Install Mambo Step by Step in Windows
First introduce what is MAMBO.
The following words for Mambo comes from Mambo China.
Mambo, Chinese means Mango Music (from Cuba Black Music), is one of the most powerful open source systems on this planet. in
At the Linux User and Developer Conference held in London, Mambo stands out from the many excellent open source systems, winning the 2004 Best Linux Open Source System Award, and its same competitive KDE, Firebird SQL, EGroupWare, etc. It is a high popularity and widely used system, but now it is Mambo's hand, and it is conceivable that MAMBO's magic is much!
MAMBO is a very powerful smart building system. At present, users have exceeded phpnuke. He absorbed a lot of PHPNUKE, XOOPS, more flexible, more powerful, and unclear plug-ins and skin download!
Due to the Apache, PHP, MySQL under Windows requires additional installation, so it is more troublesome to install MAMBO under Windows in Windows, which is much more troublesome than the Linux distribution of RedHat.
One. Install the required software
Apache ->
Mysql ->
PHP ->
You can also in Mambo China MAMBO
Simplified Chinese Gold Edition ->
Or directly download Simplified Chinese Gold Edition Server Integrated Environment directly in Mambo China->
Download mysql 4.1, install MySQL.
Create a MAMBO-specific database.
Root user login mysql
Create a database:
Create Database MAMBO;
Create a user:
Grant All on Mambo. * to 'Kamus' @ 'LocalHost' Identified by 'mypassword' with grant option;
Flush privileges;
Here are some basic mysql commands, perhaps it will be used.
Log in to the database with a newly created user
Mysql -u kamus -p
Use Mambo;
Display tables in the database
Show table;
delete users
Revoke All Privileges, Grant Option from Kamus;
Flush privileges;
DROP User Kamus;
Download Apache_
-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi, install Apache
Download PHP-
Install PHP
1. Unzip the ZIP file, generate a directory, assume it is PHP
2. Use all files in the DLLS and SAPI directories to PHP's root directory
3. Add the path to the PHP directory into the PATH variable (let PHP4TS.DLL take effect)
4. The php.ini-recommended is called PHP.INI4. Add a PHPRC environment variable, point to the directory where PHP.INI is located
5. Modify php.ini
DOC_ROOT = "C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache2 / HTDOCS"
Session.save_path = d: / temp
Magic_quotes_GPC = ON
In the product environment, it is strongly recommended not to set Display_errors to ON.
Display_errors = on
6. Add extended support, modify php.ini, because the new version of PHP is built into mysql and zlib support, so this step can be omitted
EXTENSION_DIR = "./extensions/"
7. Make Apache support PHP, we use modules. Note: All catalogs need to be used / indicated instead of default /
Modify httpd.conf, add
# For php 4
LoadModule PHP4_Module "D: /Tools/php/php4apache2.dll"
AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php
# Configure the path to php.ini
PHPINIDIR "D: / Tools / PHP"
8. Subsequent modification httpd.conf
AdddefaultCharset GB2312
Download MAMBO, unzip it into the HTDOCS directory under Apache
two. Set MAMBO
Accessing http://localhost/mambo/installation/index.php directly in the browser
Enter MAMBO installation page.
The first page checks if the PHP configuration is correct
- Zlib Compression Support Available
- XML Support Available
- MySQL Support Available
Configuration.php writeable
Session Save Path D: / Temp, Writeable
Although MAMBO recommends setting PHP's display_errors to ON, but in the product environment, we strongly recommend setting to OFF, and use logfile to log errors.
True to receive GNU / GPL License
Third page MYSQL Database Configuration page:
Host Name = localhost
MySQL User Name = Kamus
Mysql password = mypassowrd
MySQL Database Name = MAMBO
MySQL Table prefix = MOS_
Here, NEXT will find an error, saying that the username and password are incorrect, because the PHP4 built-in MySQL module does not support the new version of MySQL4.1 server password hash algorithm, the solution is selected as follows:
1. Upgrade all MySQL Client to
Or updated version
2. Change the user's password to the old format, execute at the MySQL prompt
Set password for 'kamus' @ 'localhost' = Old_password ('mypassword');
The specific link is as follows:
Page 4 Enter the description of the site
Page 5 Enter some parameter values
URL = http: // localhost / mambopath = c: / program files / apache group / apache2 / htdocs / MAMBO
Your e-mail =
Admin Password = NewPassword
Sixty page installation successfully confirmed, click "View Site" to enter the home page, click "Administration" to enter the management page
If you want to access the site, you need to delete the installation directory. Of course, we only need to rename the installation directory in order to make it.
Access Mambo Home with the following URL
Use the following URL to access the management page
If you want to reinitialize the MAMBO site again, remove the configure.php that is automatically generated during the configuration process, and then restore the directory installation
You can browse the MAMBO home page again and will automatically enter the installation page.
In fact, we can also manually perform MAMBO installation, which is as follows:
Enter the MAMBO Unzip Directory, rename the configuration.php-dist name to configure.php, then edit the file
Usually we need to change the following lines
$ mosconfig_user = 'kamus';
$ mosconfig_password = 'mypassword';
$ mosconfig_db = 'mambo';
$ mosconfig_absolute_path = 'c: // program files // apache group // apache2 // htdocs // MAMBO';
$ mosconfig_live_site = 'http: // localhost / MAMBO';
$ mosconfig_cachepath = 'c: // program files // apache group // apache2 // htdocs // MAMBO / CACHE'
Enter the installation / sql directory in the MAMBO unzipped directory, edit MAMBO.SQL, remove the last 6 line SQL's comment, this is SQL for Test
Then use the user created in front to execute this SQL
CD C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache2 / HTDOCS / MAMBO / INSTALLATION
MySQL -UKAMUS -PMYPASSWORD MAMBO If you want some test data, you can continue to execute MySQL -UKAMUS -PMYPASSWORD MAMBO