Develop web applications with JBuilderx

zhaozj2021-02-16  123

Borland's JBuilder is the world's leading Java development environment. The latest version of JBuilderx is a comprehensive cross-platform environment for developing enterprise Java applications. It has added a lot of new features in a revitalization of JBuilder, which has become the most powerful Java visual development environment. This article will pass a simple Web project to enable you quickly enter the Hall of JBuilderx.

JBuilderx's function is extremely rich. This article will not introduce all the features in this article, and will only introduce some of the functions involving example project development, and will introduce some common functions. Or not mention, I believe you can naturally grasp those basic functions during the project development operation. You can also understand and master these contents through JBuilderx online help documents, recommend you to read the top 4 basic tutors in help-> jbuilder Toturials. Project introduction Although JBuilderX can be used to develop applications such as desktops, wireless, Applets, but more than 80% of users use it to develop J2EE's web applications, so I have designed a simple web application project, and you will also lead you to development. A web application that can be run. This web project contains only one user login function, and its system block diagram is as follows:

Figure 1. System block diagram

Where web application servers are Tomcat4.1, the database server is Oracle10g.

This project includes the following:

1) User table T_User: Information for saving users

2) Login page login.htm: Let the user entered the username and password

3) User information JavaBean class Userbean: includes three properties, namely user ID and user password and username

4) Get database connection class DSBean: Get database links to operate database

5) User login processing page Execute.jsp: Compare the user ID, user password, and database, resulting in results page

6) Exception Processing Page Error.jsp: Transfer to an exception handling page when an exception occurs, display user-friendly error message

The collaborative relationship between the various parts of the project is shown below:

Figure 2. Collaboration relationships of each part in the system