Introduction to XSL-FO

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  66

And Rong Note - XSL-FO & XHTML


Yang He Rong

Version 2.01, modified on December 23, 2002

Introduction to XSL-FO


What is XSL-FO?


XSL-FO: An additional typesetting language based on XML. Its working principle is in the original text information

Join the XML statement, its role is to control the typesetting format of the original text data. XSL-FO is actually very similar to Tex, and Tex

It is widely used in various scientific and technological literature in fifteen years.

The main features of XSL-FO:

- XSL-FO uses XML language format.

- XSL-FO can also be used in conjunction with XSL conversion language, generating two effects on the processed XML file:

First, content conversion; Second, print typography.

"Hello!" Instance


Here is my first XSL-FO instance,

- The name of all elements in the text has "FO:" forward, representing the XML namespace: " ".

The next question after the XSL-FO file is what software is used to handle such a file. I have made some investigations and tests for this:

- I have no way to display the XSL-FO file with MS Internet Explorer 6.0.

- XML ​​SPY can be used to edit the XSL-FO file, but I don't know how to use it to display the XSL-FO file.

- After I found someone on the Internet, I found a FOP. The trial effect is good, and the PDF file can be generated directly.

Install FOP


After preliminary investigation, I found that Formatting Objects Processor seems to be the most common XSL-fo now.

Processing software. Below is the step of installing the FOP:

1. Until

Http:// Extract FOP-0.20.5RC2-bin.tar.gz

2. Unpack-0.20.5rc2-bin.tar.gz in winzip, put the content into /local/fop-0.20.5RC23. Establish a command file, run_fop.bat:

/LOCAL/J2SDK1.4.1_01/bin/java -cp /local/fop-0.20.5rc2/build/fop.jar; /local/fop-0.20.5rc2/lib/xercesimpl-2.2.1.jar; / local / FOP-0.20.5RC2 / lib / xalan-2.4.1.jar; /local/fop-0.20.5rc2/lib/avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar; /local/fop-0.20.5rc2/lib/batik. Jar org.apache.fop.apps.fop% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6

Note that this is an instruction that must be written, and there is no space between the .jar file name. Due to the limitations of the display width,

I have to write this instruction a few lines.

If you run the above instruction file in a command window, get the following result:

Run_fopusagefop [Options] [-fo | -XML] Infile [-xsl file] [-awt | -pdf | -mif | -pcl | -ps | -txt | -at | -print] [options] -d Debug Mode -X Dump Configuration Settings -q Quiet Mode -c cfg.xml Use Additional Configuration File Cfg.xml -l Lang The Language To Use for User Information - S for Area Tree XML, Down To Block Areas Only ...

Your installation is successful.

According to the instructions, FOP has two main functions:

- Generate .txt, .pdf, or .ps files in XSL-FO file.

- Convert and type the XML file to generate .txt ,.pdf, or .ps file by converting the XML file and places the XML file .txt, .pdf, or .ps file.

Generate the XSL-FO file version .txt file


First let us make a simple example, generate a .txt file in the version. Run the following instructions:

Run_fop -fo -txt hello.txt

You will get the following information:

[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser [INFO] FOP 0.20.5rc2 [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser [INFO] building formatting object tree [INFO] setting Up fonts [info] rendering isas to text [info] [1] [info] Parsing of Document Complete, Stopping Renderer [info] Writing Out Text

From this information, we can see that the FOP uses Xerces SaxParser to read the XSL-FO file. we

It can also be seen that the results after the typography are only one page.

For verification results, use the hello.txt file to open with notepad, you will see: Hello World! ...

The typographic results are completely correct.

Generate the XSL-FO file version. Pdf file


Our second example is to generate a .pdf file for Run the following instructions:

Run_fop -fo -pdf hello.pdf

You will get the following information:

[INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser [INFO] FOP 0.20.5rc2 [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2 Parser [INFO] building formatting object tree [INFO] setting Up fonts [info] [1] [info] PARSING OF Document Complete, Stopping Renderer

Then please open Hello.pdf with Adobe Reader, you will see "Hello World!" Is correctly typed

The top left corner of the page. This result is very inspiring, I feel better and better to FOP.

Generate the XML file conversion type version .pdf file


In the above two examples, we combine the original text information and the typesetting statement. In this example,

We will use two input files: one is the original text data file hello_xsl.xml, one is conversion and typography

Statement file hello_fo.xls.


Hello World! Hello_fo.xsl: - Please note:

- Typographic command "fo: *" is embedded in the conversion command "xsl: *".

- Conversion instructions In addition to introducing typography instructions, the original text data has been simple conversion, and it is added in its first end.

A character: "-".

Now run the following instructions:

Run_fop -xml hello_xsl.xml -xsl hello_fo.xsl -pdf hello.pdf

If you open Hello.pdf, the translated text information "-hello world! -" is correctly typed on the upper left corner of the page.

XML file conversion processing


In the FOP package, there is an XML file processing software: "Xalan".

Its function is to convert the XML file. Below is the running instruction file of Xalan, run_xalan.bat:

/LOCAL/J2SDK1.4.1_01/bin/java -cp /local/fop-0.20.5rc2/lib/xercesimpl-2.2.1.jar; /LOCAL/FOP-0.20.5RC2/LIB/xalan-2.4.1.jar Org.apache.xalan.xslt.process% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6

Let us use the last example above, use Xalan, listen to hello_fo.xml to convert hello_xsl.xml:

Run_xalan -in hello_xsl.xml -xsl hello_fo.xsl -out hello.out

The following is the result of the conversion Hello.out:

< / fo: root>

This result is consistent with our expectations. The typesetting statement is completely reserved, and the original information is also converted.

Conclusion 1: XML file is used to organize raw text materials, and XSL files are used to define data conversion rules. If needed,

The conversion rules can also be embedded in the typographic rules to control the display and printing of the data.

Conclusion II: The FOP software can be used for data conversion processing, which can be used for data typography, and can also be used for the disposable processing of data conversion and typography.

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add another point:

Configuring the inner font

Configure Chinese font

1. Make a font metric file

a. If it is a collection of TTC types

Java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.ttfreader -ttcname "Simsun" c: /winnt/fonts/simsun.ttc simsun.xml

Pay attention to case sensitive.

b. If it is a TTF type font file

Java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.ttfreader c: /winnt/fonts/msgothic.ttf


2. Configure the Font section of the userconfig.xml file.

Embed-file = "c: /winnt/fonts/msgothic.ttf">


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