toolbox items, type-specific value editor, or type converters, where type-specific value editor is used to edit and graphically indicate the value of supported types; Type converters are used to convert values ​​between specific types. This namespace provides the basic framework for user interface extensions when developing design.


Provide advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics features. This namespace includes gradient brush,

Matrix class (used to define geometric conversion) and

GraphicsPath class.


Provide advanced GDI image processing functions. Basic graphics function

System.drawing Namespace is available.


Provide services related to printing. Often, you can create

Example of the PrintDocument class, set the properties that describe the print content, and then call

The Print method actually prints the document.


Provide advanced GDI layout features. Basic graphics function

System.drawing Namespace is available. The classes in this namespace enable users to create and use font collection.


Provide an important infrastructure for enterprise applications. COM provides service structure for component programming models deployed in an enterprise-level environment. This namespace provides access to COM services for the .NET Framework object, allows the .NET Framework object more suitable for enterprise-level applications.


Provides a class that allows you to use Compensation Resource Manager (CRM) in managed code. CRM is a service provided by COM that enables you to include non-transactional objects in the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) transaction. Although CRM does not provide the full resource manager's function, they provide transactional atomic (all or all behaviors) and persistence through recovery logs.


Provide infrastructure support for COM services. The classes and interfaces in this namespace are specifically used to support from unmanaged COM class.



A class containing regional related information, including language, country, calendar, date of format, currency, digital, and string sort order. These classes are useful for writing globalization (international) applications.


The type of synchronization and asynchronous read and write to data streams and files is allowed.

Contains a type that allows you to create and use a separate memory area. By using these storage areas, you can read data that cannot be accessed with less trusted levels, and can prevent sensitive information of other locations in the file system can be prevented. The data is stored in the data cabin of the assembly independent of the current user and code. System.Management

Provide access to a group of rich management information and management events (they are access to systems, devices, and applications that comply with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure.


Provides classes that are required to specification application management and public management information and events to potential users through WMI. In this way, users such as Microsoft Application Center or Microsoft Operations Manager can easily manage your application, and administrator scripts or other applications (managed applications and unmanaged applications) can also monitor and configure your application.

System.Messaging, SYSTEM.MESSAGING

Provides a class that allows you to connect, monitor, and manage messages on your network, and send, receive, or view messages.


Provide a simple programming interface for a variety of protocols adopted by the current network.

WebRequest and

The WebResponse class constitutes the so-called base of plug-in protocol, which is an implementation of network services that enables you to develop applications that use Internet resources without having to consider specific details of each protocol.

Developers who need to strictly control the network access provider to provide the hosted implementation of the WINDOWS socket interface.


Contains classes and interfaces for managed views, methods, and fields, and have the ability to dynamically create and call types.


A class containing a metadata and a Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) that allows compilers or tools to generate and generate a PE file (optional) on disk. The main clients of these classes are scripting engines and compilers.


Provides classes and interfaces that allow developers to create, store, and manage applications used in applications.


To use the compiler writer writer of the hosted code to specify attributes in metadata that affects the runtime behavior of the public language runtime. The classes in this namespace are only used for compiler writers.


Provide a variety of members that support COM Interop and platform calling services. If you are not familiar with these services, please see

Interact with non-hosting code



Support the .NET infrastructure, not directly in the code.



Iexpando interface, this interface allows you to modify the object by adding or removing members of the object.


Provide a class and interface that allows developers to create and configure distributed applications.


Provide classes and objects that support servers and client remote objects.


A class that supports and processes channels and channel receivers, which uses as a transmission medium when the client is called the remote object.


Contains channels that use HTTP protocols and remote locations to transit messages and objects. By default, the HTTP channel encodes objects and method calls in the SOAP format for transmission, but other encoding and decoding formatting program receivers can also be specified in the channel configuration properties.

System.Runtime.Remoting.channels.tcp contains channels that use TCP protocols and remote locations to transit messages and objects. By default, the TCP channel encodes objects and method calls in the binary format to transmit, but other encoding and decoding formatting program receivers can also be specified in the channel configuration properties.


Contains objects that define all the context resides. The context is an ordered attribute sequence for defining the environment where the object is located. The context is created during the activation of the object, which is configured to require some automatic service, such as step, transaction, real-time (JIT) activation, security, etc. Multiple objects can stay in one context.


Contains classes that manage remote object lifetimes. Traditionally, distributed garbage collection functions use reference counts and ping to control objects' survival. This mechanism can work properly when each service is available, but when each service has thousands of clients, it will not work. Remote Processing Life Services Associates each service with a lease, and the service will be deleted when the lease expires. The survival service can play a role in the traditional distributed garbage collector, and it can be adjusted well when the number of clients in each service increases.


Contains classes for creating and remote processing messages. Remote processing infrastructure uses messages to communicate with remote objects. Messages are used to transmit remote methods calls, activate remote objects and communication information. The message object carries a set of naming properties, including the operational identifier, represents information, and parameters.


A class and attribute that can be used to customize SOAP for objects and fields. Classes in this namespace can be used to indicate the soapaction, type output, XML element name, and XML namespace URI method.


Contains the XML architecture definition (XSD) defined by the World Wide Web Federation (W3C) in 2001. "XML Schema Part2: Data Types" in W3C (XML Architecture Part 2: Data Type) Specification determines the format and behavior of various data types. This namespace contains a packaging class that conforms to the W3C specification. All date and time types are in line with the ISO standard specification.


A class containing the XML architecture used by the SOAPSUDS.EXE command line tool and the user code to be converted between the XML schema of the metadata and the remote processing infrastructure.


Contains classes that control and provide proxy functions. The agent is a local object as a remote object image. Agent allows the client to process boundary access objects across the remote range.


Contains a service class that provides the function of .NET Framework.


Contains classes that can be used for serialization and reverse selecente objects. Serialization is the process of converting objects or object maps into linear byte sequences to store or transmit to other locations. Define sequence is the process of receiving storage and re-creating objects with this information.


Provide general enumerations, interfaces, and classes used by serialization formatting procedures.


Contains sequential and reverse selecinstened objects available in binary format

BinaryFormatter class.


Contains to serialize and deserialize objects in SOAP format

SOAPFormatter class.

Provide the infrastructure of the .NET Framework security system, including the base class of permissions.

Provide encryption services, including security encoding and decoding, and many other operations, such as haveh processing, random number generation, and message authentication.

A public language running library that includes Authenticode X.509 V.3 certificates. This certificate uses unique to identify the private key signature of the certificate holder.

Contains classes that support to create and verify XML digital signatures. The classes in this namespace implement the World Wide Web Federation (W3C) recommended "XML-Signature Syntax and Processing" (XML signature syntax and processing), see


Define classes based on policy control operations and resource access.

Contains code groups, members and evidence. These three types of classes are used to create rules applied by the .NET Framework security policy system. Evidence class is the input of security policies, and the member conditions are switches; the two jointly create a policy statement and determine the authority set. The policy level and code group are the structure of the policy level. The code group is a rule package and is layered in the policy level.

Define the subject object that represents the security context of the run code.


Provides a class that enables you to implement, install, and control the Windows service application. The service is an executable that requires a long-term running of a user interface. The process of implementing services includes:

ServiceBase class inherits, defines specific behaviors that are processed when the start, stop, suspend, and continue commands, and define custom behavior and operations taken when the system is turned off.


A class that represents ASCII, Unicode, UTF-7, and UTF-8 character encodes; an abstract base class for mutual conversion between a character block and a block; and does not need to create a string can operate and format Help class for string objects.


Contains classes that provide access to the .NET Framework regular expression engine. The regular expressions provided by this namespace can be used in any platform or language running in Microsoft .NET Framework.


Provide a class and interface that supports multi-threaded programming. In addition to class for synchronous thread activity and data access (




AutoreteTevent, etc.), this namespace also includes one

ThreadPool class (enable you can use the thread pool provided by the system) and one

Timer class (a callback method is performed on the thread in the thread pool).


Provides events that allow events to be triggered at designated intervals

Timer components.


Provide classes and interfaces that support browser / server communications. This namespace includes

HttpRequest class (which provides a lot of information about the current HTTP request),

HTTPRESPONSE class (which manages HTTP to the client output) and

HTTPServerUtility object (it provides access to server-side utilities and processes). System.Web also includes classes for cookie operations, file transfer, exception information, and output cache control.


Provides classes for cache common data on the server. Including

CACHE class, this class is a dictionary where you can store any data objects, such as hash tables and datasets. It provides a failure function for these objects and provides you with ways to add and remove these objects. You can also add objects that depend on other files or cache items and perform callbacks from a object from the Cache to inform your application. System.Web.configuration

Contains classes for setting up ASP.NET configurations.

Provides the ability to host the ASP.NET application from the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) external hosted application.


A class that enables you to construct and send messages using a CDOSYS message component. Mail messages are sent through the SMTP mail service or any SMTP server built in Microsoft Windows 2000. The classes in this namespace can be used from ASP.NET or any hosted application.


The core functionality required to generate an ASP.NET mobile web application, including authentication and error handling.

Contains classes for implementing ASP.NET security in the web server application.


A class that enables you to create XML Web Services using ASP.NET and XML Web Services clients. XML Web Services is a number of applications that provide message exchange in loose coupling environments using standard protocols such as HTTP, XML, XSD, SOAP, and WSDLs. With XML Web Services, modular applications can be generated interior and companies in the heterogeneous environment, allowing them to interact with a wide range of implementations, platforms and equipment. These applications may be strictly defined (structured and type) or loose definitions (using any XML) in each part of SOAP-based XML messages. These messages can be developed over time and do not destroy the protocol, which is most fundamentally for the flexibility and reliability of XML Web Services as future web construction blocks.


Composed of some classes, these classes are configured with the XML Web Services created by ASP.NET.


Composed of some classes, these classes allow you to use a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to disclose XML Web Services. Each class in this namespace corresponds to a particular element in the WSDL specification, and the class hierarchy corresponds to the XML structure of a valid WSDL document.


Composed of some classes, these classes allow the XML Web Services client to locate the XML Web Services available on the web server through a process called "XML Web Services discovery".


Composed of some classes, these classes define protocols for transmitting data between XML Web Services through the network through the network during communication.


Provides classes and interfaces that support data for individual clients specific to a web application on the server. Session status data is used to provide the client to provide the appearance of a persistent connection with the application. Status information can be stored in the local process memory, or for network field configuration, you can use the ASP.NET status service or SQL Server database to store status information outside the process.


Provides you can create a class and interface of the controls and pages in the web application in the user interface on the web page. This namespace includes a Control class that provides a set of generic features for all controls (regardless of HTML controls, web controls or user controls). It also includes

Page control, whenever a request in a web application, this control is automatically generated. There are also some classes, which provide Web Form Server Control Data Binding Functions, the ability to save the view status of a given control or page, and analysis capabilities that apply to programmable controls and text controls.

Contains classes that can be used to extend web form design.


Contains classes that can be supported when the Web Server Control Design is included.


A collection of classes that allow you to create an HTML server control on a web form page. The HTML server control is running on the server and maps to the standard HTML tags supported by most browsers. This allows you to programmatically control the HTML element on the web form page.


Contains a set of ASP.NET server controls that can be intelligently rendering your application for different mobile devices.


Contains a core device adapter class from the ASP.NET mobile control from defining devices and supporting extensions.


A class that enables you to create a web server control on the web page. The web server control is running on the server and includes form controls such as buttons and text boxes. They also include special controls similar to calendar. Since the Web Server control is running on the server, these elements can be controlled in programming. The web server control is more abstract than the HTML server control. Their object model does not necessarily reflect the HTML syntax.

Contains classes for creating Windows-based applications, which make full use of rich user interface features in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

A class that contains design and behavior that supports the design of Windows Forms Components. These classes include: Designer classes supported by Windows Forms (ie, a set of design-time service), used to configure the UITYPEEDITOR class for a specific attribute type, and classes for importing the ActiveX control.


Provide standard XML processing support.


Contains a XML class that provides a standard XML architecture definition language (XSD) architecture support.


Contains classes for documents or streams used to sequence the object sequence into XML format.


Contains the XPath Analyzer and Calculation Engine. It supports W3C XML Path Language (XPATH) 1.0 version recommended (


Provides Scalable Style Table Conversion (XSLT) conversion support. It supports W3C XSL conversion (XSLT) 1.0 version (


You can filter the class library reference document by language to see a language (Visual Basic, C #, C managed extension or jscript) or simultaneously view syntax, description, and examples of all these four languages. To filter by language, click the filter icon at the top of the reference page, then select a language or select "All Display."


When trying to call an instance method and the base object contains an empty reference, all instance methods in the class library will trigger instances of NullReferenceException. This exception is not explicitly listed in the reference document due to any example method. The class library document lists other exceptions raised by each member, as well as instructions for the cause of each abnormality.

Thread security

All public static members in .NET Framework (Method, Properties, Fields, and Events) support concurrency access in multithreaded environments. Therefore, any .NET Framework static member can be called simultaneously from two threads without disposable conditions, deadlocks or faults.

For all classes and structures in the .NET Framework, check the "Thread Security" section in the API reference document, determine if it is thread safe. If you want to use a non-threaded security class in a multi-threaded environment, you must use a code that provides the necessary synchronous construct to package the instance of this class.


.NET Framework reference


Introduction .NET Framework class library


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