A few days ago, I saw a plugin with an XML edited on the Internet. It is very good. But the PRO version is registered. Download a very good, there are quite a lot. The most important thing is to use in Eclipse. I am now using QQ in Eclipse. Decide to crack. Licensedialog found, tossing for a long time known that the RSA algorithm was used. I saw more than 1024bit last night, almost there was no possible crack. Decided to give up. Look for something else. There is an IF (FPRO & CONFIG.LITE) {in BaseEditor.class {
final Display display = XMLPlugin.getDefault () getWorkbench () getActiveWorkbenchWindow () getShell () getDisplay ();.... final BaseEditor editor = this; Thread thread = new Thread (new Runnable () {
Public void run () {
Synchronized (this) {
Try {