Apache Geronimo 1.0 M3 Released

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

Apache Geronimo 1.0 M3 Released

The Apache Geronimo Team Is ProD to Announce The 1.0 M3 Release of The Geronimo Application Server.


CMP Entity beans are now supported. However, there are still significant limitations (no EJB QL support). This is one of the last outstanding core J2EE features.Geronimo security realms have been integrated with the J2EE containers, so J2EE container-managed authentication works .The web container now supports HTTPS with configurable SSL certificates, etc.The transaction system is more robust, with bug fixes, transaction log support, etc.An application client container is now included with GeronimoConfiguration changes to core Geronimo services and running applications are persisted , though we still lack a user-friendly interface for making such changes.Manifest Class-Path entries in J2EE application modules are supported.JDBC database pools and JMS connection factories, topics, and queues are now fully supported "out of the box". When Deploying a J2EE Connector, Multiple Instances of The Same Resource Adapter Can Be Decland In The Same Deployment Plan.The Command-Line Deployment Tool S Upports Authentication and Hot Deployment to a Running Server.jax-RPC and Saaj Features Are Available To Applications Acting As Web Services Clients (Though Web Services Server Features Are Not Yet Available)

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