Macroeconomics Course Resources

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  81

Macroeconomics Course Resources 1,

The Macroeconomic Policy Course of the Open and Closed Economic Taste of the University of Boston University of America. There are dozens of references, some documents can be downloaded. Professor Fabio Ghiron I got a Ph.D. in Economics, California University in 1999. The main research field is open economic macroeconomics and monetary economics. 2,

Assistant Professor of Economics of University of Bocconi, New York University Business School visited Assistant Professor Stefania Alban ESI's monetary theoretical course opened by doctoral students. The course focuses on monetary economics and optimizing monetary policy. Professor Alb Anesi won a Ph.D. in economics in Northwestern University in 2001, mainly taught macroeconomics, monetary economics and international economics. 3,

MIT's famous economics Professor R. Dornbusch opened an open economic macroeconomic course. And give some downloadable references. Unfortunately, R. Dornbusch Professor Dornbusch has resigned from the world because of cancer on July 25, 2002. 4,

Professor of Rochester University, Alan C. Stockman, opened international macroeconomics and financial courses. Professor Stockman won a Ph.D. in economics in Chicago in 1978, research direction is international economics and macroeconomics. Professor Stockman gave us some downloadable references. 5,

Nouriel Roubini, ancient Business School, Nouriel Roubini, University of New York University. Professor Roubini received a Ph.D. in Economics at Harvard University in 1988. The course comes with a large number of articles from the "Wall Street Magazine", "New York Times", "Economist". 6,

The macroeconomic theoretical course (2003 winter courses), the Macroeconomic theoretical course (2003 Winter Course), mainly focused on macroeconomic theory, economic fluctuations and business cycles, and the use of macroeconomic policies. 7.

Macroeconomic Theoretical Course (2003 Winter Course), Professor of Economics (2003 Winter Course), Mainly focused on economic growth theory and growth model, real business cycle model and microstructure of non-marketing models, etc. . He also gives a macroeconomic reference for download. 8,

Http:// otlw03.html

Advanced Macroeconomics Special Course (2003 Winter Course), Associate Professor of Economics of Economics, Canada. Professor HEAD was a Ph.D. in Economics, Minnesota University in 1992. The course focuses on the business cycle, unemployment insurance, etc., which gives the references almost all full-text downloads. 9,

Macroeconomic Principles (Spring 2003 Spring Courses). All downloadable. 10,

The macroeconomic analysis course opened by Nobel Economics, Joseph E. Stiglitz. Professor Stigley gave us a very detailed and authoritative reference. Here you can download the book of "new paradigm" in the "Monetary Economics" in Schaigritz and Bruce Greenwald. The book is now published by Cambridge University Publishing Society. At the same time, you can also download Jensen and McClin published in the "Financial Economics Magazine" in the "Corporate Theory: Management Behavior, Agency Cost and Ownership Structure" (Jensen, M. and Meckling, W Classic papers of "Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 3, PP. 305-360. 1976.). 11,

Harvard University's Famous Economics Professor Robert Barro and Francesco Caselli open economic theoretical courses. The course is very good. 12,


The University of California Saint Cruz Branch Economics Professor Carl E. Walsh gives the high-level macroeconomic theoretical courses opened by the Ph.D. in International Economics. Professor Walsh In 1976, he won a Ph.D. in Economics in California University, California, and the research direction for monetary policy and central bank. The course core is dynamic randomly equilibrium model, mainly to investigate the traditional theory, balance, unemployment, currency and commercial cycle of the business cycle.


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