The current version of Roller's READMORE plug-in, does not support Chinese title, and needs to modify the REDMOREPLUGIN.JAVA file to modify 105 lines in the file (in the render: entry.getanchor () modified to: Urlencoder. Encode (entry.getanchor (), "UTF-8") can be modified the source code as follows:
/ *
* CREATED ON NOV 2, 2003
* /
Package org.roller.presentation.velocity.plugins.readmore;
Import org.apache.commons.lang.stringescapeutils;
Import org.apache.commons.logging.log;
Import org.apache.commons.logging.logfactory;
Import org.apache.velocity.Context.context;
Import org.roller.rollerexception;
Import org.roller.model.rollerfactory;
Import Org.roller.Model.userManager;
Import org.roller.pojos.weblogenTryData;
Import org.roller.pojos.websitedata;
Import org.roller.presentation.rollerRequest;
Import org.roller.presentation.velocity.pageplugin;
Import org.roller.util.utilities;
/ **
* @Author lance
* /
Public Class ReadmorePlugin IMPLEments PagePlugin
protected string name = "read more summary";
Protected string description = "stops entry after 250 character 250 character 250 character 250
"a line to the full function."
Private static log mlogger =
Logfactory.GetFactory (). GetInstance (ReadmorePlugin.class);
String ctxpath = "";
Public ReadmorePlugin ()
Mlogger.debug ("ReadmorePlugin Instantiated.");
Public string toString () {return name;}
/ * (non-javadoc)
* @see org.roller.presentation.velocity.pageplugin # init (org.roller.presentation.rollerRequest, Org.apache.Velocity.Context.context)
* /
Public Void Init (RollerRequest RREQ, Context CTX) THROWS ROLLLEEREXCEPTION
IF (RREQ == Null) Throw new RolleRexception ("RollerRequest is Null."); ctxpath = rreq.getRequest (). getContextPath ();
/ **
* @Param Mgr
* @Param Data
* @Return
* /
Private string getPagelink (UserManager Mgr, WebsiteData Website) Throws Rollerexception
Return Mgr.RetrieVepage (Website.GetDefault ()). getLink ();
/ *
* This Method Cannot Do It's Intended Job (Since It Cannot
* Read the current entry) SO it is to do no one!
* (non-javadoc)
* @see org.roller.presentation.velocity.pageplugin # render (java.lang.string)
* /
Public String Render (String STR)
Return Str;
Public String Render (WebloGENTRYDATA Entry, Boolean Skipflag)
IF (Skipflag)
Return entry.getText ();
// in Case It Didn't Initialize
String Pagelink = "Weblog";
Pagelink = getpagelink
RollerFactory.Getroller (). GetuserManager (), entry.getWebsite ());
Catch (RolleRexception E)
Mlogger.warn ("Unable to Get Pagelink", E);
String result = utilities.truncatenicly (entry.getText (), 240, 260, "...");
// if the result is shorter, We need to add "read more" LINK
IF (result.length () { String link = " "/ Comments /" Entry.getWebsite (). getuser (). getusername () "/" Pagelink "/" Urlencoder.Encode (entry.getanchor (), "UTF-8") "/"> Read more " Result = link; } } Catch (unsupportedEncodingexception E) { // go with the "no eNCoding" Version } Return Result; } Public string getname () {return name;} Public string getdescription () {return stringescapeutils.escapejavascript (description); }