CVS common command speed check manual

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79

CVS is a C / S system that guarantees the purpose of file synchronization. Working developers pass a central version control mode as follows: System system to record file versions,

CVS server (file repository)

Developer entry can mainly introduce some integration issues for Windows. Choose 2, 6, you can use the CVS client of CVS, remote user-employed, more need to understand more, the final certificate, and the BUG tracking system

CVS Environment Initialization: Construction Administrators in CVS Environment

CVS daily use: the most common CVS command in daily development, developer administrator

CVS branch development: Items in accordance with different progress and goals

CVS user authentication: remote user authentication, security, simple administrator through SSH

CvsWeb: The web access interface of CVS greatly improves the efficiency administrator of the code version comparison

CVS Tag: Take the $ header $ joined in the code annotation to facilitate the development process

CVS VS VSS: Comparison Developer Administrator for CVS and Virsual SourceSafe

WinCVS: WinCVS certification settings certified by SSH

CVSTRAC-based group development environment Construction: tracking and Wiki communication. CVS user management and integrated bugs for web interfaces through CVSTRAC

A system 20% of the function is often able to meet 20% of the 80% of its total command options, more often, look back, see if there is an unexpected gain. Demand, CVS is no exception, the following is the most common function of CVS, which can function in the actual application process, how much do you want to learn,

CVS environment initialization

Environmental Settings: Specify path of CVS library CvsRoot




Cvsroot = / path / to / cvsroot export cvsroot

The settings of the remote CVS server are also mentioned later:

Cvsroot =: Ext: $ user @ texport cvsroot cvs_rshest.server.address # port: / path / to / cvsroot cvs_rsh = ssh;

Initialization: Initialization of the CVS repository.

CVS init

First import of a project

CVS Import -M "Write Some Comments Here" Project_name Vendor_Tag Release_TAG

After execution: import all source files and directories into / path / to / cvsroot / project_name directory

Vender_TAG: Development Trademark

Release_tag: Version Publishing Mark

Project Export: Export the code from CVS CVS

CVS Checkout Project_name

CVS will create output_na and VirVual SourceSafe is the CVS Update, check me directory, and put the latest version of the source code Check Out is a concept, relative to the CVS Commit. Export to the corresponding directory. This Checkout at the Check of VirVual SourceSafe

Daily use of CVS

Note: After the first export, the checkout project_name is deleted) operation. It is not to make a file in the Project_name directory of CVS Checkout, but to enter the version of the CVS file (add, modify,

Synchronize files to the latest version

CVS Update

Do not develop file names, CVS will synchronize files in all subdirectory, or make a filename / directory for synchronization cvs update file_name

It is best to solve the habit of starting with your work before working every day, and the VirVual SourceSafe is solved until the VirVual SourceSafe. If you have a conflict, you have a conflict, and automatically use the conflict part to use the import to CVS reservoir. And develop "first synchronous post-repair, there is no concept of file lock in CVS, all conflicts are modified by others and" CVS will inform you "


Content On CVS Server


Content in your file


Mark comes out, by your conflict content.

Version conflicts are generally solved in multiple CVS. People modify a file, but this project management problem should not be expected

Confirmation modification to CVS Current

CVS commit -m "Writesome Comments Here" File_Name

Note: Many of CVS are through the CVS C file. Before confirming, you need to fill in the modification to write -m "comments" and directly confirm the `CVS COMM word editor (typically vi) requires you to write a comment. Ommit is finally confirmed and modified. It is best to modify only one annotation to help other developers understand the reason. If not IT file_name`, CVS will automatically call the default text of the system.

The quality of the comment is very important: the developers can understand well in order to not only write, but also write some meaningful content:

Wild comments, it is difficult to let other developers quickly understand: -m "bug mixed" or even -m ""

Good comments, even in Chinese: -m, add an email address check in the user registration process. "

Modifying a version comment: Each time I only confirm an indication of the specified file name, take multiple files with the same version of the CO piece. Note: File to CVS CVS CVS is a good habit, but it is inevitable sometimes MMIT CVS reservoir, the following command can allow you to modify a text

CVS Admin-M 1.3: "Write Some Comments Here" File_Name

add files

After creating a new file, such as: Touch New_File

CVS Add New_File

Note: For the picture, Word document and other non-pure text import (k represents extended options, b represents binary), this project, you need to use the CVS Add -KB option to press the credit party, otherwise it may have file destroyed

such as:

CVS add -kb new_file.gif

CVS Add -kb Readme.doc

Then confirm the modification and comment

CVS CI -M "Write Some Comments"

Delete Files

After deleting a source file, such as rm file_name

CVS RM File_Name

Then confirm the modification and comment

CVS CI -M "Write Some Comments"

The method of combining the top 2 steps above is:

CVS RM -F File_Name

CVS CI -M "why delete file"

Note: Many CVS commands have abbreviations: commit => ci; update => Up; checkout => co / get; remove => rm; add directory

CVS Add Dir_name

View modified history

CVS log file_name

CVS History file_name

View different versions of the current file

CVS Diff -r1.3 -r1.5 file_name

View the current file (may have been modified) and the difference between the corresponding files in the library

CVS DIFF file_name

CVS's web interface provides a way more CVSWEB uses convenient positioning file modifications and comparison versions, for specific installation settings, please

Correctly recovering an old version through CVS:

If you use cvs update -r1.2

This command is given to file.nam1.2 e plus a stick tag: "1.2", although your original intention just wants to return it to

The correct recovery version is: cvs Update -p -r1.2 file_name> file_name

If you accidentally add Stick Tag: Solve with CVS Update -a

Mobile file / file rename

There is no CVS Move or CVS Rename, Old_File_Name, then cvs add new_file_, because the two operations can be implemented by the first CVS Remove Name.

Delete / mobile directory

The most convenient way is to let the management directory are independent, moving to $ C, can survive independently), moving to Project_name or directly with CVS User, deleting the CVSRoot in the vsroot directory can be used as a new single directory After the modification, it is required to develop PDATE -DP synchronization. Should be a directory (because of the sub-project under the CVS project: like a tree, in fact, the person who cuts the item to re-export the project CVS Checkout

Project release export source file without cvs directory

When doing development, you may notice that each piece is used to record the corresponding CVS directory between the current directory and the CVS library. This time is derived for a TAG or date, such as: Development Directory, CVS All created a CVS / directory. There is a message in it. But when the project is released, you generally don't want to use the cvs export command to use the CVS Export command to the export process of the file directory, but Export can only

Cvs export -r release1 project_name

CVS EXPORT -D 20021023 Project_name

CVS export -d now project_name

CVS Branch: Project multi-branch synchronous development


Confirmation version milestones: Multiple files are set to a stage milestone version, which is convenient to follow the basis for branch development. Different, the project to a certain stage, you can give all the documents to the project number export project, and it is also a project.

CVS Tag Release_1_0

Start a new milestone:

CVS commit -r 2 tag all files start entering 2.x development

Note: The version number of the REVSI version of the CVS is more helpful and the published version of the package can not be maintained. Relationship. But all files use and release

Establishment of version branches

When the 2.x version release_1_0 of the development project exports a branch R, it is found that there is a problem, but 2.x and each.

Some people first export Release_1_0_patch in another directory: solve the problem of emergency in 1.0,

CVS checkout -r release_1_0_patch

Other people are still developing on the main branch of the project.

After fixing an error on the release_1_0_patch, mark a 1.0 error correction version number

CVS Tag Release_1_0_patch_1

If 2.0 considers these modifications in RELEASE_1_0_PATCH_1, it is also necessary in 2.0, or it can be modified to the current code in 2: The development directory of .0

CVS Update -j release_1_0_patch_1

CVS remote authentication: Visit CVS remotely via SSH

Using CVS itself based on PSERV code, the remote authentication of ER is cumbersome, you need to define server and user groups, user names, setting secrets.

Common login formats are as follows:

CVS -D: PServer: CVS_USER_NAME@cvs.server.address: / path / to / cvsroot login


CVS -D: PServer: / cvsroot login

Not very safe, so it is generally only authenticated as anonymity and is a better way to pass the SSH transmission. From safe consideration, set the content through the system local account over the client / etc / profile:

Cvsroot =: Ext: $ user @ CEXPORT CVSROOT CVS_RSHVS.SERVER.Address # port: / path / to / cvsroot cvs_rsh = ssh;

All clients all local users can map to the CVS server corresponding to the same name account.

such as:

The CVS server is 192.168.0192.168.0.4 if Tom is 2.3, the CVSROOT path is the / home / C machine has the same name account, then vssroot, another development client is set from

Export cvsroot =: ext: Tom@ / home / cvsroot

Export CVS_RSH = SSH

TOM can access's cvsroot directly in (if there is permission)

CVS Checkout Project_name

CD Project_name

CVS Update


CVS commit

If the SSH port of the server where the CVS is not lacking, sometimes it is set: the provincial 22, or the client and CVS server side default port

: ext: $ u er 特est.server.address#port: / path / to / cvsroot

Still not, such as the following error message:

SSH: Test.Server.Address # port: name or service not known

CVS [Checkout Aborted]: End of F) Ile from Server (Consult Above Messages if Any

The solution is to do a script specified port steering (you can't use Alias, you can't find a file error):

Create a / usr / bin / ssh_cvs file: #! / Usr / bin / sh

/ PATH / TO / SSH -P 34567 "$ @"

Then: chmod x / usr / bin / ssh_cvs

And cvs_rsh = ssh_cvs; export cvs_rsh

Note: Port refers to the port of the corresponding server SSH, not the port of CVS PServer

CVSWEB: Improve file browsing efficiency

CvsWeb is the web interface of CVS, which greatly enhances the efficiency of programmers positioning modifications:

Samples can be seen:

CVSWeb Download: CVSWeb From the initial version of the person feels more convenient: Various version of the functional interface has been evolved, this is my

Download Unpack:


Put the configuration file CVSWeb.conf to a safe place (such as in the same directory with the same directory with the Apache),

Modify: cvsweb.cgi Let CGI find configuration files:

$ config = $ env {'cvsweb_config'} || '/path/to/apache/conf/cvsweb.conf';

Go to / path / to / apache / confation and modify cvsWeb.conf:

Modify the CVSROOT path settings:

% Cvsroot =

'Development' => '/ path / to / cvsroot', # <== Modify points to local cvsroot


By default, you do not display documents that have been deleted:

"hideattic" => "1", # <== default not displayed document

In the configuration file cvsWeb.conf, you can also set the description of the text header, you can modify $ long_intro to you need

CvsWeb can not be open to all users, so you need to use web user authentication:

Mr. is Passwd:

/ path / to / apache / bin / htpasswd -c cvsweb.passwd user

Modify httpd.conf: increase

Authname "CVS Authorization"

Authtype Basic

Authorfile /Path/to/cvsweb.passwd

Require Valid-User

CVS Tags: Who? When?

Raise $ ID $ 加 加 加 注 注 注:: file_name version time user_na2002 / 04/05 04:24:12 Chedong Exp, but a good habit, CVS can automatically explain the format of the inner me, For example: cvs_card.txt, v 1.1 Using this information to understand the final modification and modification time

CVS has no file lock mode, and VSS is simultaneously in Check Out, and the file is logged by the exporter.

CVS Update and Commit, VSS is get_lastest_version and check in

The CVS corresponding to the Check Out / undo check out of VSS is Edit and Udit

In CVS, tag automatic update features The default is how to add a binary file, which is automatically updated in CVS, which also brings a potential problem, which may cause file failure when -kb is not available. $ Header $ DATE $ This mark is closed in Virsu, you need to open through Opition, and * .txt, *. Java, *. Html ... Al SourceSafe is called Keyword Explaination, the default requires the source File Type of File Keyword Scan:

Tags common for Virsual SourceSafe and CVS:

$ Header $

$ Author $

$ Date $

$ Revision $

I suggest trying to use general keywords to ensure that the code can be easily tracked in CVS and VSS.



CVS Windows client: Currently stable version is 1.2

SSH Windows client

After installing the above 2 software:

WinCVS client admin ==> preference setting

1 in the general menu

Set cvsroot: username@ / home / cvsroot

Set Authorization: Select SSH Server

2 port menu

Hook: Check for Alternate RSH Name

And set the path of SSH.exe E, the default is installed in C: / Program Files / NetworksImplicity / SSH / SSH.EX

You can then use WinCVS for authentication passwords for the CVS operation. All operations will jump out of the command line window to enter the server

Of course, if you feel so annoying, it is also a way to use the CVS using the public key / private key SSH certification is to generate a public key / private key pair without a password, (in the general menu).

You can choose DIFF tools: ExamDiff


Still in the WinCVS menu admin ==> Preference's WinCVS menu

Optional: Externel Diff Program

And set the path to the DIFF tool, such as: C: / Program Files / ED16I / ExamDiff.exe

When the file is sent to the file, the first time you need to select the USE EXTERNEL DIFF in the lower right corner of the window.

CVSTRAC-based group development environment

As a small group-level development environment, the version control is integrated into these systems is a very version of the version control / bug system and bug tracking system, which are very integrated, and the BUG tracking system. If the difficult thing is, after all, we can't expect Linux to have a Source Tracking Integration System.

I personally oppose the development of the household using the PServer mode, generally speaking, using cvsroo is more troublesome. Originally I planked to write a BUG tracking system that used Perl, which hangs the management of the cvsroot / passwd file on the CVS system, and even integrates remote user authentication, but if most group members use Windows guest T / Passwd certification or very It is difficult to avoid, but the CVS itself is a management interface until I discover CvStrac: a web-based bug tracking system, which includes the Wikiwiki discussion group function in the web interface.

Here, I first talk about the user authentication in CVS P: Server mode, CVS user authentication service is based on INETD CVSPSERVER STREAM TCP NOWAIT Nobllow-root = / home / cvsroot pserverody / usr / bin / cvs cvs --a

Generally at 2401 port

CVS user database is based on cvsroot / passwd file, file format:

[username]: [CRYPT_PASSWORD]: [mapping_system_user]

Since the password is used in the unixhtpasswd format extension (than the AP single method can use the standard Crypt encryption, this passwdache's Passwd file multi-a system file format is basically Apache's account mapping field), so this file is the simplest

Apache / bin / htpasswd -b myname mypassword

create. Note: The file created by htpasswd will not map the field of the system user.


New: gebvosup / zkl2

Setup: aisqunaavoy3qw

Test: hWEPZ / BX.Redu

Map System User's Purpose In / Home / CVSROOT directory, but develops user account last resident new files for other uses for: You can create a dedicated CVS with permissions to give this user, then read on the PA file Writing permissions are mapped to the CVS user's file read and write permission issues. Service account, such as called CVS, and create different development user accounts in the SSWD file, avoiding multiple development in SSH mode

Further, you can map the user to the group's files to each other. 2 groups of users, use 2 users' permission settings to avoid 2 projects

New: gebvosup / zkl2: Proj1

Setup: AisqunaAoy3QW: Proj2

Test: hWEPZ / BX.Redu: Proj1

Cvstrac is well solved the CVSROOT / PassWwikiki AC function, etc., the D's management problem of the CGI mode, and includes bug tracking reporting system and integrated installation, and based on GNU Public License:

Installation process

Download: You can download from

I use it is already compiled on Linux: cvstrac-1.1.1.bin.gz,

% gzip -d cvstrac-1.1.1.bin.gz

% chmod x cvstrac-1.1.1.bin

#mv cvstarc-1.1.1.bin / usr / bin / cvstrac

Initialization Cvstrac Database: Suppose Database Name is MyProj

In / home / cvsroot in / home / cvsroot), on / home / cvsroot, (CVS) should already be initialized, such as: cvs init

% CVSTRAC Init / Home / CvsRoot MyProj

After running, / home / cvsroohome / cvsroot / myproj.db / vsroot / write / home / cvs can be written, on redhat 8, the error in the error is set to have a MyProj.db library in the Apache user transport T, make HOME / CVSROOT / CVSROOT / Readersroot / CVSROOT / Passwd This kind of article is called Apache users and a line Web service: with CVSTRAC services, // Home / CVSROOT / C Run users should be Apache group So I am httpd.conf text

User apache

Group apache, if the Apache on the server is set to Nobody Nogroup, such as: Nobody NogRoup, then the corresponding configuration

Then I set it #chown -r apache: apache / home / cvsroot

-rw-r - r - 1 apache apache 55296 Jan 5 19:40 myproj.db

DRWXRWXR-X 3 Apache Apache 4096 Oct 24 13:04 Cvsroot /

Drwxrwxr-x 2 apache apache 4096 Aug 30 19:47 Some_proj /

Also set in / home / cvsroot / cvsroot:

CHMOD 664 Readers Writers Passwd

Create a script cvstrac in the APCHE / CGI-BIN directory:

#! / bin / sh

/ usr / bin / cvstrac CGI / Home / CVSROOT

Set the script to execute:

CHMOD X / Home / Apache / CGI-BIN / CVSTRAC

From http://cvs.server.address/cgi-bin/cvstrac/myproj to the management interface

By default login name: setup password setup

For general users from:


Modify the login password, perform BUG report, etc.

More use details can be learned in use.


Add CVSPSERVER services in inetd:

CVSPServer Stream TCT = / Home / CvsRoot PSerP NoWait Apache / USR / BIN / CVSCVS - Allow-ROO

XIETD profile:% Cat CVSPServer

Service CVSPServer


Disable = no

Socket_type = stream

Wait = NO

User = apache

Server = / usr / bin / cvs

Server_Args = -f - allowow-root = / home / cvsroot pserver



Note: The user here is set to the Apache purpose of this user's CVSROO under / home / cvsroot /. Yes, all users of / home / cvsroot, and must make this T / PassWD and CVSTRAC initialization generated myproj.db has read rights

For the previously mentioned WinCVS set in Perference:

CVSROOT bar input: username@ip.address.of.cvs: / home / cvsroot

Authenitation Selection: Use Passwd File On Server Side

You can export items from the server.

to sum up:

With CVS (WinCVS / CV system. Sweb / cvstrac), constitutes a relatively complete cross-platform development version of the transfers


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