1. Interface class for database links: DatabaseConnection
Package Net.Pingsoft.kelefa.pool;
Import java.sql. *;
Import javax.sql. *;
Import com.wish.jdbc.wconnection;
Import org.apache.commons.pool. *;
Import org.apache.commons.pool.Impl. *;
/ **
* Database link interface class. Call the static method GetDbConnection () to get the Connection object directly.
* Related parameters are set by the poolconfigservlet class according to Web.xml, so web.xml needs to register PoolConfigServlet
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004
* @Author kelefa yang
* @version 1.0
* @see poolconfigservlet
* /
Public Class DatabaseConnection
/ ** Database username * /
Public stat String user = "sa";
/ ** Database password * /
Public static string pass = "yf1";
/ ** Startup program class name * /
Public Static String DBDriver =
/ ** Database link address * /
Public Static String Dburl =
"JDBC: Microsoft: SQLSERVER: // 1433; DatabaseName = FC";
/ ** Do you use JNDI * /
Public static boolean usejndi = false;
/ ** JNDI name, usejndi == false is invalid * /
Public static string jndi = "wishjndi";
/ **
* Do you encode a database link?
* @DepRecated does not test, you should directly set the database or add the encoded parameters in the link URL
* /
Public Static Boolean ConvertConNetion = FALSE;
/ ** Whether buffer link * /
Public Static Boolean Pool_Connection = FALSE;
/ **
* There is no need to generate an instance
* /
Private DatabaseConnection ()
/ **
* Retrieve the actual database link according to the corresponding parameters.
* If usejndi is true, the JNDI name is linked from the data source; otherwise links directly from JDBC.
* If ConvertConnetion is true, the link is resembled, and the encoding conversion is achieved.
* @Throws Exception When usejndi == false, and User, Pass, DBDriver, DBURL one is empty
* Throw "DatabaseConnection Didn't"! "Exception
* @Return Connection Database Link, return NULL
* /
Static Connection getConnection () THROWS Exception
Connection conn = NULL;
IF (! usjndi)
IF ((user == null) || (pass == null) || (dbdriver == null) || (dburl == null))
Throw New Exception ("DatabaseConnection Didn't !!");
Class.Forname (dbdriver);
Conn = drivermanager.getConnection (DBURL, User, Pass);
DataSource DS = Service (). GetDataSource (JNDI);
CONN = ds.getConnection ();
IF (ConvertConne && conn! = null)
Return New WConnection (CONN);
Return conn;
/ ** Link pool factory * /
Private static genericObjectPoolfactory poolfactory =
New genericObjectPoolfactory (New connectionFactory ());
/ ** Database link pool * /
Private static ObjectPool pool = poolfactory.createpool ();
/ **
* if pool_connection is true, return the pooled connection.
* Pool_connection will be set in class poolconfigservlet When Webapp Start,
* You can change the value in Web.xml.
* *
* init-param>
* @Throws Exception
* @Return Connection
* /
Public Static Connection GetDbconnection () THROWS EXCEPTION
IF (pool_connection)
Object obj = pool.borrowObject ();
IF (null == obj)
Return NULL;
PoolableConnection conn = (poolaableconnection) OBJ;
Conn.setpool (pool);
Return conn;
Return getConnection ();
2. Database Link Factory CONNECTIONFAACTORY
Package Net.Pingsoft.kelefa.pool;
Import org.apache.commons.pool. *;
Import java.sql.connection;
/ **
* Database Link Object Factory, responsible for creating database links and encapsulating it into buffered objects and closing the database link.
* This factory instance is a constructor of org.apache.commons.pool.Impl.GenericObjectPoolFactory
* Parameters.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004
* @Author kelefa yang * @version 1.0
* @see org.apache.commons.pool.Impl.GenericObjectPoolFactory
* /
Public Class ConnectionFactory Extends BasepooLableObjectFactory
Public connectionFactory ()
/ **
* Creates a connection instance That Can Be Returned by the pool.
* @Return an instance That Can Be Returned by the pool.
* @Throws Exception
* @Todo Implement this org.apache.commons.pool.poolableObjectFactory Method
* /
Public Object MakeObject () THROWS EXCEPTION
Connection conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection ();
IF (conn == null)
Return NULL;
Return New PoolableConnection (CONN);
/ **
* Close a connection instance no longer needed by the pool.
* @Param Obj the instance to be destroyed
* @Throws Exception
* @Todo Implement this org.apache.commons.pool.poolableObjectFactory Method
* /
Public Void DestroyObject (Object Obj) THROWS EXCEPTION
PoolableConnection conn = (poolaableconnection) OBJ;
Conn.SetPool (NULL);
3. Rebate the connection.close () method so that you can return to the database link pool
Package Net.Pingsoft.kelefa.pool;
Import java.sql.connection;
Import java.sql.sqlexception;
Import org.apache.commons.pool. *;
/ **
* Rebursing the connection.close () method so that the database link pool can be returned.
* Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004
* @Author kelefa yang
* @version 1.0
* /
Public Class PoolableConnection Extends ConnectionWrap
/ ** Database link pool * /
Private ObjectPool POOL;
Public PoolableConnection (Connection CONN)
Super (conn);
/ **
* If the database link pool exists, return this link back to the database link pool; otherwise close this database link
* @Throws SQLException
* /
Public void close () THROWS SQLEXCEPTION
IF (pool! = null)
Pool.ReturnObject (this);
Super.close ();
Catch (Exception EX)
/ **
* Set the link pool where this link is located. * If Pool is equal to NULL, the link is used directly, otherwise, returns to the link pool after using it.
* @Param pool database link pool
* /
Public void setpool (ObjectPool Pool)