PowerFolder Workflow Server Version 0.5 Test Drive Tour (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  61


Workflow Server Version 0.5

Test Drive

BY Gary Steinmetz

Tour of PowerFolder Workflow Server version 0.5 test drive: Gary. Sh Tatomic: HelloWorld2004 Translation Date: November 13, 2004

Introduction Introduction 1.1 Overview Overview Workflow represents defined processes within businesses and elsewhere. Examples of these processes are an employee requesting and being approved for vacation time-off, submission of a purchase request, and an automated system for keeping inventory within a specified range. Work The stream represents the workflow within the service inside and elsewhere. Examples of these processes are: a staff member submits a vacation request, and then approved; send a purchase request, then a automatic processing system holds the inventory list within a specified range.

PowerFolder is a workflow server. Simply speaking, it's a set of Java components bundled with other open source software. It is open source and distributed under LGPL (Limited GNU Public License) .PowerFolder is a workflow server. Simply put, it is a group of Java components that packaged with other open source software. It is open source, released in the premise of the LGPL protocol license.

About 1.2 About This Version This version 1.2.1 Purpose object Development of Power Folder began August 2001. This version is functional and capable of developing and running each of these test-drives (ie test cases). In fact the below examples were developed completely within the Power Folder framework Beyond a little JSP scripting (using just one variable - 'client')., logic flow, and simple variables (just 3 types - Boolean, Decimal, and String), no in-depth programming knowledge is required ( Eg Object-Oriented Concepts, Compiling, Persistence). The development of PowerFolder is started in August 2001. This version is valid, and is available for development, you can run each test run (or test case). In fact, the following example is fully developed within the PowerFolder framework. In addition to a little bit of JSP scripts (only one variable -client), logical flow, and simple variables (only 3 types-Boolean, double precision and string) require some programming knowledge. (Eg, object-oriented concept, compilation, persistence)

This is version 0.5 and a beta at that So why release it Two reasons -.?. Feedback and promotion First, workflow products intend to model a wide array of real-life situations, some very nuanced With feedback, the direction and 'what's. -important 'Will Become A Lot Clearer. Second, Generating Community and Peer Interest Is A Vital Part of Any Software Project. This is version 0.5 and is a beta version. So why do you want to release it? Two reasons - seeking feedback and encouragement. First, workflow products are designed to model a large number of real life scenarios, some are very complicated. Feedback, development direction, and "what is important" will become more clear. Second, generating interactions and interests is the soul part of any software project. While the examples below 'just' display messages to the command console and have a rather generic user interface, the fundamentals of a workflow system are in place - state management, multi-path execution, external interaction, etc. In addition, you can configure The Mail Server and Use the 'Send Simple Email' Workflow Tag Instead of 'Print To Console' Workflow Tag To Add Flavor To Your Workflows. Although the following example "Just" is displayed to the command console, there is a quite ordinary user Interface, the basis of a workflow system has been formed - state management, multi-path execution, external interaction, and so on. In addition, you can configure the mail server and use the "Send Simple Mail" workflow flag, not just "print to the console" workflow flag to increase your workflow. 1.2.2 Considerations Considerations This Document This document 1) Pay Attention to Letter Case - whether it's 'JAVA_HOME' or 'http: // localhost: 8080 / powerfolder / login', uppercase should be uppercase and lowercase should be lowercase . Pay attention to case sensitive - no matter 'java_home' or 'http: // localhost: 8080 / powerfolder / login', uppercase should be uppercase, lowercase should be lowercase.

2) TYPE What is in the Single Quotes, but not the letter case example, Single Quotes Just Demarcate the content you are supposed to type. Instead of single quotes, not single quotes itself - Like the above example, single quotes are only used to indicate that you should enter content. This version This Version 1) It's a beta for a reason - this Software Should Be Exclusively Used in A Non-Critical, Unimportant Capacity. Clearly Understand The Terms Stated in The license. It is a Beta product for one reason - This software should only be used in a non-critical, non-important occasion. The explanation of this condition is clearly written in the license.

2) When Using the Script or Web Page Studios, Do not Press the Back Button on Your Browser -.. This will disrupt your session Use the 'Cancel' button to go back to the PowerFolder Console instead when using a script or page table Don't press the rollback button on your browser so that you will destroy your session. Instead, use the "Cancel" button to return to the PowerFolder console.

3) Applications Are Unsecure -.. The test cases below use 'http', not 'https' More importantly, logging into the PowerFolder console will send the username and password over your network as clear text In addition, the persistence store does not encrypt Data. Application is unsafe - test example is in HTTP, not HTTPS. More importantly, login Enter the PowerFolder console will transfer your username and password as blank text on the network. In addition, persistent storage has no encrypted data.

4) Do not Deploy More Than One Script At Once - there is no priority assigned to scripts in this version Having more than one script deployed at once will lead to unpredictable behavior do not publish more than one script at the same time - in this version There is no priority for the specified script. At the same time, more than one script may result in unpredictable behavior.

5) If You See a 'Connection Reset By Peer Exception' in Your Console, Ignore It - this is related to the interaction between Internet Explorer and the servlet responsible for rendering the process map as an image if you see in the console. " Connecting reset, due to point exception ", ignore it - this is caused by interaction between IE browser and responsible for interacting flowcharts as a servlet sent by a graphic. 6) Don't Query Against Decimal or Boolean Attributes on The Workflow Query Page - The Persistence. This is being looked Into. Do not use numeric or Boolean attribute queries - persistent storage will throw exceptions in Workflow Query . This issue is paying attention.

7) Clear the Persistence Store from Time to Time - as a workflow progresses from state to state, older (though inactive) snapshots of the workflow have a tendency to remain in the queue This is being looked into from time to time to clear persistent storage. - When a workflow is from one state to a state, the work-old snapshot (although not in the event) still has a trend to continue in the queue. This issue is paying attention.

8) Use Sun's JDK - The Code Responsible for Rendering The Process Maps Use The Classes Specific To Sun. The JAVA standard is not generated using Sun's JDK-. The code responsible for generating flow diagrams uses Sun's specific class.

9) Do not Call the Same 'client' Function More Than Once on the Same Line - while this will not affect the runtime functionality of a web page, it will confuse the 'Preview' feature of PowerFolder Web Page Studio do the same. The same client function is more than once - although this does not affect the run function of a web page, it will make the "preview" function of the PowerFolder Web Page workbench chaotic.

1.2 System Requirements, Installation, Enabling Email system requirements, installation, use emailplease visit http://www.powerfolder.org for more information. Please visit http://www.powerfolder.org to find more information.

1.3 License and Trademark Information License and Trademark Information PowerFolder and jBoss are distributed More information can be found at http under the LGPL (Limited Gnu Public License):. //Gnu.org.PowerFolder jBoss and released under the LGPL. MORE INFORMATION Can be found at http://gnu.org. Tomcat, James, and Tomcat-RegEx are developed by the Apache Software (http://www.apache.org/) and are Copyright (c) 2001 The Apache Software Foundation Foundation. They are distributed under the Apache Software License.Tomcat, James, And Tomcat-Regex is developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Java and J2EE ARE TRADEMARKS OF SUN Microsystems.java and J2EE is the trademark of Sun Microsystems.

Windows and Internet Explorer Are Trademarks of Microsoft.Windows and Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft.


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