ASP smart search implementation with ASP to implement the search engine function is a very convenient thing, but how do I achieve smart search similar to 3721? For example, when entering the "Chinese people" in the search condition box, the keyword "China", "People" and "People" are automatically extracted and search in the database. After reading this article, you can find that this feature is actually so simple. OK, FOLLOW ME! The first step, we have to build a database called DB_SAMPLE.MDB (this article is used as an example of Access2000 database) and sets table t_sample. Table T_SAMPLE includes the following fields: ID Auto Number U_NAME Text U_INFO Remarks Step 2, we start designing search page search.asp. This page includes a form (fRM_SEARCH), including a text box and a submission button. And set the form of the form to "get", the Action property is set to "Search.asp", that is, submit it to the web. The code is as follows: