Tuxedo Common Application Configuration Focused (transferred from the BEA China website)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

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Tuxedo common application configuration attention

1. Ubbconfig configuration machine name configuration: WINDOWS environment must be capitalized, available in Uname -n in UNAME -N.

2. TMBOOT is not often related to these parameters and is easily confused, and it is recommended to pay attention.

MaxAccessers, MaxServers, MaxServices: These three parameters control the usage of the Tuxedo application for IPC resources.

MaxAccessers: On a node (one server) of the system, how many processes can access the tuxedo system bulletin board, the default value is 50, which includes the local client process, the Server process, but does not include management process Such as: BBL, DBBL, etc.

MaxServers: In this system, how many Server exists in this system, including Server, such as: BBL, TMS, etc. The default is 50.

MaxServices: In this system, how many SEVICEs can exist in the system, the default is 100.

MAXCONV: How many sessions can be exist at the same time on one server. Range: 0-32768, default is 10

3. Different versions of Tuxedo Interconnect: If it is a WSL mode: illegally add -t parameters in WSL, such as clopt = "- a -t ?? n // machine name: port number, high-level low version WSINTOPPRE71 = YES should be set in environment variables; if it is domain mode: low-level high versions should join -t parameters in the servers in Ubbconfig, such as GWADM SRVGRP = LGWGRP SRVID = 3 replyq = n clopt = "- A -T - "

4. If multiple domains are configured in DMConfig, and specify the remote domain service, you should specify the domain service route (ie the local domain of the remote service, what is the remote domain), otherwise the protocol error, for example * DM_Remote_Services

Serv_1 ldom = TDOM1 RDOM = TDOM3 RNAME = Serv_1

Serv_2 ldom = TDOM1 RDOM = TDOM3 RNAME = SERV_2

5. The user has entered the management process with TMADMIN. If not exiting, the user uses TMADMIN to enter the management process, which is a restricted management user, and some commands cannot be used.

6. Tuxedo Domain-Level Failover work characteristics and configuration methods:


When the local Domain is fails with the main Domain connection, local Domain will forward the request to another backup remote Domain. Support automatic Failback. When the master Domain returns to normal, the local Domain can forward the request back to Domain. Connection_policy must be configured to be ON_STARTUP or INCOMING_ONLY. Domain-Level requires local Domain and the main Domain and backup Domain builds a Socket connection. Can have multiple distal backups Domain

Configuration method

DM_REMOTE_SERVICES in Domain Profile (DMConfig) is configured by the following method, split the remote domain ID of Service in the comma, such as RDOM = Identifier_1, Identifier_2, Identifier_3


Default: RDOM = R1, R2, R3



R1 is the master Domain, which is backup Domain7. Tuxedo7.1 and its later version formally support multi-threaded environments. In version 6.5, there is a multi-threaded additional package on Windows, and you can use multiple threaded methods and call the service after installation, and 6.5 version 6.5 is not supported in the UNIX environment.

8. How to print Chinese in tuxedo7.1, you should configure environment variables FML_Print_noHex = YES

9. In the UNIX environment, you can configure the different directories of environment variables TuxConfig and BDMConfig, you can start two fully independent BBLs and two sets of applications in one user, and manage the appropriate applications under the corresponding environment variables.

10. There are many parameters on Tuxedo,


The management and monitoring of BBL system processes for Bulletin Board is based on the polling mode of the time fragment. The size of the time slice is the value of ScanUnit. Scanunit is the most basic time unit of Tuxedo to manage the system. Many time parameters are ScanUnit. Multiple. Every ScanUnit, BBL checks the Bulletin Board to see if there is a time-free transaction or service request. Scanunit must be a multiple of 5 in 5, the maximum is 60, the default 10, and the unit is second.


The timeout value of the service request, BBL discovers the timeout request, will give the corresponding client end information, if the TPNotime tag is added when the call is called, the TPERRNO value is 13. Since BlockTime is in SCANUNIT, the absolute value of the time is (blocktime * scanunit), BlockTime defaults to (60 / ScanUnit).


Improvement of sexual inspection scan, improvement check Main check server process status and Bulletin board data structure, BBL checks if the server process survives, if there is no existence, clear the corresponding data items and IPC resources in Bulletin Board, and determine if the parameter configuration decision Restart, if restart = y, Message Queue will not be cleared, the request in Queue is reserved, and will still be processed. If it is MP mode, BBL will also send a status message to the DBBL. SanityScan defaults to (120 / Scanunit).


BBL check, in MP mode, DBBL will check if all of the BBL will send "I am ok" heartbeat information to yourself. If you don't receive a BBL information, it will send Request to the BBL, If there is still no reply after DBBLWAIT, DBBL will think that there is a problem with that machine and put its partition. BBL Query defaults to (300 / ScanUnit), DBBLWAIT is default (20 / ScanUnit). BBLQuery must be greater than or equal to SanityScan, TMLoadCF will enforce check, if the value set is less than SanityScan, TMLOADCF will automatically adjust to SanityScan.

The other and time-related parameters are also:

WSL [-i Init-timeout]

WorkStation Client and Background Establishing the timeout parameter value of the connection, default 60 seconds

WSL [-t client-timeout]

After the WorkStation Client and WSH are connected, if there is no information interaction within the specified time, WSH will automatically release the connection and this client side, and this client is empty in Bulletin Board, and Rollback It has not been completed. WSL [-N network-timeout]

This value is actually the timeout value when doing Receive, if timeout occurs, the WorkStation Client will be disconnected and the background connection.


If the service execution time exceeds SVCTIMEOUT, BBL will automatically drop this Server process kill.


If this service sets autotran = y, this value is a transaction timeout value, and the TRANSAction is timeout.

Manager automatically automatically Rollback This Transaction


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