SWT ... insider? FOOSLEPER translation (Participation: 2434, expert points: 640) Published: 2004-3-1 12:57 am Updated: 2004-3-3 2:00 pm versions: 1.1 Read: 2498 times
Original: http: //groups.yahoo.com/group/straight_talking_java/http: //groups.yahoo.com/group/straight_talking_java/messages/24236 finishing translation: FooSleeper Last Modified: 2004-03-03 Annotation: This article is from straight_talking_java @ YahoOGroups.com discussion group, which is already a year ago. Alan Williamson is edited by Java Developers Journal, which comes from a source of message in IBM. I have seen a lot, NetBeans and Eclipse are also much more. Translator translation This article is not to arouse what dispute, nor is it to support which side (although I am standing on SWT), I don't want to attack Amy. My most important reason is that this is an interesting article. There is inside, line people, company politics, monopoly giants, beauty, business style ... enough to take a movie. Interesting, this is enough. However, this article reflects IBM's view of Swing and SWT, there is still a nutritious. From: alan williamson
Later IBM overwhelmed the other two, so they intend to merge into one, assume that Parc-Place Digitalk. Subsequently when they tried to integrate their products, they broke out when they were called Jigsaw, and they planned to fail to fail due to political reasons (developers can actually make it running), they are native and patterned. Dead war. Amy has won the spiritual victory, but we have won all their business in IBM, because the two companies did not do anything in addition to quarrels. When the PPD (Parc-Place Digitalk has been renamed Objectshare, the same reasons why WINDSCALE renamed Sellafield is the same - the stock price of the disaster that occurs beforewards from $ 60 to $ 1. 1 US $ 1. They disappeared from the NASDAQ since the pseudo-reported income was disappeared. At this point, Sun is walking with a similar technical direction similar to PPD, so the technicians of PDD have cast their resume to Sun. Amy is hired, she promises to solve all window components through a lightweight program, so persuade the Sun management to make her a head of the GUI development department. She is holding "The original people are doing, I am coming to solve" the key coming in. Then Amy hired all her old friends in Parc-Place and let them develop Swing. Obviously Swing should only become a drawing framework, use people who wish to create map software or drawing software, in any case, should build it around the AWT class, buttons, the button, still handed over to the AWT. Sun's people such as Philip and Mark have allowed AWT to handle tables, trees, and notepads (Notebook, "), so Swing direction should be said clearly. But those who ruin the PDD don't do it, they have to make everything lightweight. Due to the ignorant of Sun Management, plus Amy ruthless political means, it has caused the chaos that we see today. Amy also makes Sun believes Swing is a part of the Mozilla project to be developed with Netscape, in fact, this is just her propaganda. In IBM, we won swings from the first day. Greg, full is wrong, and it is ugly. The original our tools such as Visualage for Java is written with SmallTalk (used by native window components), so when we migrate these tools to the Java code library, we need a set of window components. The developers of IBM are the batch of people who are originally SMALLTALK. We are very reluctant to build a WebSphere Studio tool for management requirements. Swing is a terrible monster. In the initial preview of WebSphere Studio, all our customers hate it because of its appearance, regardless of its appearance, regardless of its function. Most consumers will buy a car that makes people feel ugly, even if this car has an excellent engine. So we started a project, which ported our SmallTalk native window components to Java. This project is made by the Object Technology International Group of Canada. This project has been successful and is used in the VisualAge Micro Edition product we have released, and Visualage Micro Edition later became a very successful IDE in J2ME development. However, OTI discovered that Swing had a very serious defect in reading Windows events, and we even could not even perform SWT (S is SIMPLE abbreviation, but later turned into STANDARD's abbreviations) and interoperability between SWING.