Use SetFaCl to divide permissions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

Before you know the setFacl, this problem has been plagued with Linux file system.

Using Samba to build a Linux file system, it is a powerful function. Everyone who has a MS Windows network knows that the core of the MS Windows network is SMB / CIFS, and Samba is also a set of software based on UNIX-based systems, implementing the SMB / CIFS protocol. As a clone of Unix, Linux can also run this software. Compared with NT, Samba's file service function is not less than NT, the efficiency is high, with Linux itself, the user disk space limit function can be implemented, and the NT to 4.0 is still unable to implement this. But I have to know that Samba is not a day and two days. Samba is developed by the Samba Group (http; //, the update is very fast, the current highest version is 3.0.7, each updated version The function is enhanced, and the known bug has also been fixed. It is necessary to use Samba powerful features. It seems that it takes a period of time to explore, understand, to practice, can enjoy Samba.

Now I face the problem of building a file server, a more than 100 people, the management of the company's employees is very strict, in the sharing of the document, the use of employees, employee permission, etc. The same one. Document Server As long as it is a shared day-to-day documentation, some shared materials, some of the information confidential to some people, some of ordinary employees do not allow the documentation to see ... It can be seen that the subdivision of file server rights is much more important. In addition, the company needs to share the directory is too much. If Samba is used to configure a directory, it can be an engineering vast.

OK, now transfer to the topic. The system I use is Redhat Enterpise Linux 3.0 Up3, the price can be performance, no need to say that I think everyone knows. Before I do, I also considered using Samba to subdivide the permissions shared, but because of the time problem, I found a setFacl function.

Before using setFacl, first check if the system's kernel supports setFacl, and also edit the / etc / fstab file, and the functionality of ACL is activated to the partition that requires setFacl. ACL has two types: access ACL (Access ACLS) and the default ACL (Default Acls). Access ACL is a list of access controls for specified files or directories. The default ACL can only be related to the directory. If the file in the directory is not accessed acm, it will use the default ACL of this directory. The default ACL is optional.

ACL can be configured as follows:

Made a user configured by valid privileges per user for each group

In fact, when the user opens the access file server, he saw only two shared directories. The two shared directories are shared by Samba, allocated to all users (EVERYOEN group) have written permissions (RWX), due to the system Permission to Samba before the permission, so I set up all users in the system (Everyone group) only RX permissions, all users can write in this directory.

SetFACL Tools Set ACL for files and directories. Use -m to add or modify the ACL of the file or directory:

SetFacl -m

Rules () must be specified using the following format. Multiple rules can be specified in the same command, as long as they are separated from comma. u: :

Access ACL for users. The username or UID must be specified. The user can be any legal user on the system.

G: :

Access the ACL for the group. The group name or GID must be specified. The group can be any legal group on the system.


Set effective permission mask. This shield is a collection of group owners and all users and group projects.


Access ACLs for users outside of group users.

Space is ignored. Permissions () must be a combination of characters (R, W, X) that represent, write, and execution.

If a file or directory already has an ACL, the setFacl command is still used, and additional rules will be added to the existing ACL, or to modify the existing rules.

For example, to give user TFOX to read and write access:

SetFacl-M u: TFOX: RW / Project / Somefile

To delete all permissions of users, groups, or others, use the -x option, and do not specify any permissions:

SetFacl -x

For example, delete all the privileges for users with a UID 500:

SetFaCl -x u: 500 / project / somefile

The following is a segment of permission to permissions to each directory in the directory shared by Samba, such as two directories under shared directory Share1.

// Samba / Share1 / AAA,

// Samba / Share1 / BBB, where User1 and the Group (DOC) can read and write to the directory AAA, but only read BBB, USER2, and the homework (ENG) can only read BBB, and cannot read AAA.

The first is that all users are added to the Everyone group, and they can be implemented using the following command:

SetFacl -R -M g: Everyone: r-x Share1

SETFACL -R -M G: DOC: RWX, D: G: DOC: RWX, G: Everyone: --- / Share1 / AAA

SetFacl -R -M G: DOC: R-X, D: G: DOC: R-X / Share1 / BBB

In fact, there is a very demand that needs to be settled specifically. Some directories are too deep. It may be a bit difficult for the permissions, but it can be very fine to the directory.

For the usage of setFacl, refer to the following:


SetFacl - Modify The Access Control List (ACL) for a File OR



SetFacl [-r] -s acl_entries file


SetFacl [-r] -f ACL_FILEFILE


For Each File Specified, SetFacl Will Either Replace ITS

Entire ACL, Including The Default ACL ON A DIRECTORY, OR IT

Will Add, Modify, or delete One or more acries, incruD-

ING DEFAULT Entries on Directories.

Setting an ACL ON A File Also Modifies The File's PermissionBits. The User Entry Modifies The File Owner Permission

Bits. if you don't specify a mask entry, The Group entry

Modifies The File Group Owner Permission Bits. if You

Specify A Mask Entry, The File Group Owner Permission Bits

Are Modified Based on the intertion (bitwise and) of the

Group and mask entries. The Other Entry Modifies THE OTHER

Permission bits.

If you use the chmod (1) Command to change the File Group

Owner Permissions ON A File with ACL Entries, Both the file

Group Owner Permissions and The ACL Mask Are Changed to The

New Permissions. Be aware That The New ACL Mask Permissions

May Change The Effective Permissions for Additional Uses

And Groups WHO Have Acl Entries on the file.

A Directory May Contain Default ACL Entries. If a file OR

Directory Is Created in a Directory That Contains Default

ACL ENTRIES, The Newly Created File Will Have Permissions

Generated to the interSecion of the Default ACL

Entries and the permissions Requested At Creation Time. The

Umask (1) WILL NOT BE Applied if The Directory Contains

Default acl entries. if a default acl isot

Specific User (or Users), The File Will Have A Regular ACL

Created; Otherwise, Only the Mode Bits Will Be Initialized

According to the interSecion described Above. The default

ACL SHOULD BE THOUGHT OF As The Maximum Discretion Access

Permissions That May Be granted.


For the -m and -s options, ACL_ENTRIES ARE ONE or more


An ACL Entry Consists of The Following Fields Separated By



TYPE OF ACL Entry On Which To Set File Permis-Sions. For Example, Entry_Type Can Be User (The

Owner of a file) Or Mask (The ACL Mask).

Uid Or GID

User name or user identification number. Or,

Group name or group identification number.

Perms represents the permissions That Are Set ON

Entry_Type. Perms can be indeicated by the SYM-

Bolic Characters rwx or a number (The Same Per-

Missions Numbers Used with the chmod command.

The Following Table Shows The Valid ACL ENTRIES (Default

Entries May Only Be Specified for Directories:

ACL Entry Description

U [Ser] :: Perms File Owner Permissions.

g [roup] :: Perms File Group Owner Permissions.

o [the]: perms permissions for users other than

The File Owner or Members of File

Group Owner.

m [ask]: perms the acl mask. The mask entry inde

Cates the maximum permissions

ALLOWED for Users (Other Than

And for groups. The mask is

A Quick Way to Change Permissions

ON All the Users and groups.

U [Ser]: Uid: Perms Permissions for a specific user.

For uid, you can specify each

User name or a numeric uid.

G [roup]: GID: Perms permissions for a specific group.

For GID, You CAN Specify Either A

Group name or a numeric GID.

D [EFAULT]: U [Ser] :: Perms Default File Owner Permissions.

D [efault]: g [roup] :: Perms Default File Group Owner Permis-


D [efault]: o [t]: perms default permissions for users other

Than The File Owner or Members of

The File Group Owner.

D [efault]: M [ASK]: Perms Default ACL Mask.

D [EFAULT]: U [Ser]: Uid: Perms Default Permissions for a Specific

User. for uid, you can specifyeither a user name or a numeric


D [efault]: g [roup]: GID: Perms default permissions for a specific

Group. for GID, You CAN Specify

Either a group name or numeric


For the -d Option, ACL_ENTRIES ARE ONE or more Comma-

Separated ACL Entries WITHOUT Permissions. Note That the

ENTRIES for File Owner, File Group Owner, ACL Mask, And OTH-

ERS May Not Be deleded.


The Options Have The Following Meaning:


Set a file's acl. All Old ACL Entries Are Removed and

Replaced with the newly specified acl. The entry

NEED NOTBE IN ANY Specific ORDER. They Will Be Sorted

By the command before being applied to the file.

Required entries:

o EXACTLY One User Entry Specified for the File


o EXACTLY One Group entry for the File Group


o Exactly One Other Entry Specified.

If There Are Additional User and Group Entries:

o EXACTLY One Mask entry specified for the ACL

Mask That Indicates the maximum permissions

Allowed for Users (Other Than There Owner)


o Must not be duplicate User Entries with the same


o Must not be duplicate group entries with the

Same gid.

IF File Is A Directory, The Following Default ACL ENTRIES

May Be Specified:

o Exactly One Default User Entry for the File


o Exactly One Default Group Entry for the File

Group Owner.

o Exactly One Default Mask Entry for the ACL MASK.


There May Be Additional Default User Entries and Addi-

Tional Default Group Entries Specified, But There May


The Same Uid, or Duplicate Default Group Entries Withthe Same GID.


Add One or More New Acl Entries To The File, And / OR

Modify One or More Existing ACL ENTRIES ON The File.

IF an entry already exissrs for a specified uid or gid,

The Specified Permissions Will Replace The Current

Permissions. if an entry does not exist for the speci-

Fied uid or gid, an entry will be created.


Delete One or More Entries from The File. The Entries

For The File Owner, The File Group Owner, And Others

May Not Be deleted from the acl. Note That Deleting an

Entry Does Not Necessarily Have The Same Effect As

Removing all permissions from the entry.


Set a file's acl with the acl entries contained in the a

File named acl_file. The Same Constraints on specified

ENTRIES HOLD As with the --s Option. The Entries Are

NOT Required to be in any specificy in the file.

Also, if you specify a dash '-' for acl_file, standard

INPUT IS Used to set the file's acl.

The Character "#" in ACL_FILE MAY BE Used to indeicate

A Comment. All Characters, Starting with The "#" Until

The end of the line, will be ignored. Note That if The

ACL_FILE HAS Been Created As The Output of The Get

FACL (1) Command, Any Effective Permings, Which Will

FOLLOW A "#", Will BE Ignored.

-r recalculate the permissions for the acl mask entry.

The Permissions Specified in The ACL Mask Entry Are

Ignored and report by the maximum permissions neces

Sary to grant the access to all additional users, file

Group Owner, And Additional Group Entries in the ACL.

The permissions in the additional user, File Group

Owner, And Additional Group Entries Are Leftunchanged.


Example 1: adding read permission only

The Following Example Adds One ACL Entry To File Abc, Which

Gives User Shea Read Permission Only.

SetFacl -m User: Shea: R - ABC

EXAMPLE 2: Replacing a File's Entire ACL

The Following Example Replaces The Entire Acl for the file

ABC, Which Gives Shea Read Access, The File Owner All

Access, The File Group Owner Read Access ONLY, The ACL MASK

Read / Write Access, And Others No Access.

SETFACL -S User: Shea: RWX, User :: RWX, Group :: RW-, MASK: R -, Other: --- ABC

Note That After this Command, The File Permission Bits Are

RWXR -----. Even though the file group owner Was set with

Read / Write Permissions, The ACL Mask Entry Limits It To Have

Only Read Permissions. The mask entry also specifies the

Maximum Permissions Available To All Additional User and

Group ACL Entries. Once Again, Even Though The User Shea WAS

Set with all access, the mask limited it to have. Only Read, IT THE

Permissions. The ACL MASK Entry Is A Quick Way To Limit OR

Open access to all the user and group entries in an acl. for

Example, by changing the mask entry to read / write, both the

File Group Owner And User Shea Would Be Given Read / Write


Example 3: Setting The Same ACL on Two Files

The Following Example Sets The Same Acl on File Abc as The

File XYZ.

GetFacl XYZ | SetFacl -f - ABC

In fact, there are many features in the Linux system I haven't used it, because there is no such need, huh, huh.


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