A mysql automatic backup script

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

Write a script for MySQL backup, let's see, what is wrong. This is the first shell script I wrote. Everyone helps to see, who is needed, I can send him. You can put this script into crontab, executed once every morning, automatic backup This script is only available once a day, and only keeps backups of the backup of the last five days on the server.

Code: #! / Bin / bash #this is a shellscript for auto db backup #powered by Aspbiz # 2004-09 #setting # Settings database name, database login name, password, backup path, log path, data file location, and backup Method # By default, the backup method is TAR, but also mysqldump, mysqldotcopy # By default, log in with the mysql database with root (empty), back up to / ROOT/DBXXXXX.TGZ DBNAME = mysql dbuser = root dbpasswd = backuppath = / root / Logfile = / root / db.log dbpath = / var / lib / mysql / # backupmethod = mysqldump # backupMethod = mysqlhotcopy # backupMethod = tar #setting endnule = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D ) .tgz dumpfile = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D) Oldfile = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D --Date = '5 days ago'). TGZ echo "-----------------------------------------"> $ logfile Echo $ (DATE "% Y-% M-% D% H:% M:% S") >> $ logfile echo "-------------------- ------ ">> $ logfile # delete old file if [-f $ oldfile] THEN RM -F $ Oldfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1 echo" [$ oldfile] delete old file surcess! ">> Logfile Else Echo "[$ lyled] no old backup file!" >> $ logfile fi f [-f $ newfile] thrho "[$ newfile] The Backup File is exists, can't backup!" >> $ logfile elsecase $ BackupMethod in mysqldump) if [-z $ DBPasswd] then mysqldump -u $ DBUser --opt $ DBName> $ DumpFile else mysqldump -u $ DBUser -p $ DBPasswd --opt $ DBName> $ DumpFile fi tar czvf $ NewFile $ Dumpfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1 echo "[$ newfile] backup success! >> $ logfile rm -rf $ dumpfile ;;


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