WebSphere Studio vocabulary (2) [transferred from 4PL blog]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79

Special text and symbol

3270 Application (3270 Application)

An application on the host system is accessed through 3270 terminal devices.

Enterprise Application Project

In WebSphere Studio, the folders and files of the deployment descriptor and IBM extended documents are included, and the structure and hierarchies of all J2EE modules defined in the deployment descriptor.

Application Client Project

In WebSphere Studio, the structure and hierarchies of the folders and files, these folders and files are included in its own Java virtual machine, the first layer of client components executed in its own Java virtual machine.

3270 Application (3270 Application)

An application on the host system is accessed through 3270 terminal devices.


Action class (Action Class)

In Struts, the superclass of all operations classes.

ActionForm class

In Struts, all form bean classes of the BEAN class.


An open source web server. IBM provides a web server called IBM HTTP Server, which is based on Apache.


See also Application Programming Interface.


A Java component, which is usually performed in a web browser, but can be performed in various other applications or devices that support the Applet programming model.


See also Abstract Window Toolkit.



See also businesced-to-business.


See also companies to consumers (Business-to-consumer).


The definition or instance of the JavaBeans component.

Bean Management (BEAN-Managed Persistence) (BMP)

Related to entity beans that manage their own persistence. See also container-managed personistence.

BEAN class

In EJB, a Java class for a Javax.ejb.EntityBean class or a Javax.ejb.SessionBean class is implemented.


See also bean management persistence (bean-managed personistence).



Execute an environment variable keyword in the environment, which specifies the directory where you look for classes and resource files. Another type of path path (Class Path).


See also container-managed personistence.

COBOL Reserved-Word File

In EGL, a user-defined text file defined by a reserved word other than the EGL reserved word is included. If the EGL variable name matches the reserved word, the EGL will nake the name of the variable name when generated, as reflected in the generated output.

Create Method

In EJB, a method of defining in the primary interface and is called by the client to create a business bean. CSS

See also a stacked style sheet (Cascading style Sheet).

Custom Finder

See also the Finder Method.


See also Parallel version system.



See also Document Access Definition.


See also Document Access Definition Extension.

DADX Run-Time

In the DADX Web service, the SOAP request is sent to a new web service during this time period. The DADX runtime environment provides information to the DADX Web service (including HTTP GET and POST Bind, Test Page, WSDL Generation, and DTD Data to XML Mode Data).

DADX Group (DADX Group)

A folder, which contains other information shared between database connections (JDBC and JNDI) and group DADX files.


An IBM relational database management system that can be used as a license program on several operating systems. DB2 programmers and users can use various interfaces to create, access, modify, and delete data in the relational table.


A set of stored procedures, user-defined types, and user-defined functions, they enable applicants to store and retrieve XML data using DB2.


See also the device input format.


See also Device Output Format.


See also document object model (Document Object Model).

DOM elements (DOM Element)

One member of the element tree created when the XML file is analyzed with the DOM parser. The DOM element makes it easy for all elements in the Quick Identification Source XML file.


See also Document Type Definition.



See also Enterprise Archive.

EAR Project

See also Enterprise Application Project.


The initiator of an open source, providing ISV and other tool developers with standard platforms for developing an application development tool compatible with the plugin.


See also Enterprise Generation Language.

EGL Build (EGL Build)

The process of converting the EGL source into an executable program.

EGL script (EGL Script)

In EGL, the process code of the process is booted when the generated program is run. The script is encoded in a function or program part.

EGL file (EGL file)

"Enterprise Generate Language" program file (extension .EGLPGM), define files (extensions .EGLDEF) or build files (extensions .EGLBLD).


Perform a task of the pseudo command when the generated program is run. The EGL statement is encoded in the EGL script, and (for example, specifying the data to the memory area, causing the I / O operation or call another program. EGL SDK

Enterprise Generate Language Software Development Toolbox: EGL generated file-based interface. EGL SDK does not use a workbench, but extracts all necessary EGL files into a set of directories. You can use this file-based interface to generate EGL output from the software configuration management tool (such as IBM Configuration Management and Version Control "(CMVC) or Rational Clearcase).


See also Enterprise JavaBeans (Enterprise JavaBeans).

EJB query (EJB Query)

A string, which contains an optional SELECT clause (which specifies the EJB object to return), from clause (it names the bean collection), optional WHERE clause (it contains a collection of search predicates), optional order by The clause (which specifies the sort of the result set) and the input parameters (they correspond to the independent variable of the Finder method).

EJB Query Language (EJB Query Language)

Inquiry language for entity bean defining the Finder method for vessel management. This definition uses SQL-based languages ​​that allow searches for enterprise beans's persistence attributes and associated bean properties.

EJB object (EJB Object)

An object in EJB, the class of the object implements the remote interface of the enterprise bean.

EJB Access Bean (EJB Access Bean)

See also Access Bean.

EJB Server (EJB Server)

Software that serves service to the EJB container. An EJB server can take one or more EJB containers. See also EJB container (EJB Container).

EJB inheritance (EJB inheritance)

One inheritance form, in the form, the enterprise bean has controlled the descriptor attribute from another enterprise bean in the same group.

EJB module (EJB Module)

Software unit consisting of one or more enterprise beans and an EJB deployment descriptor.

EJB container (EJB Container)

A container that implements an EJB component of the J2EE architecture. This contrast is to specify a runtime environment in enterprise beans including security, parallelism, lifecycle management, transaction, deployment, and other services. The EJB container is provided by the EJB or J2EE server. See also the EJB server (EJB Server).

EJB context (EJB Context)

In EJB, an object that allows enterprise beans to call the service provided by the container and get information about the caller of the client called the client.

EJB Project (EJB Project)

A WebSphere Studio project, which contains the resources required by the EJB application, including enterprise beans, primary, remote classes, JSP files, servlets, and deployment descriptors.


A Java archive containing the EJB module.

EJB primary object (EJB Home Object)

In EJB, the objects that provide valid period (creating, removing and looking) for enterprise beans. (Sun) f


See also First fault data capture (First-Failure Data Capture).

Finder method (Finder Method)

In EJB, a method defined in the primary interface and is called by the client to locate the entity bean.


See also the file transfer protocol (File Transfer Protocol).



See also Graphics Interchange Format.



See also Hypertext Markup Language.


See also hypertext transfer protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).


SSL-based HTTP. See also Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Secure Sockets Layer (SECURE SOCKETS LAYER).


IBM agent architecture (IBM Agent Architecture)

A mechanism for collecting data, can be used by a third-party tool on the development platform. "Agent Architecture" consists of several components (such as "Java Profile Analysis Agent" and "Default Record Agent") that can be inserted into the entire deployment architecture.


See also integrated development environment (Integrated Development Environment).


Internet ORB agreement. A protocol for communication between the Corba object request agency.


See also information management system (Information Management System).

IMS dialogue (IMS Conversation)

Terminal with dialogue between messaging programs that use IMS dialogue processing facilities. In IMS Connector for Java, the Java client program and the message handler between the message handler. See also Conversational Processing.

IMS command (IMS Command)

Request from terminal or AO (Auto Operators) to perform specific IMS services, such as changing system resource status, or displaying specific system information.

IMS transaction code (IMS Transaction Code)

A 1 to 8 characters of the alphanumeric code that calls the IMS message handler.

IMS transaction (IMS Transaction)

A specific input dataset that triggers a specific process or job. The transaction is a message based on the IMS application.

IMS Connect

A product running on the MVS, OS / 390 or Z / OS platform, IMS Connector For Java communicates with IMS through this product. IMS Connect uses OTMA to communicate with IMS. See also Open Transaction Manager Access.


See also Interprocess Communications.



See also Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

J2EE Server (J2EE Server)

Provide the runtime environment for EJB or Web containers. J2EE environment file (J2EE Environment File)

A text file generated by EGL, with "attribute-value" pair, can be used as the basis for the information required for J2EE runtime deployment descriptors.

J2EE connector architecture (J2EE Connector Architecture) (JCA)

A standard architecture that connects the J2EE platform to a different enterprise information system (EIS).

J2EE Request Summary Analysis Program (J2EE Request PROFILER)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analysis tool, the name of an agent, connects it to the application server process for the purpose of collecting the request to intercept the point data.

J2EE Application (J2EE Application)

Any deployment unit of the J2EE function. It can be a single module or set a set of modules in the .ser file together with the J2EE application deployment descriptor. (Sun) In WebSphere Studio, the J2EE application is called an enterprise application. See also Enterprise Application.


See also Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition.


See also Java Authentication and Authorization Service.


See also Java Archive.


A object-oriented programming language developed by Sun.

Java wrapper

In EGL, a set of generated Java classes can be embedded in a manually prepredible Java program to provide runtime access to the code generated by other EGL.

Java Summary Analysis Agent (Java Profiling Agent)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, an agent, which is connected to the Java virtual machine (JVM) of the application that runs outlined analysis. This is the agent that is used to measure its performance when it is performed by the Java application.

Java Archive (JAR) (JAR)

Used to store the compressed file format of all resources required to install and run the Java program in a single file.

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JAVA Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

For an extension of the Java platform, it provides the Java application with standard interfaces with multiple species named and directory services.

Java 2

The name of the Java platform V1.2 and a higher version.

Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

An environment for developing and deploying an enterprise application, defining by Sun. The J2EE platform consists of a set of services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols, providing functionality for developing multi-layered web-based applications.

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE)

Core Java Technology Platform. (Sun) See also Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.

Java Platform is used to write a general name of the Java language of the program; a set of APIs, class libraries, and other programs used when performing error checking the program, and a Java loaded and executed virtual machine.

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JaaS)

In J2EE, a standard API based on safe operation is performed. JAAS implements the Java version of the standard "Insertable Authentication Module" (PAM) framework.

Java Database Connection (Java Database Connectivity) (JDBC)

SUN's specification that defines the API of the Java program to access the database.

Java file (Java file)

An editable source file (with a .java extension), compile into a zona code (.class file).

Java Project

In WebSphere Studio, a project containing containers that can compile Java source code and as a source folder or package.

Java Message Service (JMS)

A API for using a corporate message delivery system (such as IBM MQSeries).

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Software implementation of the central processor running compiling Java code (Applet and Applications).

Java runtime environment (JAVA RUN-TIME ENVIRONMENT) (JRE)

A Java developer toolbox set containing executables and other files that make up the Java platform. JRE includes Java virtual machines, core classes, and support files.


Sun defines, portable and reused component models that can be reused independently of the platform.

JavaServer Pages (JSP)

A server-side script preparation technique, which enables Java code to dynamically embed the web page (HTML file) and is executed when the page is processed to return dynamic content to the client.


See also J2EE connector architecture (J2EE Connector Architecture).


See also Java database connection (Java Database Connectivity).

JDBC Connection Filter (JDBC Connection Filter)

A control limits the amount of data transmitted during JDBC metadata loading. Filters enhance performance.


Shorthand of "Java Development Toolbox". This is the name of SUN's software development toolbox provided by the Java platform, and this name is used in V1.1.x and previous versions. In V1.2, Sun change its product name to Java 2 SDK. Sometimes (incorrectly) is used to represent a Java platform or a general term as a Java developer toolbox.


Java development tools for a feature of WebSphere Studio.


"Just-in-Time", such as JIT in the JIT compiler.


See also Java Message Service. JNDI

See also Java Naming and Directory Interface.


See also Java runtime environment (Java Run-Time Environment).


See also JavaServer Pages.

JSP file (JSP file)

A script HTML file with an extension .jsp. The JSP file can be directly requested as a URL, or call the file by servlet, or call it from the HTML page.


See also Java Virtual Machine.



See also Message Format Service.

MFS Control Block (MFS Control Block)

See also the "Message Format Service Control Block] (MSSIAGE FORMAT Service Control Block).


See also Message Input Descriptor.


For the extension of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), it allows data (including video, audio or binary data) to email different formats without being converted to ASCII text.


See also Message Output Descriptor.



See also North American Industry Classification System.



See also Object Request Broker.


See also Open Transaction Manager Access.



A parameter on the form of the form mark in HTTP, specifying the browser sends a form data to a server that is independent of the associated URL server in the HTTP transaction.



See also Resource Access Control Facility.


See also Relational database.

RE-Entrant entity bean (Re-entRut Entity Bean)

An entity bean, which can handle multiple simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous, interleaved or nested calls that do not interfere with each other. (Sun)


See also Remote Method Invocation.


See also Resource Recovery Services.



See also Software Configuration Management.


See also software development toolbox (Software Development Kit).


Java programs typically access databases or execute B2B functions are performed on a web server or application server.

Servlet Container

A web application server component, which calls the operation servlet and interact with the operation servlet to handle the request.

Site Developer is sometimes used as an abbreviation for IBM WebSphere Studio Site Developer programming products. (WebSphere Studio is also used as a general referusion of several IBM products, including Site Developer.)


See also Simple Object Access Protocol.


Used to serialize the data based on the SOAP protocol. SOAP encoding is based on such a simple type system: it is an outline of public function components in the type system, database, and semi-structural data.


See also Structured Query Language.

SQL query (SQL Query)

A component of some SQL statement, which specifies the result table.


See also Structured Query Language for Java for Java (Structure Language for Java).


See also Secure Sockets Layer.

SWING set (Swing Set)

A group of GUI components has been running in any operating system that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Because they are completely written in Java programming languages, these components can provide the above functions and exceed the functionality provided by the local platform equivalent. Check the AWT.



See also Transmission Control Protocol.


See also Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol / Internet Protocol.

TCP / IP Monitoring Server (TCP / IP Monitoring Server)

Monitor all requests and responses between the web browser and the application server. It also monitors TCP / IP activities.


See also Service Type Definition.


In EGL, it can be used as a component definition of a format model.



See also General Description, discovery, and integration, discovery, and integration.

UDDI Business Registry (UDDI Business Registry)

A collection of similar directories containing information about business and services.


See also the user-defined function.


See also Unified Modeling Language.


See also General Standard Products and Services Classification.


See also Uniform Resource Identifier.


See also Uniform Resource Locator.


See also Uniform Resource Name.


Package or represent the RACF security tag of the security feature of the user. RACF specifies UTOKEN to each user in the system.



See also Version Control Management. VM

virtual machine. See also Java Virtual Machine.



See also Web Archive (WAR).

Web Service

A modular application that performs specific tasks and access to open protocols such as HTTP and SOAP.

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) (WSDL)

A XML-based specification that describes a network service as a set of endpoints that contain messages or process information or process information.

Web Server (Web Server)

A software program handles "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" (HTTP) request.

Web archive (Web Archive)

Used to store the compressed file format of all resources required to install and run the web program in a single file.

Web browser (web browser)

A client program that launches request to the web server and displays the information returned by the server.

Web module (web module)

A unit consisting of one or more web components and a web deployment descriptor.

Web container (web container)

A container that implements a Web component of the J2EE architecture.

WEB map (web diagram)

A Struts file that uses icons and other images on the Free Format panel to help application developers visualize stream structures based on Struts.

Web Project

In WebSphere Studio, other resources (such as source files and metadata) containers, corresponding to the J2EE definition container structure and hierarchy of files required by deploying web applications.

Web Application

An application that can be accessed by web browsers and offers some features (such as allowing users to query databases) in addition to static information display. The common components of the web application include HTML pages, JSP pages, and servlets.

Web Resource Collection

Describe a list of URL patterns to protect resources and HTTP methods. (Sun)


The name of the deployment descriptor file for the web application. WebSphere Studio provides an editor that is easy to create and update the web.xml file.


An IBM brand name, which contains tools for developing e-commerce applications and middleware for running web applications. It is sometimes used as a referusion of WebSphere Application Server (which represents the runtime part of the WebSphere series).

WebSphere log file

The WebSphere Application Server is generated to collect files for information on applications (including errors and information messages). WebSphere Studio provides a recording tool to analyze this file, which is also called an activity log.

WebSphere Application Server

Running on IBM HTTP Server and can be used to deploy, integrate, execute, and manage web application server software for e-commerce applications. WebSphere Studio

A group of IBM software products for the uniform development environment for creating and deploying e-commerce applications. WebSphere Studio Application Developer is an example of WebSphere Studio products.


See also Web Services Description Language.

WSDL Definition Name (WSDL Definition Name)

The name of the service definition, which describes the network service as a collection of communication endpoints with exchange message capabilities.

WSDL Document (WSDL Document)

(1) A file that describes where to deploy a web service and what operations that provide this service.


The abbreviation of "seeing", the editor continuously displays each page and the content is identical to the print result or the same functionality in other forms.


Xalan Processor

A XSLT processor as part of the Apache project. See also Extensible Stylesheet Language.


See also Extensible hypertext markup language.


See also XML metadata interchange format.

XMI Model (XMI Model)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, various views can be loaded and analyzed context-related models. The XMI model is a major entity that is saved as a result of profiling or logging an application.


See also Extensible Markup Language.

XML analysis program (XML Parser)

An interpretation of the content of the XML file and determines how to handle the input program.

XML Path Language (XML Path Language) (XPATH)

A XSL sub-language used to uniquely identify or address the source XML document for use in conjunction with XSLT. The XPATH also provides basic functions for processing strings, numbers, and boolean values.

XML Mode Editor (XML Schema Editor)

A WebSphere Studio tool for creating, viewing, and verifying XML patterns.

XML Mode Definition Language (XML Schema Definition Language) (XSD)

A language for describing the XML file containing the mode.

XML log file (XML Log file)

(1) A log file in an XML format, which is created in WebSphere Studio when the recording agent is written to the file, and the plugin is loaded with the native API to record the plugin to load events and information. The document.



XML metadata Interchange Format (XMI)

An open information exchange model allows developers using object technology to exchange programming data through the Internet with a standardization method.


See also XML Path Language (XML Path Language). XPath Expression (XPath Expression)

An expression that searches for the entire XML document and extracts information from nodes in this document (any part of the document, such as elements or properties).


See also XML schema definition language (XML Schema Definition Language).


See also Extensible Stylesheet Language.

XSL style sheet (XSL Stylesheet)

Describe how to present (display or print) XML documentation.

XSL Transformations (XSLT)

A standard using the XSL style table to convert an XML document into other XML documents, document segments, or HTML.

XSLT function (XSLT functions)

A function for processing numbers, strings, boolean, and node sets are defined by XSLT specification.



Compressed and stored in one or more files in a single file (name at the end) in a .zip.


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