Computer development history

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

The rapid development of modern electronic computer technology is inseparable from the accumulation of human science and technology knowledge. It is not allowed to explore many scientists who are keen on this and the painstance. It is the accumulation of this generation to build today's "information building". From the following computer development in time, we can feel the hardships of technology development and the huge driving force of science and technology.

First, the birth of mechanical computers

In Western Europe, the Social Change of the Middle Ages entered the revival period of the Renaissance, which greatly promoted the development of natural science and technology, and people have been unprecedented released by the creativity of Shenshi suppression. In these ideological creative sparks, it is the most dazzling machine that makes a calculation, and most eye-catching. Since then, a scientist is working hard to achieve this great dream. However, it is limited to the scientific and technological level at that time, and most experimental creations ended in failure. This also showed the common fate of Pioneers: I often see the results of my efforts before falling. When the future generations are enjoying these sweet results, they often taste the taste of sweating and tears ...

1614: Scottish John Napier (1550 to 1617) published a paper, which mentioned that he invented a compact device that can perform four operations and square root operations.

1623: Wilhelm Schickard (1592 ~ 1635) made a "computing clock" that can be added within 6-digit additional and subtraction and can pass the answer to the ringtone output. The device operates by rotating the gear.

1625: William OUGHTRED (1575 ~ 1660) invented rules.

1668: British Samuel Morl (1625 ~ 1695) made a non-decimal addition device, suitable for calculating coins.

1671: German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz designed a computing tool that can be multiplied, the final answer length of 16 bits.

1822: British Charles Babbage (1792 ~ 1871) designed a differential machine and analyzer, its design theory is very superior, similar to a hundred years of electronic computer, especially the design of card input procedures and data is used by future people. .

1834: Babbage envisaged manufacturing a universal analyzer, store programs and data in read-only memory (perforated card). Babbage continued his research in the later time, and in 1840, the number of operational digits was increased to 40, and found the concept of control center (CPU) and storage programs, and the program can jump according to the conditions. Make a general addition in a few seconds, multiplied, division in a few minutes.

1848: British mathematician George Boole founded a second-generation mathematics, and in advance, the development of modern binary computers in advance was in advance.

In 1890: The US Census Department hopes to get a machine to help improve census efficiency. Herman Hollerith (later his company developed into IBM) to borrow Babbage's invention, storing data with perforated card, and designed a machine. The result is only 6 weeks to draw accurate demographic data (if used in manual methods, it takes about 10 years).

1896: Herman Hollerith founded the predecessor of IBM.

Second, the electronic computer came out

After a hundred years old, the computer started the transition of the mechanical to the electronic era, and the mechanical components gradually evolved into the main body of the computer, and the mechanical components gradually became the substand. position. When the two status transitions, the computer also officially started the transformation of the amount to quality, thereby causing the electronic computer to officially came out. Below is the main events in this transition:

1906: Americans Lee de Forest invents, for the development of electronic computers.

February 1924: IBM was established, from this time with an epoch-making company.

1935: IBM launches IBM 601 machine. This is a perforated card computer that can calculate a multiplication within one second. This machine has an important role in natural science or in commercial applications, and approximately 1,500 units. 1937: Alan M.TURING (1912-1954), a university of the University of Cambridge published his paper and proposed a mathematical model called "Tuling Machine" by the later generation.

1937: George Stibitz of the Bell Laboratory demonstrated the use of a relay representing a binary. Although it is just a show, it is the first binary electronic computer.

From January 1940: The Samuel Williams and Stibitz manufacturing of the Bell Laboratory successfully made a computer that can perform complex operation. The machine uses a large number of relays and draws on some telephone technology, using advanced coding techniques.

In the summer of 1941: Atanasoff and student Berry completed a computer that can solve the linear algebraic equation, taking the "ABC" (Atanasoff-Berry Computer), with a capacitor memory, a auxiliary memory with a perforated card, and those holes are actually "burning "On, the clock frequency is 60 Hz, and the time is completed for one second.

January 1943: Mark i automatic sequential control computer has been successfully developed in the United States. The entire machine has 51 feet long, 5 tons, and 750,000 parts. The machine uses 3304 relays, 60 switches as mechanical read only memories. The program is stored on the paper strip, and the data can be from a trace or card reader. Mark I is used to calculate the ballistic fire table for the US Navy.

September 1943: Williams and Stibitz completed "Relay Interpolator", and later named "Model II Re-Lay Calculator" computer. This is a programmable computer that also uses paper strip input programs and data. It runs more reliable, and each number is represented by seven relays to perform floating point operations.

1946: ENIAC (Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer) was born, this is the first true digital electronic computer. Started in 1943, in 1946, the person in charge is John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, with 18,000 tubes, 25 kW, mainly used to calculate the development of ballistic and hydrogen bombs.

Third, the development of transistor computer

Computer in the vacuum tube era, although it has entered the category of modern computers, due to its large volume, high energy consumption, more fault, and expensive, thereby restricting its popularization and application. Until the transistors were invented, the electronic computer found the starting point of the takeoff.

1947: William B. Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain in the Bell Laboratory invented the transistor and opened an electronic era.

In 1949: Wilkes from Cambridge University and his team made a computer that can store the program and the input and output devices are still a paper strip.

1949: EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer - Electron Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) - Computer using tapes. This is a breakthrough that can store the program multiple times. This machine is a John Von Neumann proposed.

1950: Yoshiro Nakamats of the Tokyo Empire University in Japan invented a soft disk, and its sales rights were obtained by IBM. This created a new era of storage age.

1951: Grace Murray Hopper completed a high-level language compiler.

1951: UNIVAC-1 - The first commercial computer system is born, and the designer is J. Presper Eckert and JohnMauchly. It was used by the American Census Department for the census, marking the computer into the business application era. 1953: The magnetic core memory is developed.

1954: IBM's John Backus and his research team began developing FORTRAN (Formula Translation), completed in 1957. This is a computer high-level language suitable for scientific research.

1957: IBM has developed successfully the first point-staple printer.

Fourth, the integrated circuit paved the road for modern computers

Although the use of transistors greatly narrows the volume of the computer, it reduces the price, it reduces the failure, but the actual requirements of the user are still far apart, and each industry has also produced a large demand for computers, and the production performance is more powerful. Light, prices

The low machine became a top priority. The invention of the integrated circuit solves this problem. High integration not only reduces the volume of the computer, but also speeds up speed, and the fault is reduced. Since then, people began to make a revolutionary microprocessor.

September 12, 1958: Under the leadership of Robert Noyce, the integrated circuit is born, and the microprocessor is invented soon. However, since the technology of Japanese company is borrowed when the microprocessor is invented, Japan does not recognize its patents, as Japan has not obtained the interests. After 30 years, Japan recognized that Japanese companies can get some profits from it. But in 2001, this patent was invalid.

1959: Grace Murray Hopper began to develop COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) language, completed in 1961.

1960: Algol - The first structured programming language is launched.

1961: IBM's Kenne Iverson launches APL programming language.

1963: DEC launched the first small computer - phDP-8.

1964: IBM releases a PL / 1 programming language.

1964: Release IBM 360 first series compatible machine.

1964: DEC releases a PDB-8 small computer.

1965: Moore's law is published, the number of transistors of the processor is doubled every 18 months and the price is half.

1965: Lofti Zadeh created fuzzy logic to handle approximate problems.

1965: Thomas E.KURTZ and JOHN Kemeny completed the development of the Basic (Beginner 's All-Purpose Symbolicin-Struction Code). It is especially suitable for computer education and beginners to be widely promoted.

1965: Douglas Englebart proposed the mouse to envisage, but did not have further studies until 1983 was used by Apple Computer.

1965: The first supercomputer CD6600 was developed successfully.

1967: Niklaus Wirth began to develop Pascal language, completed in 1971.

1968: Robert Noyce found Intel Company and his friends.

1968: Seymour Paper and his research team have developed logo language in MIT.

1969: The ADVANCED Release Projects Agency Network plans to start launching, which is a prototype of modern internet.

April 7, 1969: The first network protocol standard RFC is launched.

1970: The first RAM chip is launched by Intel, with a capacity of 1KB.

1970: Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie began to develop UNIX operating systems.

1970: Forth programming language development is completed.

In 1970: Internet's protothel Arpanet is basically completed, starting to open to non-military departments.

November 15, 1971: Marcian E.Hoff has successfully developed the first microprocessor 4004 in Intel, containing 2,300 transistors, a word length of 4 bits, and a clock frequency is 108 kHz, and 60,000 instructions per second. 1972: Computer habits after 1972 are called fourth generation computers. Based on large-scale integrated circuits and later large scale integrated circuits. The computer is more functional in this period and the volume is smaller. At this point, people have begun to suspect whether the computer can continue to shrink, especially if the heat of the heat is solved. At the same time, people have begun to explore the development of the fifth-generation computer.

1972: C language development is completed. Its main designer is one of the developers of UNIX systems Dennis Ritche. This is a very powerful language, especially loved.

1972: Hewlett-Packard invented the first handheld calculator.

April 1, 1972: Intel launches 8008 microprocessor.

1972: Arpanet started to go to the world, the Internet revolution kicked off.

1973: Arcade Game Pong is released to get a wide range of welcome. The inventors are Nolan Bushnell (Atari's founders).

1974: The first CLIP-4 with parallel computer architecture is launched.

5. Contemporary computer technology is gradually brilliant

Prior to this, it should be said that computer technology is mainly focused on the development of large machines and small machines. With the advancement of large-scale integrated circuits and microprocessor technology, the technical barriers of computer enterproduction are gradually broken. Especially after Intel released its microprocessor 8080 for individual users, this wave is finally surging, and also promoted a large group of information, such as Stephen Jobs (Stephen Jobs), Bill Gates (Bill Gates), etc., so far they also play a pivotal role in the development of the entire computer industry. In this time, Internet technology and multimedia technology have also received unprecedented applications and development, and the computer truly starts to change our lives.

April 1, 1974: Intel posted its 8-bit microprocessor chip 8080.

1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen completed the first BASIC program running on the Altair computer of Mit (MIT).

1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft (now there is the world's largest, most successful software company). After 3 years, it has increased by $ 500,000, and the employees increased to 15 people. In 1992, it reached 2.8 billion US dollars, 10,000 employees. In 1981 Microsoft's IBM's PC development operating system has laid a leadership in the field of computer software.

1976: Stephen Wozinak and Stephen Jobs founded Apple and launched its Apple I computers.

June 8, 1978: Intel releases its 16-bit microprocessor 8086. In June 1979, the quasi-16-bit 8088 was launched to meet the market's needs of low-cost processors and were adopted by IBM's first generation PC. The processor has a clock frequency of 4.77 MHz, 8MHz and 10 MHz, about 300 instructions, integrated 29,000 transistors.

1979: The low-density soft disk was born.

1979: IBM has seen a computer market with Apple and other computer companies, decided to develop their own personal computers. In order to launch your own products as soon as possible, IBM handed a lot of work to third parties (where Microsoft has undertaken the development of operating systems, which also laid the foundation for Microsoft's later rise), on August 12, 1981. Introduced IBM-


1980: "As long as there is 1 megaby memory to perform DOS," Microsoft has developed DOS in the initial stage. What do you think about this sentence today?

1981: Xerox has started working on graphical user interfaces, icons, menus, and positioning devices (such as mice). Results The research results were apple, and Apple Computer Company later accused Microsoft plagued their design and developed Windows series software. August 12, 1981: MS-DOS 1.0 and PC-DOS 1.0 release. Microsoft has developed a DOS operating system from IBM, and they purchased a program called 86-DOS from Tim Paterson and improved. The version of IBM is called PC-DOS, and MS-DOS is sold by Microsoft. Microsoft's cooperation with IBM has been until DOS 5.0 in 1991. The initial DOS 1.0 is very simple, only one root directory on each disk, does not support subdirectories, until the 2.0 version of 2003 has changed. MS-DOS has been compatible with the IBM-PC compatible operating system before 1995, and the last version is named DOS 7.0 after the Windows 95 is launched and quickly occupied the market.

1982: Internet initial weapon based on TCP / IP protocol.

February 1982: 80286 is released, the clock frequency is increased to 20MHz, increasing the protection mode, can access 16MB of memory, support 1GB of virtual memory, 12.7 million instructions per second, integrated 134,000 transistors.

In the spring of 1983: IBM XT is released, adds 10MB hard drive, 128KB memory, a floppy drive, monochrome display, a printer, can add an 8087 digital coprocessor. The price at the time was $ 5,000.

March 1983: MS-DOS 2.0 and PC-DOS 2.0 have added management forms similar to the UNIX hierarchical directory.

1984: DNS (Domain Name Server) Domain Name Server is published, more than 1,000 hosts on the Internet.

At the end of 1984: Compaq began to develop IDE interfaces, it can transmit data at a faster speed and adopted many peers, and later developed a better EIDE interface.

1985: Philips and Sony cooperate to launch the CD-ROM drive.

October 17, 1985: 80386 DX launched. The clock frequency reaches 33MHz, addressing 1GB of memory, 6 million instructions per second, 275,000 transistors are integrated.

November 1985: Microsoft Windows is released. The operating system requires DOS support, similar to Apple's operating interface, which is terminated by Apple, which is terminated by August 1997.

December 1985: MS-DOS 3.2 and PC-DOS 3.2 release. This is the first system that supports 3.5-inch disk, but only supports 720KB, 3.3, support 1.44MB.

1987: Microsoft Windows 2.0 is released.

1988: ESA standard is established.

1989: Tim Berners-Lee of the European Physical Particle Institute founded the WORLD WIDE Web prototype. Through hypertext links, novices can easily browse. This greatly promotes the development of the Internet.

March 1989: EIDE standard is established to support more than 528MB hard drives, which can reach 33.3MB / s transmission speed and are used by many CD-ROMs.

April 10, 1989: 80486 DX released. The processor integrates 1200,000 transistors, which have a clock frequency of a subsequent model reaches 100 MHz.

November 1989: Sound Blaster Card is released.

May 22, 1990: Microsoft released Windows 3.0, compatible with MS-DOS mode.

November 1990: The first generation MPC (Multimedia Personal Computer Standard) was released. This standard requires that the processor is at least 80286/12 MHz (later increasing to 80386Sx / 16MHz) and a optical drive, at least 150 kb / sec transmission rate. 1991: ISA standard is released.

June 1991: MS-DOS 5.0 and PC-DOS 5.0 release. In order to promote the development of OS / 2, Bill Gates said that DOS5.0 is DOS Terminator, which will no longer flow here in the future. This version has broken through 640KB basic memory restrictions. This version also marks the end of Microsoft and IBM in DOS.

1992: Windows NT is released, address 2GB of memory.

April 1992: WINDOWS 3.1 is released.

1993: The Internet started commercialization.

1993: Classic game Doom is released.

March 22, 1993: Pentium is released, the processor integrates more than 3 million transistors, the earlier version of the core frequency is 60 ~ 66MHz, and 100 million instructions per second.

May 1993: MPC Standard 2 release, requires a CD-ROM transfer rate to 300kb / s, and play 15 frames per second in 320 × 240 windows.

March 7, 1994: Intel releases 90 ~ 100MHz Pentium processor.

1994: Netscape 1.0 browser is released.

1994: The famous instant strategy game Command & Conquer is released.

March 27, 1995: Intel releases 120MHz Pentium processor.

June 1, 1995: Intel releases 133MHz Pentium processor.

August 23, 1995: Pure 32-bit multitasking operating system Windows 95 is released. The operating system is greatly different from previous versions, completely detached from MS-DOS, but the DOS mode is retained for taking care of user habits. Windows 95 has achieved great success.

November 1, 1995: Pentium Pro is released, the main frequency can reach 200MHz, can perform 440 million instructions per second, and 5.5 million transistors are integrated.

December 1995: Netscape releases its JavaScript.

January 1996: Netscape Navigator 2.0 is released. This is the first browser that supports JavaScript.

January 4, 1996: Intel released a Pentium processor for 150-66 MHz, integrated 310 ~ 3.33 million transistors.

In 1996: Windows 95 OSR2 is released, amended part of the BUG, ​​expanding some of the features.

1997: Heft Auto, Quake 2 and Blade Runner are released, and the 3D graphics acceleration card will rise rapidly.

January 8, 1997: Intel releases Pentium MMX CPU, processor game and multimedia function to enhance.

April 1997: IBM Deep Blue Computer Battle Human Chess World Championship Casparov.

May 7, 1997: Intel releases Pentium II, add more instructions and cache.

June 2, 1997: Intel released 233 MHz Pentium MMX.

February 1998: Intel released 333MHz Pentium II processor, manufactured by 0.25 μm process, and reduced heat during speed improvement.

June 25, 1998: Microsoft released Windows 98, some people attempted to understand Microsoft, Microsoft's counterattack, said this will hurt the United States's national interests.

January 25, 1999: Linux Kernel 2.2.0 is released, and people will give them a hopes.

February 22, 1999: AMD issued a K6-3 400MHz processor. July 1999: Pentium III released, the initial clock frequency is above 450 MHz, the bus speed is above 100MHz, using 0.25 μm process manufacturing, support SSE multimedia instruction set, integrated with 512KB or more secondary cache.

October 25, 1999: Pentium III processor codenamed Coppermine (copper mine). The core size of the Coppermine chip manufactured by a 0.18 μm process is further reduced, although the internal integration of 256kb full speed ON-DIE L2 Cache, built-in 2.8 million transistors, but its size is only 106 square millimeters.

March 2000: Intel posted a new generation of Celeron processors that codenamed "Coppermine 128". The most significant difference between the new Celeron and the old Celeron processor is to adopt the same Coppermine core as the new P III processor and the same FC-PGA package, while supporting the SSE multimedia extension instruction set.

April 27, 2000: AMD announced that DURON is officially launched as a trademark of its new inexpensive processor, and it is prepared to launch a bigger impact to the intel, at the same time, the high-end Thunderbird is also a month after one month release.

July 2000: AMD leading Intel released 1GHz Athlon processor, then released a 1.2GMHz Athlon processor.

July 2000: Intel released the research and development of the Pentium 4 processor for Willamette, the pin is 423 or 478, and the interior of its chip integrates 256KB of secondary cache. The outer frequency is 400MHz, using 0.18 μm process manufacturing, use SSE2 instruction set And integrate the heat sink, which starts from 1.4GHz.

On May 14, 2001, AMD released Athlon 4 processors for laptops. The processor uses 0.18 microns, and the front-end bus frequency is 200MHz, with 256 kb level 2 cache and 128KB level cache.

On May 21, 2001, VIA released C3 processors. The processor is manufactured by a 0.15 micron process (2 mm 2), including 192Kb full speed cache (128KB level cache, 64KB level 2 cache), and Socket370 interface. Support 133MHz front-end bus frequencies and 3DNW! , MMX multimedia instruction set.

On August 15, 2001, VIA announced that it is compatible with the P4 chipset P4x266 of DDR and SDRAM memory to ship a large number of shipments. The memory bandwidth of the chipset reaches 4GB, twice the I850.

On August 27, 2001, Intel released the P4 processor up to 2GHz. The wholesale price per thousand pieces is $ 562.


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