TEX to implement the directory of Chinese and English

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

Modify the parameters of / chapter, / section ... command, now format / chapter [English name] {Chinese name} ... / documentclass [OpenAny] {book} / usepackage {cjk, cjknumb} / usepackage {indentfirst } / makeatletter / newcommand / engcontentsname {Contents} / newcommand / tableofengcontents {% / if @ twocolumn / @ restonecoltrue / onecolumn / else / @ restonecolfalse / fi / chapter * {/ engcontentsname / @ mkboth {% / MakeUppercase / contentsname} {/ MakeUppercase / contentsname}}% / @ starttoc {toe}% / if @ restonecol / twocolumn / fi} / makeatother / begin {document} / begin {CJK *} {GBK} {song} / CJKcaption {GB} / makeatletter / def / @ chapter [# 1] # 2 {/ ifnum / c @ secnumDepth> / m @n / if @

mainmatter / refstepcounter {chapter}% / typeout {/ CJKprechaptername / CJKthechapter / CJKchaptername}% / addcontentsline {toc} {chapter}% {/ protect / numberline {} / CJKprechaptername% / expandafter / noexpand / CJKthechapter / CJKchaptername% /hspace{0.8 EM} # 2}% / addContentsline {TOE} {Echapter} {/ / protect / enumberline {/ thechapter} # 1}% / else / addcontentsline {TOC} {chapter} {# 2}% / addcontentsline {TOE} {Chapter } {# 1}% / fi / else / addContentsline {TOC} {chapter} {# 2}% / addcontentsline {} {chapter} {# 1}% / fi / chaptermark {# 2 }% / Addtocontents {loF} {/ protect / addvspace {10 / p @}}} {/ protect / addvspace {10 / p @}}% / if @ @}}% / if @ Twocolumn / @ TopNewPage [/ @ Makechapterhead { # 2}]% / else / @ makechapter {# 2}% / @AfterHeading / Fi} / newcommand * / l @ Echapter [2] {% / ifnum / c @ TOCDEPTH> / M @ Ne / addpenalty {- / @@ HIGHPENALTY}% / vskip 1.0EM / @ plus / p @ /setlength/@tempdima {1.5em }% / begingroup / parindent / z @ / Rightskip / @ pnumwidth / parfillskip - / @

pnumwidth / leavevmode / bfseries / advance / leftskip / @ tempdima / hskip - / leftskip # 1 / nobreak / hfil / nobreak / hb @ xt @ / @ pnumwidth {/ hss # 2} / par / penalty / @ highpenalty / endgroup / fi } / Def / @ SECT # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 [# 7] # 8 {% / ifnum # 2> / c @ secnumDepth / let / @ svsec / @ Empty / else / refstepCounter {# 1 }% / Protected @ edef / @ svsec {@ seccntformat {# 1} / relex}% / fi / @ Tempskipa # 5 / relax / ifdim / @ Tempskipa> / z @ / begingroup # 6 {% / @ hangfrom {/ HSKIP # 3 / RELAX / @ svsec}% / interlinepenAlty / @ m # 8 / @@ par}% / endgroup / csname # 1mark / endcsname {# 8} {# 1} {toc} {# 1} {% / ifnum # 2> / c @ secnumDepth / else / protect / numberline {/ csname there # 1 / endcsname}% / fi # 8}% / addcontentsline {toE} {# 1} {% / ifnum # 2> / c @ secnumDepth / else / protect / numberline {/ csname the # 1 / endcsname}% / fi # 7}% / else / def / @ svsechd {% # 6 {/ HSKIP # 3 / Relax / @ svsec # 8}% / csname # 1mark / endcsname {# 8} {# 1} {toc} {# 1} {% / ifnum # 2> / c @ secnumDepth / else / protect / Numberline {/ csname the # 1 / endcsname}% / fi # 8} / addcontentsline {toE} {# 1} {% / ifnum # 2> / c @ secnumDepth / else / protect / numberline {/ csname the # 1 / endcsname }% / Fi # 7}}% / fi / @ xsect {# 5}} / def / enumberline # 1 {/ hb @ x @ / @

tempdima {# 1 / hfil}} / makeatother / pagenumbering {Roman} / addcontentsline {toc} {chapter} {Chinese directory} / addcontentsline {toe} {echapter} {Chinese Contents} / tableofcontents / newpage / addcontentsline {toc} {chapter } {English Directory} / addContentsline {TOE} {Echapter} {English Contents} / TableOfengContents / NewPage / Pagenumbering {Arabic} / chapter [jason kidd] {Jason Kide} If there is no Kide, what is the Netcom Will? ? This question is like Duncan with the Spurs, I am afraid that there is no climate. / Chapter [TIM Duncan] {Tim Duncan} The second game of the NBA Finals in Beijing Time, the network won, mainly win in Kidd, and the horse piercing, and mainly lost in Duncan. He is 19 points, 12 rebounds, and 4 cap performances. Although than the first 32 points, 20 rebounds and 7 caps are inferior, it is not bad. The problem is that his free throw is too bad, too lost MVP title. He won 10 free throws, only 3 balls in poor Baba. Finally, the Spurs lost 85 to 87, Duncan is responsible. If the hit rate of his penalty is a little higher, even if it reaches 50 /%, the Spurs will win. After the game, Duncan also made straight, bowed his head and angry. Compared with Duncan, Kidd ray four shots, with 30 points, 7 rebound performances, got out of the downturn, reported private envit, and reported the public envites. The first finals, Kidd is only 10 points, and the network team defeated the north of 12 points. Nowadays in the spurs at the home of the Spurs, the network is once again expanded again, and the two sides will be added. suspense. / Section [new jersey nets] {New Jersey Net} Kidd's wind covers Duncan, except for score, mainly free. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minutes before the end of the final, and the result is 5 free throws. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the Spurs were chased very tight. If Kid's free throws were like Duncan, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings is just the strengths of Kidd, and this game is no exception. Kidden revenge successfully also poured the heart of the coach Scott. He adjusts the appearance lineup according to the situation on the situation, constantly changing the attack and defense. 2.18 meters old will play Motoma to play again, and it is 20 minutes, which is the careful arrangement of this black coach, and this strike has made the spurs. This is his second appearance since May 9th, the first game, he got 3 minutes, although there is no score, but give Duncan's "hot pot", and grab the rebound after flying Smart is called, giving people an impression. On the 7th, Scott gave him more game time, let him rely on height advantages, curb the "double tower", grab the rebound, and let him try the opponent as much as possible. With the first hot body and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively.

Kidd's wind covered Duncan, except for score, it is mainly punished. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minutes before the end of the final, and the result is 5 free throws. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the Spurs were chased very tight. If Kid's free throws were like Duncan, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings is just the strengths of Kidd, and this game is no exception. Kidd's revenge has also poured the heart of the coach. He adjusts the appearance lineup according to the situation on the situation, constantly changing the attack and defense. 2.18 meters old will play Motom Bo once again, and it is 20 minutes, which is a careful arrangement of this black coach, and how much this trick has some measures. This is his second appearance since May 9th, the first game, he got 3 minutes, although there is no score, but give Duncan's "hot pot", and grab the rebound after flying Smart is called, giving people an impression. On the 7th, Scott gave him more play time, let him rely on the height advantage, curb the "double tower", grab the rebound, and let him pay the opponent as much as possible. With the first warm-up and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively. Kidd's wind covered Duncan, except for score, mainly free. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minute before the final, 6 penalties 5. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the Spurs were chased very tight, and if Kid's free throws were like Duncan, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings happened to Kidd's strength, and this is no exception in the game. Kidden revenge successfully also poured the heart of the coach Scott. He adjusts the appearance lineup according to the situation on the situation, constantly changing the attack and defense. 2.18 meters old will play Motoma to play again, and it is 20 minutes, which is the careful arrangement of this black coach, and this strike has made the spurs. This is his second appearance since May 9th, the first game, he got 3 minutes, although there is no score, but give Duncan's "hot pot", and grab the rebound after flying Smart is called, giving people an impression. On the 7th, Scott gave him more game time, let him rely on height advantages, curb the "double tower", grab the rebound, and let him try the opponent as much as possible. With the first hot body and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively. Kidd's wind covered Duncan, except for score, it is mainly punished. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minutes before the end of the final, and the result is 5 free throws. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the Spurs were chased very tight. If Kid's free throws were like Duncan, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings is just the strengths of Kidd, and this game is no exception. Kidden revenge successfully, also poured the heart of the coach Scott. He adjusts the appearance lineup according to the situation on the situation, constantly changing the attack and defense. 2.18 meters old will make Motom to play again, and it is 20 minutes, which is the careful arrangement of this black coach, and how much this trick has some mementers.

This is his second appearance since May 9, the first game, he went to 3 minutes, although there is no score, but to Duncan's "hot pot", and after grabbing the rebound The smart call, give people an impression of pole. / Section [SAN Antonio Spurs] {San Antonio Spurs team} 7th, Scott gave him more game time, let him rely with height advantages, curb the "double tower", grab the rebound, let him try the opponent as much as possible . With the first warm-up and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively. Kidd's wind covered Duncan, except for score, mainly free. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minutes before the end of the final, and the result is 5 free throws. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the spurs were chased very tight. If Kid's free throws were like Deng Ken, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings is just the strengths of Kidd, and this game is no exception. Kidden revenge successfully also poured the heart of the coach Scott. He adjusts the appearance lineup according to the situation on the situation, constantly changing the attack and defense. 2.18 meters old will play Motoma to play again, and it is 20 minutes, which is the careful row of this black coach, and this trick has made the spurs. Some measures. This is his second appearance since May 9th, the first game, he got 3 minutes, although there is no score, but give Duncan's "hot pot", and grab the rebound after flying Smart is called, giving people an impression. On the 7th, Scott gave him more game time, let him rely on height advantages, curb the "double tower", grab the rebound, and let him try the opponent as much as possible. With the first warm-up and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively. Kidd's wind covered Duncan, except for score, mainly free. He 8 times a penalty of 6 hits, including 6 free throws in 1 minute before the final, 6 penalties 5. At that time, the scores of both sides were close, the Spurs were chased very tight. If Kid's free throws were like Duncan, the network was finished. However, Duncan's shortcomings happened to Kidd's strengths, and this game is not extrovive. Kidden revenge successfully also poured the heart of the coach Scott. He constantly changing the offensive means according to the situation on the field, and adjust the appearance lineup. 2.18 meters old will play Motoma to play again, and it is 20 minutes, which is the careful arrangement of this black coach, and this strike has made the spurs. This is his second appearance since May 9th, the first game, he got 3 minutes, although there is no score, but give Duncan's "hot pot", and grab the rebound after flying Smart is called, giving people an impression. / Subsection [mengke Bateer] {Battel} 7th, Skot gave him more game time, let him rely on the high advantages, curb the "double tower", more robbed the rebound, and let him try to contain the opponent as much as possible. With the first warm-up and passion, Mutombo's second appearance seems to be better than the first game. It is seen that he not only scores (4 points), but the rebound and cap are added to 4 and 3 respectively.


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