Javawebstudio 2005 new feeling

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

Special explanation: If a picture in the text does not show up, only the empty box, please click the right mouse button to display the "Show picture", which can be the server. Because here upload pictures too much trouble, so do not add all the pictures, as detailed in 2005 Download 1: http: // ASP? ID = 1574 ************** JavaWebstudio 2005 Download Address 2: ftp: // User: LHBUP Password: LHBUP JAVAWEBSTUDIO 2005 is the most convenient and fast Visualization Struts, JSP, Hibernate development platform, is a powerful Java web integration development environment (IDE), JavaWebStudio 2005 new features are as follows: 1. Improvement features: 1.1 Environment Variable Settings 1.2 Chinese Editing Double-byte Process 1.3 Keyboard Shortcuts 1.4 File Manager 1.5 Class Manager 1.6 Toolbar HTML Control (Label) Drag Features 1.7 Startup Scheme Random Image Display and Main Screen Customizable Display 1.8 Java File Editing Auto Tips Quick Search 1.9 can quickly jump to any Source file 1.10 enhancement system stability 1.11 can edit the content of various websites, especially the "Save As" and "View Source File" operations, new features: 2.1 Struts JSP page visualization map Design 2.2 Visual Style Design 2.3 Interactive Button Design 2.4 Bean Factory, Bean_Dao Factory 2.5 Bean Variables and Action Configuration Dynamic Monitoring Function 2.6 Batch Bean Variable Add 2.7 Hibernate File Wizard Features 2.8 Add Struts_menus Template, Struts1.2.4 Template, JSF Template Hibernate Template 2.9 JDK adopts J2SE 5.0 (ie 1.5) version, the server adopts Jakarta-Tomcat-5.52.10 support J2ME development, using WTK2.2, offers 15 J2ME templates 2.11 debugging function 2.12 javawebstudio open source project: struts_db

Here is a preview of the JavaWebstudio interface: ---------------------------------------- 1.1 Environment Variables Set the environment variable From the original startup to the startup completion, detect when new projects is new, so the settings of the "Start"-"Set Environment Variable" menu after the startup is complete.

When the environment variable is set, you will be prompted to save the old environment variable settings. If you choose to save the old environment variable settings to the / javawebstudio / bin / config directory in the OLD_ENVIRONMENT.CONFIG file. Including the following: Handmade the old environment variable settings. When setting JavaWebStudio2005, if the original installation directory is javawebstudio, the original settings are automatically deleted, more new. JavaWebstudio 2005 Environment Variable Set Path A separate JavaWebStudiopath item, only add "% javawebstudiopath% in Path; ClassPath only adds DT.jar; htmlconverter.jar; jconsole.jar; Tools.jar four The library file can be. This completely solves various problems in the settings of the environment variable in the original version. 1.2 Chinese Editing Double-byte Processing Original Version Chinese Editing, Chinese cannot be automatically recognized, and double-byte processing cannot be performed. JavaWebStudio 2005 completes the problem, automatically recognizes Chinese, and automatically performs double-byte processing.

1.3 Keyboard Shortcuts Processing the original version section The edit box cannot use the keyboard shortcut to make self-made, delete, etc., JavaWebStudio 2005 has resolved this problem.

1.4 File Manager The original version of the file manager cannot perform automatic refresh and keyboard shortcuts to make self-made, delete, etc., JavaWebStudio 2005 has solved this problem.

1.5 Class Administrator Class Manager's resolution The original version only to class level, JavaWebStudio 2005 can resolve the function level, double-click the right left mouse button to automatically jump to the corresponding function location of the original file.

1.6 In the toolbar, the HTML Control (Label) Drafter the original version of the toolbar, the HTML control (tag) can only implement the insert function, and JavaWebStudio 2005 is changed to drag the function and more convenient operation.

1.7 Starting screen random image display and the main screen of the customizable display launch screen's random image display, and can be displayed by the user to set the image, JavaWebStudio 2005 randomly reads an image file in the specified directory to display. The directory is configured in the / res entry in the JavaWebStudio.config configuration file, and the user can change the other directory. The main screen can be customizable, configured in the /help/help/html/index.htm item in the javaWebstudio.config configuration file, if this setting is empty, ie / Help / help / html / index.htm does not show the main screen launch main screen, starting speed can be accelerated.

1.8 Java file editing Automatic prompt quick search Original version Java file editing Auto prompt search using instant search method, slow speed. JavaWebStudio 2005 uses a pre-search method, which greatly improves the speed of search speed and improves the display speed of the Java file editing automatic prompt.

1.9 You can quickly jump to any known source file in the Java file editing, click on a class name of the editing area to right-click, select "Jump to Original File" to open the corresponding class file. For example, right-click on the action and select "Jump to Original File", which automatically opens the Struts an source program. JavaWebstudio 2005 has a large source program with JDK, Struts, Hibernate. Automatically open and jump to the file.

1.10 Enhancement System Stability JavaWebStudio 2005 Enhancement System Stability.

1.11 You can edit the contents of various websites, especially those who cannot perform "Save As" and "View Source File", enter the website address you want to edit in the JavaWebStudio 2005 address bar, press Enter to open the website, select "Edit "The" Edit "menu under the main menu, you can edit the content of the website, and then save it. This feature is especially useful in seeing websites that view the web page source code but cannot "save as" and "View Source File". For example, view the source file of "Mouse Love Rice", you can use the following method to view:

2.1 Visual layer design for struts JSP page

Click inserted into the layer tool from the web editing tool bar, or select "Insert" - "Insert the Layer" menu, plug in a layer:

Visualized editing of layers:

2.2 Visual Style Design To click on the right mouse button to select Control Properties and Style:

Border setting:

Shading setting:

2.3 Interactive Button Design

Open the HTML, JSP and other web files, position the Edit Cursor to insert an interactive button, click the interactive button tool on the Web Editing Toolbar, and enter the interactive button design interface.

Interactive button design interface:

It is generally available to represent a button or a layer or more layers:

The text of the button can vary the font size by dragging the border, which is very convenient:

Text layer properties:

Background image layer properties:

Two layers overlap together:

Use the mouse to select two layers, click the right mouse button to select "Insert (Return) to the web page" - "picture mode (IMG)":

Automatically inserted into the Web Editing page:

2.4 Bean Factory, "factory" here is not "factory model", but refers to automatic generation of bean files and DAO files based on database table fields or input field information. From the file manager, right-click or from the File Wizard menu - "Struts_Bean Factory":

Enter the file name and click "Select or create a new data source", select the data source:

Select the data source table name:

Automatically generate the bean file, the content is as follows: package emptyprj;

Import org.apache.struts.Action.actionform;

Public final class mybeanname extends an actionform {private string role;



// myfiledata;

Public String getUsername () {return (this.username);

Public void setusername (string username) {this.username = usrname;}

Public string getpassword () {return (this.password);

Public void setpassword (string password) {this.password = password;} public string getrole () {return (this.role);

Public void setrole (string role) {this.role = role;}


2.5 Bean variables and Action configuration dynamic monitoring

When opening a JSP file, if there is a struts form in the JSP file, JavaWebStudio 2005 will automatically read the Action configuration of the table in the configuration file and the ActionForm configuration, and display it in the bean variable prompt bar. At the same time, JavaWebStudio 2005 will automatically read the bean variable in the Actionform source file and display all Bean variables in the Bean variable prompt bar.

2.6 Batch bean variables Add

At the Java Source program editing window, click the right mouse button and select "Batch Add Bean Variable" from the pop-up order.

Select the "Finish" button to automatically generate the bean variable, the auto-generated source code is as follows:

Package EmptyPRJ;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionError; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.apache.struts.action .Actionmapping;

Public Final Class Lykform Extens Actionform {Private String MyBean6;

Private string mybean5;


Private string mybean3;



Private string mybeanvariable1;

// myfiledata;

Public string getMyBeanvariable1 () {return (this.mybeanvariable1);

Public void setmybeanvariable1 (string mybeanvariable1) {this.mybeanvariable1 = mybeanvariable1;}

Public void setMyBean1 (String newmybean1) {mybean1 = newmybean1;} public string getMyBean1 () {return mybean1;}

Public void setmybean2 (String newmybean2) {mybean2 = newmybean2;} public string getMyBean2 () {return mybean2;}

Public void setMyBean3 (String newmybean3) {mybean3 = newmybean3;} public string getMyBean3 () {return mybean3;}

Public void setmybean4 (String newmybean4) {mybean4 = newmybean4;} public string getMyBean4 () {return mybean4;}

Public void setMyBean5 (String newmybean5) {mybean5 = newmybean5;} public string getMyBean5 () {return mybean5;}

public void setMyBean6 (String newmyBean6) {myBean6 = newmyBean6;} public String getMyBean6 () {return myBean6;}} 2.7 Hibernate file wizard provides Hibernate and Hibernate Struts file wizard automatically complete all configuration and generates all Bean, DAO, ACTION file. No need to write a line of code, just enter the file name and data source, you can complete the Hibernate application design. See "How to Implement Hibernate_Struts Database Applications".

2.8 Added Struts_menus Template, Struts 1.2.4 Template, JSF Template, Hibernate Template From the "New Project" dialog box from below, you can basically see, the category of the project type is more fine, and each project is added. New template. 2.9 JDK adopts J2SE 5.0 (ie 1.5) version, the server adopts Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5JavaWebStudio 2005, the JDK version is J2SE 5.0 (JDK 1.5.0), so that users have provided a lot of new features using J2SE 5.0. At the same time, the server uses Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.5. Users can also download the latest version of the Tomcat server to Tomcat official website Then by the following steps can be configured, here TOMCAT-5.5.4, which is: (1) Unfold the downloaded Tomcat compressed file to the root directory of JavaWebStudio, for example: F : / Javawebstudio / directory. The directory name after Tomcat compressed decompression is Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.4. (2) Put the JavaWebStudio / bin / config / directory JavaWebStudio master configuration file javawebstudio.config: one is the relative directory of setting the server, relative to JavaWebStudio's root directory; is a server working directory, relative The root directory of the server; the server startup file is relative to the root directory of the server; server stop file, relative to the server's root directory; debug state startup file, relative to the server Root directory.

/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.4 / webapps /bin/startup.bat /bin/shutdown.bat /bin/startup_jpda.bat JDB -attach jdbconn / JavaWebStudioWorkDir / JavaWebStudioWorkDir // 1 - Microsoft Visual Studio 97 // 2 - Microsoft Visual Studio.NET//3--Microsoft Office 2003 3 / res / res / InterDraw /HELP/HELP/HTML/index.htm

2.10 Support J2ME development, using the WTK2.2 version, provides 15 J2ME templates to develop mobile games through JavaWebStudio 2005 J2ME template to develop mobile games as follows: (1) Start JavaWebStudio

(2) Establish a mobile game new project with J2ME template to establish a new project through the "File" - "New Project" menu.

In the New Project dialog box, select the project type as "JME App Item", template name Select "Implementation Menu Template", and the project name is "JMEMenu".

The generated new project directory structure is as follows:

(3) The main entrance and implementation code of this project are included in the file, the content is as follows: package my; import javax.microedition.midlet. *; Import javax.microedition.lcdui. *;

Public Class Firstmidlet Extends MIDlet {Private Display DISPLAY

Public firstmidlet () {display = display.getdisplay (this);}

Public void startapp () {form f = new form ("test"); Command C1 = New Command ("Back_1", Command.back, 2); Command C2 = New Command ("Back_2", Command.back, 1) Command C3 = New Command ("Back_3", Command.back, 3); F.AddCommand (C1); F.Addcommand (C2); F.Addcommand (C3); Display.SetCurrent (f);}

Public void pauseapp () {}

Public void destroyApp (boolean unconditional) {}}

(4) Project Description File Myfirst.jad content is as follows: MIDlet-name: HelloWorldMidlet-Version: 1.0.0midlet-vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.midlet-Description: Sample Hell Hello World MIDLETMIDLET-INFO-URL: http: // java. :the jar file urlmidlet-jar-size: The Jar File Sizemicroedition-Profile: MIDP-1.0Microedition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0MIDlet-1: myfirstmidlt ,, myfirstmidlet, My.FirstMIDlet

In myfirst.jad file, one requires special attention, named MIDlet-jar-size, which describes the size of the JAR package file generated by the project, which is to be changed after the program is modified. In JavaWebStudio, when compiled, Ant will call the SETJARSIZE.EXE file under the / javawebstudio / bin directory to extract the size of the project JAR file and automatically fill in this.

(5) In this project, the obfuscator uses the retroguard, and the class file is included in the retroguard.jar library. In addition, JavaWebStudio provides the source program of the Retroguard obfuscator, just in the / javawebstudio / bin / template / JME application project / directory called "Retroguard Template".

(6) Compile, run compilation and running configurations in the build.xml file, compile time JavaWebStudio to compile and run through the Ant call build.xml file. Build.xml file content is as follows:

In addition, the property of the property is also loaded in the build.xml file, which is used to set some common properties. The content is as follows: # This file is used to set some common attributes # item name Name = myfirst # jad and jar File name jar = $ {name} .jarjad = $ {name} .jad

# 文件 所 = = = = 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置 位置

# 编 后 后 文件 文件 放 位置 位置 位置 位置 j j j j j j j j j j j 文件 j 名 j 名 名 名 名 名 j 名 名 名 名 j 文件 名 名 j 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 j j j j j 名 名} -unobfus.jar # After confused JAR file name build.dir.bin.jarobfused = $ {build.dir.bin} / $ {name} -obfused.jar # confused after class placement catalog build.dir.obfused = $ {build.dir} / Obfused # After a pre-audited class file placement, build.dir.preverified = $ {build.preverified = $ @ jad and jar placement location build.dir.bin = $ {build.dir } / bin # End JAR file name build.dir.bin.jar = $ {build.dir.bin} / $ {jar}

# J2ME Wireless Toolkit The path midp.home = .. / .. / wtk / # MIDP library location MIDP.API = $ {midp.home} /lib/midpapi20.jarmidp.api1 = $ {midp.home} / LIB / RT1.42.jar

# 空 白 MIDP library location path MIDP.EMPTYAPI = $ {midp.home} / wtklib/

# 混 混 与 与 控制 文件 = = = = = = 文件 文件 文件 文件.. 文件..

(7) Operation results

Click the SELECT button on the simulator with the mouse to select Run the current project firstmidlet, and the following FirstMidlet main interface appears:

Then click on the emulator right click, as the red text prompt position above. The simulator operation is as follows:

2.11 The debugging function provides powerful breakpoint settings, single-step execution, single procedure execution, breakpoint execution and other debugging functions. The value of the variable can be dynamically obtained. See "How to Implement Hibernate_Struts Database Applications".

2.12 JavaWebStudio Open Source Project: Struts_db This may be the simplest open source project that can be seen online. (1) The DataSource interface provided by Struts requires access to the data source from the Action class with the method defined in the ActionServlet and cannot be used in other classes. (2) Since the new version of Struts no longer provides the GenericDataSource and GenericConnection interfaces. (3) When Struts directs the database directly, there is a Chinese garbled problem. (4) Struts does not provide data from the paging, database operation and other functions.

Struts_db 0.1 The source program includes the following: (1) Database connection pool; (2) struts plugin plugin; (3) Struts data connection pool server file; (4) Struts database Chinese displays filter files.

There is a Source program of Struts_db open source project in JavaWebStudio 2005, compiled library and application templates, you can also download the latest version on the Internet, the source program is placed on the network hard disk, address: http: // /login.phpid :javaweb source file name: struts_db_src.rar compiles post-compiled library file: struts_db.jar Usage method 1, in Web.xml Load: dbinit javawebstudio.struts_db.DBInitServlet driverClass jdbcurl jdbc: Microsoft: SQLServer: // localhost: 1433; DatabaseName = EDB mincount 1 < PARAM-NAME> MAXCOUNT 10 1 User sa Password SA

Using Method 2, to the struts-config.xml PlugIn load: < SET-Property Property = "Maxcount" value = "10" /> struts_db also contains Chinese display garments, and the filter is loaded, and the following code is added to Web.xml: set character encoding < Filter-Class> javawebstudio.struts_db.setcharacterencodingfilter Encoding GB2312 ignore true

set character encoding action


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