Development of online classrooms with EJB

zhaozj2021-02-16  141

Introducing how demand analysis in project development, how to plan database, database modeling, and how to apply mode design to specific projects to develop developers. This article uses an online course project to show all the steps developed by the panoramic view of the clues.


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Introduction to CourseSonline brief introduction The development environment of the Coursesonline system introduction development environment Demand Analysis Coursesonline system development initial demand research, database modeling, data dictionary, data table planning Coursesonline system design in system design, how to choose design mode Creating a database in Oracle9i Creating Database CourseSonlines Using JBuilder9 Developing CourseSonline System Steps Partial Some Steps Codes Appendix JBuilder9, Oracle9i, WebLogic7 installation configuration; Data table SQL script

1. Introduction to CourseSonline

CourseSonline is an experimental system. CourseSonline is the meaning of "online course". In this Coursesonline system, students choose a course, teachers can open a course, and system administrators manage students, teachers, and courses.

CourseSonline uses J2EE to implement, with some references for the development of other EJB systems.

Second, the development environment CourseSonline uses JBuilder9 Oracle9i WebLogic7 development environment. Because J2EE is an industry standard, it is not most important to use which development environment. At present, other common development environments have Eclipse mysql JBoss (all OpenSource), VJA DB2 WebSphere, and so on. JBUILDER9 ORACLE9I WebLogic 7 Development Environment Configuration See Appendix A. Third, CourseSonline Demand Analysis 3.1 CourseSonline Use example above is the USE Case Diagram of CourcesOnline. Obviously, there are three actors, teachers, and system administrators in the system. Students need to register into system users to browse the courses and class. 3.2 Database Modeling (ER) and Data Dictionary Dictionary Database is the database ER diagram of Coursesonline, and the modeling tool is Erwin. By the way, Erwin's forward engineering supports the ER diagram directly generates database table structure, and the reverse engineering supports database table structure generation ER diagram. There are 5 tables used by CourseSonline, and the data dictionary is as follows: 3.2.1 actor login information table (actor)

Name Data Type Constraint Note 1 ActorId Smallintpk Actor Identifier 2 UserNameVarchar (20)? Actor Login Account 3 PasswordChar (8)? Actor Login Password 4 ActorTypeSMallint? ActorTypesMallint? Actor Type, 0: System Administrator; 1: Teacher; 2: Student

3.2.2 Actor Basic Information Table (actorInfo)

Name Data Type Constrained Remark 1 ActoridSmallint FK (actor) actor identifier 2 actornamevarchar (20)? Actor Name 3 Phone Varchar (16)? Phone 4 Emailvarchar (50)? Email

3.2.3 Course Information Table (Courses)

Name Data Type Constraint Note 1 CourseSidsmallintpk Course Identifier 2 CourseSnameVarchar (20)? Course Name 3 StartDate Date? Course Start Time 4 EndDate Date? Course End 5 Actorid Smallintfk (actor)? 6 Roomidsmallintfk (room) Classroom identifier 3.2. 4 Student Selection Course (Appointment)

Name Data Type Constraint Note 1 ActorID Smallint Fk (actor) actor identifier (student, actorty = 2) 2 CourseSidsMallint fk (courses) course identifier

3.2.5 Classroom Information Table (Room)

Name Data Type Constrained Remarks 1 Roomidsmallintpk Classroom Identifier 2 RoomnameVarchar (30)? Classroom Name