PowerFolder Workflow Server Version 0.5 Test Drive (6)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

Developing scripts and script tags development scripts and scripts labels

4.1 Overview Overview To create or edit existing scripts, from the PowerFolder Console click 'Develop', then 'Scripts'. You can script by entering its name in the box next to 'New Script' and clicking 'Create'. Remember, new and Editted Scripts Do Not Take Affect Until The isy. In order to create a script or edit existing script, click 'Developer in the PowerFolder console, then' scripts'. You can enter the name of the script in the text box next to New Script, click 'Create' to create a script. Remember, new and edited scripts do not take effect until they are published in the 'Administer' section.

Scripts consist a hierarchy of tags. Tags have names, and contain other tags. Scripts include a range of labels. The label has a name, which can have attributes, and may include other tags.

There are two types of tags -.. Core and returnable Core tags represent workflow framework (eg states, transitions, attributes, etc.) Returnable tags either evaluate (eg get an attribute's value, add two values, get trigger text) or 'do Something '(EG SET An Attribute, Send An Email, Print To The Console). There are two tags-core labels and running labels. The core label represents the frame structure of the workflow (eg, state, transformation, attribute, etc.). You can run the label or evaluation (for example, get a value of an attribute, two values ​​added, get the trigger text), or do something (for example, set an attribute, send an email, print to the console) .

Core tags form the foundation of a script. 'Process Map' is at the base of this foundation, no tag contains 'Process Map'. It contains the 'Attributes', 'Starts', 'States', and 'Stops' of the script. These tags in turn hold other core tags. Some core tags, however, contain returnable tags. 'Execute' needs one or more tags to evaluate or 'do something', 'If Transition' needs to evaluate whether its path is taken, ETC. The core label forms the basis of the script. The road map is based on this, and there is no label contains a roadmap. The road map includes the properties of the script, start, state, and end. These tags can also contain other core labels. However, some core tags contain running labels. 'Execute' tags need one or more tags to ask for values ​​or do something. The 'if transition' tag needs to calculate the path, and so on. RTurnable Tags Cannot Contain Core Tags, But May Contain Other Returnable tags. You cannot include a core label, but you can include other running labels. 4.2 Core Tags Core Label

4.2.1 Attribute attribute An attribute is a variable that can be set and read from within a script and externally using the Web Client API. It has a type. This type can be a Boolean (true or false), Decimal (a number) , A string (Character Data), or a java class. Property is a variable that can be set and read within a script, or you can use the Web Client API to set up and read. It has a type. This type can be Boolean, Decimal, String, or a Java class. 4.2.2 Attributes Attribute Set Attributes, OR Attribute Set, Holds All Script-Specific Attributes and Interaal Attributes. Property Collection, Keep all script specific properties and internal properties. 4.2.3 Branch Branch A Branch Allows A Workflow To Go In Two or More Directions Simultaneously. A branch allows a workflow to enter two or more directions. 4.2.4 Default Transition Default Conversion The Path A Workflow Will Take Unless IT IS Preempted by An if Transition. The default path used by workflow unless it is intercepted by Iftransition. 4.2.5 Execute Executes Execute Holds All Actions That Take Place At A State. Performing the behavior that has occurred in a state. 4.2.6 IF Transition Condition Transfer The Path A Workflow May Take, IF ITS Condition Evaluates To True. If the condition is calculated as true, a workflow will take the path instead of the default transfer path. . 4.2.7 Internal Attribute Internal Properties An Internal Attribute Is A Variable That Can Be Set and Read from With CLIENT API. IN Addition, IT CAN't Be queried. It is type can Be a boolean (True Or False), Decimal (A Number), A String (Character Data), or a java class. An internal property is a variable, which can be read within the script, but can not use the Web Client API Read some. In addition, it cannot be queried. It has a type. This type can be Boolean, Decimal, String, or a Java class. 4.2.8 Process Map Procedure Diagram The Container Holding The Attributes, Starts, States, And Stops That Constitute A Workflow Script. It has a name and a version. This container contains properties, start, status, and ends, which make up a job. Flow script. It has a name and version.

4.2.9 Starts Start Collection The Container Holding All Possible Points WHERE A WORKFLOW CAN START. This container maintains all points that the workflow may start. 4.2.10 Start Start A point where a workflow can begin if its triggering condition evaluates to true. It must have a Default Transition and can have zero or more If Transistions. In addition, it can have one or more Branches to allow it to go In More Than One Direction Atce. The workflow can be started from this point if a trigger condition is true. It must have a default transfer, or there are 0 or more conditional transfer. In addition, it can have one or more branches, allowing it to enter more than one direction once. 4.2.11 State The Status Set The Container Holding All Intermediate States of a Workflow. This container maintains all interactive status points of the workflow. 4.2.12 State Status A point where a workflow may reach during its life. It can Wait For Event and have one or more Executes so that the State 'does something'. It must have a Default Transition and can have zero or more If Transistions The workflow can reach a point in its lifecycle. It can wait for events, and there is one or more execution tags, so that the status tag can do some things. It must have a default transfer and there may be 0 or more conditions transfer. In addition, it can have one or more branches, allowing it to enter more than one direction once. 4.2.13 Stops End Set The Container Holding All Points Where A Workflow Can Stop. This container keeps all the workflows that can end. 4.2.14 STOP End a Point WHERE A WORKFLOW REACHES The End of ITS Life. A Workflow Will Still Be Active If Theore Antive Active Branches. A workflow arrives at its life cycle. A workflow will continue to maintain activities if there is still an active branch. 4.2.15 Wait For Event wait event Pause the workflow until notified to continue by the Web Client's 'releaseWaitAtState'. If there other active Branches, these will remain active. Halting the flow until the end of the web client 'release wait status' notified. If there is no other active branch, the workflow will maintain the event.

4.3 Returnable Tags can run labels

- Add - add two decimal's together and return a decimal. Addition - two values ​​added, return a value - Boolean - Return a constant boolean, True Or False. Boolean - Returns a constant Boole, true or false - byte - Return A Java 'Byte' Type. bytes - Returns a Java Byte Type - Call A Static Method in A Java Class - Call A 'Static' Java Method and Return The Result. Call a static Java method, return results - character -. return a Java 'char' type returns a Java character type - constructor -. return the class instance created by a Java constructor returns the instance of a class java constructor generated - Convert String to Decimal - convert a String into a Decimal And Return It. Convert a string into a numeric shape and return it - Decimal - Return A constant decimal, Decimal Number. Returns a numerical constant - Divide - Divide One Decimal from another and return the result. Two numerous reloaded - Double Return A Java 'Double' Type. Returns a Java Double Precision - Equal - Compare Two Decimal's. if the isy. If they are equal, return to true, otherwise returning to false - Evaluate Exponential - Raise One Decimal To The Power of Another Decimal and Return THE RESULT. Calcult - Float - Return A Java 'Float' Type. Return to a Java floating point value - GET Application Attribute - Return The value of an attribute. The return type is the same as the attribute. Get the application properties - Returns a value of an attribute. Return the type and properties. - Get Trigger Attribute - Get Trigger Attribute - Get The Contents from an XML Attribute In The Trigger and Return IT AS A String. Get Trigger Properties - In a trigger, get the content from an XML property and return it according to the string. - GET TRIGGER Element Count - Get The Number of Child Elements ContaIn An Element of The Trigger and Return AS A Decimal. Get the number of children in the neutron element, returns the value.

- Get Trigger text - Get Trigger TEXT - GET THE TEXT Contained IT A String. In a trigger, you get the text, follow the string - Int - Return A Java 'int' Type. Return to a Java Int type - Integer - return an Integer (Java BigInteger) returns a type Integer -. Is trigger attribute Present -. return Boolean true if a specific attribute exists in an element of the trigger, Boolean false otherwise determine whether a particular property is contained in the trigger Return true or false - IS TRIGGER Element Present - Return Boolean True IF A Specific Element EXISTS in The Trigger, Boolean False Otherwise. If a specific element exists in the trigger, then return true, otherwise it is false. - Is Trigger Text Present - Return Boolean True IF A Specific Element in The Trigger Contains Text, Boolean False OtherWise. If the specific element in the trigger contains text, return true, otherwise it is false. - Java Call - Call A Java Method on an instance and return the Type and value returned by the function. Call an instance's Java method, returns the type and value of this feature. - Java Long - Return A Java 'long'. Returns a Java long value - Java Null Reference - Return A Java 'Null' Reference of a Specified Type. Return to a Java Null Reference - Java Short - Return A Java 'Short'. Return A Java Short Value - Logical and - Compare Two or More Booleans. If All Are True, Return Boolean True, OtherWise Boolean False. Compare two or more Boolean values. If it is true, return true; otherwise it is false.

- Logical Not -.. Evaluate a Boolean If it's true, return Boolean true, Boolean false otherwise the logic NOT - Logical Or - compare two or more Booleans If at least one is true, return Boolean true, logic, or otherwise Boolean false.-. Logical 'Short-Circuit' and - Return The Boolean Result of a Java '&&'. Logic Short, Equivalent & && - Return The Boolean Result of A Java '||'. Logic Short Or, equivalent || - Logical XOR - Compare Two Booleans. If One is true and the other ips false, return boolean true, boolean false ostherwise. Logic Di or - Multiply - Multiply Two or More Decimals and Return THE RESULT AS A Decimal multiplication -. Print to console - print zero or more Strings to the console and return nothing printed to the console -. See If Greater Than or equal -. compare two Decimals If the first one is greater than or equal to the second, . return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false see if greater than or equal - See if Greater Than -. compare two Decimals if the first one is greater than the second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false see if greater than -. S ee If Less Than Or Equal -. compare two Decimals If the first one is less than or equal to the second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false see is less than or equal to -. See If Less Than -. compare two Decimals If the first one is less than the second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false to see if less than -. see if not Equal -. compare two Decimals if the first one is not equal to the second, return Boolean true, otherwise return Boolean false. See if it is not equal to-send Simple Email - Send An Email Containing Zero or More Strings AS ITS Context (Body). Return Nothing. Send a simple message - send an email, contain zero or multiple strings as its content. None returned.

- set application attribute - set an attribute to a value and return That Value with the attributes type. Set an application properties - String - Return A Literal String (Zero or More Letters Grouped Together). String - Returns a string - Subtract - Subtract One Decimal from Another Decimal, And Return The Result AS A Decimal. Subtraction - subtract a number to another number, return the result to return. .


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