Oakweb (Site Revision of the Jilin University Computer College)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

The conditions are limited, and the writing is as follows:

Apply MVC, use PHP's Smarty Template, progressively use Div CSS.

1. The core program of Template must first be the design website, the overall file structure, the directory structure; then create an initial template, the initial use of the old website, directly remove all PHP; design the website icon, add the favorites icon; Code; finally change to the latest view.

This time you must write the installer!!

2, the directory structure is as follows:

/ -Configs /

/ -Templates / {View}

/ -named by Name /

/ -Templates_c /

/ -libs / {smarty template}

/ -internals /

/ -plugins /



/-Smarty.class.php{ include this}


/ -Include / {common file}

/ -admin / {administrator file}

/ -dbadmin / {phpMyadmin}

/-index.php {like

http://blog.9cbs.net/80x88/archive/2004/11/phpeindex.aspx to switch to different file or include them}

3, the design database structure is as follows

The following is the old structure


Field Type NULL Default Key Int (10) No Title Varchar (80) No FBR VARCHAR (30) No TEXT TEXT No Msgdate Date No 0000-00 WHERE VARCHAR (16) No Dir varchar (50) is null where1 varchar (20 ) No, notice ###########################

News: {news}

NID INT (10) Not Null; News sequence number

Titel varchar (80) Not null; news topic |

Keyword Varchar (30) null; Keywords | -> for Search

Content text not null; text content of the article

Issuedate Date Not Null; released date

Lasteditdate Date Null; Modify the last date of the article

Issueip varchar (15) Not null; IP of publishing articles

Authortype varchar (16) Not null; Category of the author -----> Author table

Authorname varchar (16) Not null; the author's name ----> Author table

Boolsee Char (1) Not Null Default 1; visibility of the article, by default

Contype Varchar (20) Not Null; News Categories ----> NewSType Table

ViewTimes Int (10) Not Null Default 0; Direct Number of Articles

Attachment varchar (50) null default null; location


Newstype: {News Category List}

NTID INT (10) Not Null; News Category Number

Typename varchar (20) Not null; Category name ##############################

Navigation: {Navigation list}

Navid Int (10) Not Null; Navigation List ID

Navname varchar (50) Not null; NAV Name

Navshow char (1) Not null default 1; WHETHER SHOW THIS NAV DEFAULT YES = 1

Navurl varchar (50) Not null; NAV URL


User table {user database table}

Uid Int; user ID

Uname varchar (16); user's name

Upwd varchar (16); user's password

Abletoannounce int (1) Default 0; false not allow his to anony

Question varchar (20); user's question -> Get Password

Answer Varchar (20); user's answer

Regip varchar (15); REG IP As you

Logintimes Int (5); How Many Times this user logged in

LastInTime Date; The Time User Last Logged in

Announceno Int (10); How Many Announces Have Been Posted

Popuppost Int (1) default 0; if Pop Up Your Post Automaticly


Post Table {POSTS Database Table Structure}

PID INT (10);


Postto varchar (20); to some user

Postfrom varchar (20); from whom

PDATE DATE; WHEN THE POST POSTED @ &% * @ & what sentence

New int (1) default 1; if the post is new, 1 new



New Post(0)