MXML file
AS file
// ******************************************************** *************************** // CopyRight (C) 2004 // ************ *********************************************************** ************
Import mx.core.uicomponentimport mx.controls.text
Class Dansun_xh Extends UIComponent {var txt: movieclip; var getcellindex: function;
Function Dansun_XH () {} // Create object function createchildren (void): void {txt = createclassObject (text, "dsgtext", 5, {text: (getcellindex (). itemIndex 1)}; size ();}
// Set size function size (void): void {txt.setsize (layoutwidth, layoutheight);}
// Set the variable Function setValue (str: string, item: object, sel: boolean): void {txt._visible = (item! = Undefined); txt.text = getcellindex (). ItemInDex 1;}
// Return to high function getpreferredheight (void): Number {Return 16;} // Return Wide Function GetPreferRedWidth (Void): Number {Return 120;}}