PowerFolder Workflow Server Version 0.5 Test Drive (2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

Test Drives 2.1 Print 10Test Print 10 Tests 2.1.1 Situation Sitting This Is A Simple Test Equivalent To The Perennial 'Hello World' Program Found In Many Tutorials. The Goal Is To Count from 0 to 9 and Print To Result To This is a simple test, with common "Hello World" program equivalent in many wizards. The purpose is to count from 0 to 9, and print results on the screen.

2.1.2 Preparation Preparation Overview of Overview

1) IF The PowerFolder Server Has Not Been Started, Start It Now.2) Log Into The PowerFolder Console3) DEPLOY All Scripts and Web Pages4) Deploy The Following Script and Web Pages.

1) If the PowerFolder server is not started, start it. 2) Login into the PowerFolder console 3) Uninstall all scripts and web pages 4) Release the following scripts and web pages Script: - Print10Times scripts: Print10Times

Web Pages: - StartPrint10Times

Web page - StartPrint10Times How-To what to do - Starting the PowerFolder Server If you configured environment variable 'JAVA_HOME' during installation, just double-click 'run_with_tomcat.bat' in Windows Explorer Otherwise, open a command console and make sure the environment variable.. 'JAVA_HOME' is set to base directory of the Java installation. start the PowerFolder server by going to the directory then go to the 'jboss' subdirectory then again go to the 'bin' subdirectory. Run program 'run_with_tomcat.bat'. start PowerFolder server. If you configure the environment variable java_home, double-click Run_With_Tomcat.bat in the folder. Otherwise, open a command line console, confirm that the environment variable Java_Home is set to the root directory of the Java installation. To launch the PowerFolder server, move to the JBoss subdirectory, move to the bin subdirectory. Run the program run_with_tomcat.bat. As shown below.

. - Logging into the PowerFolder Console Open a web browser and go to the address 'http: // localhost: 8080 / powerfolder / login' Enter 'admin' for the user name and password, then press 'Login' to log into the PowerFolder.. Console. Open a browser, move to address 'http: // localhost: 8080 / powerfolder / login'. Enter admin as user name and password, press Login.

-.. Undeploying scripts and web pages To undeploy scripts, from the PowerFolder Console open 'Administer' then open 'Scripts' Check the boxes next to the scripts you want to undeploy under the section 'Deployed Scripts' then click 'Remove Checked Scripts' . to undeploy web pages, from the PowerFolder Console open 'Administer' then open 'Web Pages'. Check the boxes next to the web pages you want to undeploy under the section 'Deployed Web Pages' then click 'Remove Checked Web Pages'. Uninstall all scripts and pages. To uninstall the script, open Administer from the PowerFolder console, then open Scripts. In the 'Deployed Scripts' section, select the selection box in front of the script you want to uninstall, and then click 'Remove Checked Scripts'. In order to uninstall the page, open the Administer from the PowerFolder console, then open the web pages. Select the page you want to unload in the deployed web paged section, then click 'Remove Checked Web Pages'. -.. Deploying scripts and web pages To deploy scripts, from the PowerFolder Console open 'Administer' then open 'Scripts' Check the boxes next to the scripts you want to deploy under the section 'Available Scripts' then click 'Deploy Checked Scripts' . to deploy web pages, from the PowerFolder Console open 'Administer' then open 'Web Pages'. Check the boxes next to the web pages you want to deploy under the section 'Available Web Pages' then click 'Deploy Checked Web Pages'. Publish scripts and pages. To publish the script, open Administer from the PowerFolder console, then open Scripts. In the Available Scripts section, select the script you want to publish, then click 'Deploy Checked Scripts'. To publish a web page, from Administer, open Web Pages. Select the page you want to publish from the Available Web Pages section, then click 'Deploy Checked Web Pages'.

2.1.3 Technical Overview Technology Overview Diagram Figure Workflow Steps Workflow Step 1) Starthere - this is where the process begins. This is where the process begins 2) Checkcount - Checks if the process is finish counting Count variable is 10). Check that the process completed the count (count variable equal to 10) 3) PrintCount - Print The Current Count To the Command Console. Print Current COUNT to Command Console 4) Add1 - add 1 to the count variable. give COUNT variable plus 1.5) Stophere - this is where the process ends. This is where the process is terminated User Interface User Interface

1) StartPrint10Times -. The actual counting does not require any user interaction, but the process can not start on its own This web page allows the user to start the process.StartPrint10Times - actual count does not require any user interface, but the process is not Will start yourself. This web page allows users to start the process. 2.1.4 Usage Use Open a browser (preferably different than the one with PowerFolder Console) and go to. 'Http: // localhost: 8080 / StartPrint10Times.jsp' Note the '.jsp' - all web pages in PowerFolder end with ' .jsp 'when deployed. Open a browser (open to the PowerFolder console), to' http: // localhost: 8080 / startprint10times.jsp '. Page, note ".jsp", in PowerFolder, all The web page is ended in JSP after publishing.

After opening this page on your browser, go look at the command console running 'run_with_tomcat.bat'. You should see 0 through 9 printed at the bottom of the screen. After your browser opens the page, to run "run_with_tomcat. BAT "The console of the command. You will see 0 to 9 at the bottom of the screen. 2.1.5 Results The results Go to the PowerFolder console and open 'Administer'. Under the 'Existing Workflows' section click the 'Find Workflows' button. PowerFolder moved to the console, open 'Administer'. In 'Existing Workflows' portion, Click the 'Find Workflows' button.

Now that you are at the 'PowerFolder Query Workflows' web page, change the contents of' Query 'to' * APP * = 'Print10Times'' (note that you should surround Print10Test with single quotes) and 'Output' to '* ID *, * App *, * status * '(Pay attention to letter case!), Then click' Submit '. Now you are in the PowerFolder Workflow Query page, change' query 'content is' * App * = 'print10times'' (note that you should surround the print10times) and 'output' content is' * id *, * app *, * status * ', pay attention to the case of the characters and do not use any spaces, then click 'submit' (submitted) .What is all this? Basically, you are asking PowerFolder to display all workflows using the script Print10Times and, for each matching workflow, display its Id, Script Name, and Status. These are predefined attributes (System Attributes) Common to All Workflows. a system attribute is represented by its name sarounded by '*'. What are you? Basically, you are requesting PowerFolder to display all workflows using script print10Times, and for each conformity workflow, display its number, script name, and status. These are pre-defined properties (system properties), which are the same for all workflows. The name of a system attribute is represented by *.

You should see just one listing - the workflow resulting from the test you just ran The listing should contain a unique id (each workflow gets its own), 'Print10Times' for the script name, and 'DONE' for its status (it is. No longer active - it finished after printing 10 Times). You should only see a list - the workflow generated by the test you just run. The list should include a unique serial number (each workflow has its own), the script name is Print 10Times, its status is DONE (it is no longer an activity, it is over, it is over 10 times). NOW Click The 'Snapshot' Button. This Will Open A New Window Which Will Allow You To Get More Detail About The Current State of this Workflow. Click the 'Snapshot' (Snapshot) button. This will open a new window that will allow you to get more details about this workflow current state.


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