Use the statistics writing number, and then truncate the output, but the content of the paging will be truncated in the inexplicable place, not very friendly.
Very simple, find the following symbols near the place to be truncated:
; '""?!;' ".!
If there is
on the back. Mainly to study the format of the article.
IF Request.ServerVariables ("Content_length"> 0 THEN
Content = Request.form ("Textarea1")
PageLength = 1000 'Each page number cLength = len (content) PageCount = int (clength / pageLength) 1' calculation page
Dim PageArrayredim PageArray (PageCount)
SEPERATOR = Array (CHR (13), Chr (10), ".", "!", "?", ";", "," "" ") 'Separator
PageArray (0) = 0POS = 0for J = 0 to Ubound (seperator) POS = INSTR (PageArray (i) 900, Content, SEPERATOR (J)) 'PageArray (i) 900 location is 100 words, 1-999 Adjustable While POS> 0 and POS <(i 1) * PageLength and Pos> i * PageLengthPageArray (i) = pospos = INSTR (POS PageLength, Content, SEPERATOR (j)) Wend
IF PageArray (I)> 0 Then Response.write "0: I |" & PageArray (i) & "
" & J & ": J" & seperator (j) & "
" J = J Ubound (seperator) 1 end ifnext
For i = 1 to PageCount-1PageArray (i) = 0pos = 0for J = 0 to Ubound (seperator) POS = INSTR (PageArray (i-1) 950, Content, SEPERATOR (J)) While Pos> 0 and POS < (i 1) * PageLength and Pos> i * PageLengthPageArray (i) = pospos = INSTR (POS PageLength, Content, SEPERATOR (j)) Wend
IF PageArray (i)> 0 Then Response.write I & ": I | & PageArray (i) &"
"& J &": J "& seperator (j) &"
"J = J Ubound (seperator) 1 end ifnextNext
output = mid (content, 1, PageArray (0)) output = replace (output, chr (13), "
") Response.Write "
paragraph 1
" Response.Write Outputfor I = 1 to PageCount-2output = MID (Content, PageArray (i-1) 1, PageArray (i) --PageArray (i-1)) Output = Replace (Output, Chr (13), "
" ) Response.Write "
of" & i 1 & "segment
" Response.Write outputnext
'The output of the last paragraph didn't write