TYCHO BRAHE Super New Star

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

Type IA Supernock is an extremely bright explosion, which can be seen in most places in the observable universe. They have become an celestial body with wide scientific interests because they have the effects of the measurement of the accelerated expansion of the universe. They are considered to be residues of the white dwarf (most stars of super-residual lissue), which captures enough to trigger a thermo-response from a companion star. If you can detect such a residue of a companion, it will be a major progress attempting to simulate the work of these systems. Now, a deep search made in the position of the Tycho Brahe, which is first seen in 1572, shows that a celestial body seems to be such a companion. This star contributing to the white dwarf star is very similar to our sun, through a speed of approximately three times faster than other stars in this day. In this photo, it shows a survived star in a sharp supernova, the Great Danish astronomer in a dramatic, the Great Danish astronomer in AD, and other astronomers in the same time witnessed this supernova outbreak. . This discovery provides direct evidence for "IA supernovar from two star systems with normal stars and white dwarfs". When the white dwarf due to the substance of excessive substance accompanying star, the companion star will be thrown out of this system. The Hubber Space Telescope play a key role in accurately measure the movement of this surviving accompanying star with respect to the sky background. Right: Haber Space Looking at the Visita Planet Camera 2 Shooting a small sector containing candidate stars. In addition to a few billions of years old, this star is very similar to the sun. Relying on the Hubber's telescope super resolution, the use of photos taken in 1999 and 2003, and the speed of motion of this star is 3 times that of its surrounding stars. Left: The photo taken by the Hubber Space Telescope was superimposed on the large-view photo of this supernova burst expansion cladding, this remains and the distance of this star is almost equal to 100,000 light years. It can be noted that this star is not located in the geometric center of this supernova remains. On this photo of this money X-ray, it is used in red, green and blue, respectively, low energy, medium energy and high energy X-ray radiation, respectively.


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