OGSA-DAI website:
First, the initial environment installation
1. Install Java SDK, set the java_home environment variable
2. Install Ant, set an ANT_HOME environment variable
3. Install Tomcat, set the Catalina_Home environment variable
4. Install JUnit, copy junit.jar to% Ant_home% / lib directory
5. Install Jakarta ORO, copy jakarta-orom-2.0.8.jar to% Ant_HOME% / lib directory
6. Install the GT3 OGSA 3.2.1 to C: / OGSA, set% OGSA_HOME% environment variable
7. Set the PATH environment variable PATH =% PATH%;% ANT_HOME% / bin;% java_home% / bin
Second, configure Globus Toolkit 3
1. Execute the following command in the
Ant -dtomcat.dir =% catalina_home% deploytomcat
2. Edit the
WSDL .WSDL, G-WSDL .GWSDL, and XML Schema .xsd MIME Type Description.
Test Globus Toolkit 3 configuration
Test Globus Toolkit 3 Whether it has been properly deployed under Tomcat.
1. If Tomcat is running, turn it off. Put the command at the DOS prompt
% Catalina_home% / bin / shutdown.bat
2. Start Tomcat. Put the command at the DOS prompt
% Catalina_Home% / Bin / Startup.bat
Or run the command in the start menu.
3. Access the URL address via the web browser
Http: // localhost: 8080 / igsa / service.
You will see a list of services deployed in the Tomact instance.
3.4.1 Fault Solution
If you see the following error when starting:
"PARSE FATAL ERROR AT LINE 551 Column 44: The String" - "IS Not
Permitted within commerss. ":
This error occurs when using Tomcat 4.1.24 below.
If you see the following error when starting:
"WebAppClassLoader: Validatejarfile (... / servlet.jar) - JAR NOT Loaded.
See Servlet Spec 2.3, Section 9.7.2.OffENDING CLASS: JAVAX / servlet / servlet.class
Delete file servlet.jar from the