WebSphere Studio vocabulary (1) [Transfer from 4PL]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69


Safety sockets layer (SSL)

A protocol developed by Netscape to authenticate clients and servers and encrypt Internet transactions. See also https.


Version Control Management (VCM)

The functional components of the workbench, which support the software settings and interfaces with the External Resource Library Management System (SCM system).

Version Control

History of work submitted by coordination and integration groups.

Bind Control Part

In EGL, how to access the build part of the DB2 database from one or more programs. This part is used when the target system is generated and ready when the target system is generated.

Binding (BIND)

Use the agreed agreement to establish a connection between software components on the network. In a web service, when the service requestor uses the binding details in the service description in the runtime to call or start the interaction of the service to position, contact, and call the service.


In a web service, when the service requester uses the binding details provided in the service description (for example, the message format and protocol defined for a specific port type) to locate, aggressive, and calling services Operation occurs.


A set of types in Java. The package is declared with a bag keyword.

Package statistics

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, packets to group statistics for applications that have been summarized. See also instance statistics (Instance Statistics).

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

In a web service, a economical classification system based on goods and service groups using similar or exactly the same production process.

Memo (Cheat Sheet)

A tool in some of WebSphere Studio's product configuration, which guides users to complete the enterprise service development process by listening to a series of steps to build services.

Local History

In WebSphere Studio, save the copy of the file in the worktail to compare the current version with previous versions. Each time you save the editable file in the workshop, the workbench updates the local history of the file according to the configurable preferences, and records the changes to the file.

Local (LOCAL)

Access directly from the user's system without having to use the device, file or system of the communication line. See also remote (Remote).

Local Transaction (LOCAL Transaction)

One transaction type, which involves each resource manager independently coordinating its own changes, rather than using synchronous point coordinates (such as RRS) to coordinate them.

Local Home Interface

An interface in EJB, which specifies the local client to locate, create and remove instances of the enterprise bean class. Check the remote home interface.

Boundary class

In performance profile analysis, one is usually not within filtering conditions, but is directly called by the class included for the filter. Editor area (Editor Area)

The file opens in the workbench window to edit the area.

Compilation Unit

A Java source file.

Tag Library

In JSP, a collection of tags that pass the TAGLIB descriptor and the custom operation described in the Java class. The JSP tag library can be imported in any JSP file and used in conjunction with various scripting languages. (Sun)


In the 3270 Terminal Services development tool, some fields in the screen definition, the only identifies the state of the screen. When creating a profile, the user can select which fields will be the identifier.

Form Bean (Form Bean)

In Struts, an instance of an ActionForm class subce class stores HTML or JSP format data from the submitted client request, or stores input data from the user clicked link.


A xml structure containing an annotation, comment, or illustrated in the XML file. The representation can be used to associate the binary description with the entity or attribute.

Parallel version of the system (CVS) (CVS)

A version control system with open source and network transparency.

Unrecognized screen (unrecognized screen)

In the 3270 Terminal Services Development Tool, the screen that cannot be identified by any identification profile file is not available.

Compensation service

In the Process Editor, the operation performed when an exception or failure occurs in the process.


In the Process Editor, a functional component of the transaction "revocation" feature in a long running process does not need to be done with resource contacts and waiting for all steps.

Compensated Time

In WebSphere Studio's Summary Analysis Tool, the time you need for the application run, does not include overhead of profiling of the application. Check the original time (RAW TIME).

Component hierarchy (Hierarchy of Parts)

A tree structure that defines the upper and lower EGL components when defined, as reflected in three EGL files.

Part page (Part page)

In the EGL editor, the user can enable the user to edit the feature of the EGL component through the graphical user interface. The EGL editor provides a variety of component pages, each page for a specific component type.

Deployment (deploy)

Place files or installation software in an operable environment. In J2EE, this involves creating deployment descriptors for application types that are being deployed.

Deployment Descriptor

In J2EE, a description should deploy an application's XML file by specifying configuration requirements and container options.


Catch Up

The resources in the workshop are updated according to the resource in the Workshop by the Group's stream.


For the specified application, a given constant value and can indicate the variable of the application.

Action SET

In the workbench, perspective provides a set of commands to the main toolbar and menu bar.

Operation Servlet (Action Servlet) In Struts, a program that is started by the servlet container of the web server, is used to process the call operation, receive forward from the operation, and request the servlet container to transfer the request to the forward URL.


(1) Description of the transition from one screen to the potential output screen within the dialog. Operation occurs when the echo dialog box is included, which contains the following: Tips, input, and output screens.

Action mapping

A struts profile entry, associates the opera name with the Action class, form bean, and local forwarding.

Test Harnes

Used to make the DB2 database to be able to use a series of script files used by DB2 XML Extender. When you generate a DAD file from a relational database to an XML map, you can choose to create a test device. Once enabled, it tests from the data to form XML and decomposes the XML file into relational data.

Cascading style Sheet (CSS)

Define a set of layered style rules, HTML, or XML file creation programs use these rules to control how to render this page in your browser or viewer, or how to print this page. CSS includes a defined priority of the case where the situation in which any style element definition in the document has conflicted.


In software programming, an additional program adds functions to the main program. WebSphere Studio provides a clear definition of a plurality of plugins for a table.

Find (Find)

See also discover.


In the type hierarchy, a subtype is from its inheritance attribute.


Specifies the time interval for some operations to occur (for example, the response to polling or addressing before system operation and must be restarted).

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

A tag language that complies with the SGML standard and is mainly used to support online display of text and graphics information including hypertext links. HTML is used to create an electronic storage page for the Web.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

In the Internet kit of the protocol, protocols used to transmit and display hypertext and XML documents on the Web. See also https.

Program file

In EGL, the file in the EGL source format, and it contains a single program part. Program components can be embedded in functions and data components and import definition files. The file extension is .EGLPGM.


(1) Characteristics of data maintained across session, or features of objects that still exist after the program or process that creates an object, these features are typically stored in non-volatile memory (such as database systems).


Convert a program, for example, by renaming the package or method while retaining its behavior.

Abstract window Toolbox (Abstract Window Toolkit) (AWT)

In Java programming, the collection of GUI components implemented using the component's local platform version. These components provide public functional subset of all operating system environments. Check the SWING set. Abstract mode (Abstract Schema)

Part of the deployment descriptor of the entity bean is used to define the relationship, persistence field, or query statement of the bean.

Remove method (REMOVE METHOD)

In EJB, it is defined in the primary interface and is called by the client to destroy the enterprise bean.


In database technology, a set of operations executed or triggered when deleting, inserting, or updating a specified table.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (TCP)

In the Internet and in any network compliant with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard, it is used as an internet protocol. TCP provides a reliable host-based protocol between the information package switching communication network and the hosts in the interconnection system of this network. It uses the Internet Protocol (IP) as a basic protocol.

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)

A set of communication protocols provide peer connection functions for local area networks and wide area networks.

Stored procedure

A process construct and embedded SQL state block stored in the database and can be called by name. The stored procedure allows the application to run in two parts, and a part runs on the client and the other part runs on the server so that one call can generate several access to the database.


A small program routine, which replaces a longer possible remote program. For example, stubs may be a program module that transmits a process call (RPC) and response between clients and servers. In a web service, the stub is the implementation of the Java interface generated from the WSDL document.


Agent (Agent)

(1) Automatically perform certain services without user intervention or periodically automatically performing some of the services.

Code Assist

See also Content Assist.

Code fragment editing test window (SCRAPBOOK)

An editor that can be used to test and evaluate Java expressions. Workbench users can run, check, and display code snipches in the code snippet editing test window.

SingleTon Factory

A class with a static method of instantiation a single element class. This could not be an interface.


A class that can only be instantiated once. The single element class cannot be an interface.


In the "Help" perspective of WebSphere Studio, the link to the link to the help topic in the left frame can be expandable and foldable. The term "navigation frame" is usually referred to as the left frame.


In WebSphere Studio, a view of the resource in the workstore in the form of a tree structure.


One program technology, program or routine uses this technology to call itself to perform continuous steps in operation, each step using the output of the previous step. In the WebSphere Studio debugger, the recursive count is not limited to the routine that directly calls itself; for example, if FUNC1 calls FUNC2, FUNC2 calls FUNC3, then FUNC3 calls FUNC1, then after the initial execution func3, each programmer will jump into these At one of the routines, the calling entry displays a recursive count than the previous entry than the call. E-Business (E-Business)

Business matters performed by electronic media (such as the Internet).

Debugging session

The developer starts a debugger and developer to exit the debug activity that occurs during the debugger.


A tool for detecting and tracking errors in a computer program.

Call Stack (Call Stack)

A list of data elements, constructed and maintained by JVM to successfully call the method successfully and return from the method.


See also a loop.

Definition file (Definitions file)

In EGL, the EGL source format and the file containing any number of functions and data components. This file can import other definition files. The file extension is .egldef.

Customization (Custom Action)

In JSP, use the portable manner by the Tag Library Descriptor and a set of Java class, the JSP page is imported by the Taglib directive. (Sun)

Custom screen record (Custom Screen Record)

The running time view of the screen, which allows access to the available screen field.

Dynamic Web Content

Programming elements, for example, JavaServer Pages, servlets, servlets, servlets, and scripts that need to be performed in a web browser in a web browser.

Port type (PortType)

An element in the WSDL document consists of a set of abstract operations, each operation involves the input and output messages supported by the service.

Port (port)

As a single endpoint that binds the combination of network addresses. The port specifies the address for binding to define a single communication endpoint.


The programmer sets a temporary tag in the source code to perform an external interference interrupt or by a monitor (such as a debugger).

Stack frame (Stack frame)

A portion of the stack, contains local variables, arguments, and register contents of individual routines, and pointers indicating a front a stack frame.


One area in memory is used to store the return address of the temporary register information, the parameters, and subroutines. The stack consists of a set of links of stack frames. Each item in the stack is stored and retrieved in the first out (LIFO) order.

Dialog Editor (Dialog Editor)

A 3270 terminal service development tool enables developers to modify the conversation using the 3270 Terminal Services Recorder record.


The interaction of the 3270 application accessed by the user is accessed. The user can record the conversation using the Record Dialog function in the 3270 Terminal Services logger. The recorded dialog includes hitting the user from a screen from 3270 applications to another screen, input, and output.

Conversational Processing an optional IMS facility that allows the user application accumulation to accumulate information that is exchanged multiple times with the terminal (even in the exchange period program termination). In the context of the IMS Connector for Java, the exchange is between the Java client program and the user application. See also IMS dialog (IMS conversation).

Dialog file

Record the results of the conversation from the 3270 terminal service recorder. The dialog file is saved in the WSDL file in the workbench.


In object-oriented design or programming, a particular implementation of a class consisting of data and an operation associated with the data. The object contains instance data defined by the class, but the class has an operation associated with the data. See also classes.

Object Request Broker (ORB)

In object-oriented programming, the object can be used to act as the software of the middleware by transparently enable the object to exchange requests and responses.



(1) Make the Web site to the public, for example, by placing the file in the path known to the HTTP Server.

Release (Release)

The changed file is sent from the table server to the group server so that other developers in the group can use the updated version (synchronized with it).

Sending party bean (Sender bean)

In extended message delivery, you can build an enterprise bean (stateful session bean) that sends an asynchronous message. The sender bean converts its method call to the JMS message and then transfer the message to JMS. It can also retrieve response messages, convert the message into a result value, and return it to the caller.


In UDDI, browse the business registry to find existing Web services for integration. See also Find.


Method for converting serialized variables into object data. See also serializer.


(1) Operation in object-oriented programming. Objects can have many methods.

Method Statistics (Method Statistics)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analysis tool, information about the method, including the package (and class) belonging to the method, the number of call times, the CPU time spent on the method, and the accumulation time spent on the method.

Method permission

A authorization rule determines who allows you to perform one or more enterprise bean methods. (Sun)

Access Bean (Access Bean)

A enterprise bean wrapper is usually used by a client program (such as JSP file and servlet). Access Bean hides the complexity of enterprise beans and improves performance of reading and writing multiple EJB properties.

Access intent

In EJB, metadata for optimizing the runtime behavior of entity beans relative to parallel control and resource management.

Distributed Track (Distributed Trace)

Describe the collection data of interaction in distributed applications.

Distributed Build

The resulting component is moved from the generated environment to the process of preparing them to perform. Prepare to include compilation, link editing, and as needed to bind.

Distributed Application

A application consisting of different components connected to different computer systems and through a network connection. See also client / server (Client / Server).

Analysis (PARSE)

Divide information strings (such as commands or files) into their respective components.

Branch (BRANCH)

A separate development line in the CVS group development environment can be isolated. When the programmer changes the file on the branch, these changes will not appear on the backbone or other branches.

Symbolic parameter

In EGL, the symbols specified in the declaration are used to override alternative variables used in the pseudo-JCL build script, or to specify values ​​for use in some build descriptors.

Service definition

Describe one or more WSDL files of the service. Service definitions are generated by "Definition", "Deploy", Adapter, Framework, and "Proxy" wizard.

Service Recorder 3270 (Service Recorder, 3270)

A 3270 terminal service development tool that enables users to perform the following: Connects to the host system, display 3270 applications in the editing area of ​​the 3270 Terminal Services logger, interact with the 3270 application in the editing area of ​​the 3270 Terminal Services logger, and interact with the 3270 application. By saving the screen definition to the workbench, the screen sequence that interacts with the 3270 application is recorded from the 3270 application to the workbench and play back the conversation to verify the screen sequence recorded in the dialog.

Service Type Definition

In UDDI, a description of the service or classification method. TMODEL is used to determine the compatibility of the specification and define an organization ID and various categories.

Service (Service)

See also Web Service.

Service (SERVICES)

A collection of network endpoints or ports used to aggregate a set of associated ports.


About the contents of the applications or applications running on the server instead of running on the client. JSP and servlet are two examples of technologies that enable server-side programming.

Server Tools

A feature of WebSphere Studio provides a test environment (such as WebSphere Application Server and Apache Tomcat) to test JSP files, servlets, HTML files, and EJB beans.


(1) Respond to a computer system or process from another computer system or process (commonly referred to as a client). See also a client.

Server Configuration

In WebSphere Studio, include the resources required to set and deploy information to the application server.

Server Project

In WebSphere Studio, the container used to store information about testing and deployment servers and their configuration (ie, server configuration, and server).

Service Project is used to build a collection of related items.

Complex Type

In XML, an element allows its contents and can have an attribute. Check the simple type (Simple Type).


Summary Analysis Agent (PROFILING Agent)

An agent that performs an application's performance analysis and summarizes the application.

Profiling Tools

A feature of WebSphere Studio is used to summarize the performance and memory usage of the application. The Summary Analysis Tool Creates a graphical representation of the Java program runtime behavior with different views.

Summary Analysis Filter (Profiling Filter)

A mechanism in the Summary Analysis Tool in WebSphere Studio uses to specify what information about the application is related to the application. In the case where the data transfer rate and efficiency through the network is critical, the summary analysis filter is very useful in limiting the amount of data collected.


Analyze the performance of the application, the resource usage or the process of execution.


In the CVS group development environment, the main stream developed, also known as the HEAD stream.


In the WebSphere Studio Profile Analysis Tool, a component generated by various agents when the test application is tested and places them from the views that can be displayed in the view into the context-related model.

Root node

In the data graphical representation in the form of a tree, a node that does not have a parent but usually has a child.

Tooltip (Tooltip)

See also HOVER HELP.


In WebSphere Studio, users currently developed in the workstation and a collection of other resources. The metadata of these resources resides in the directory in the file system; resources can reside in the same directory.


User Interface and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in WebSphere Studio.

Workstay batch interface (Workbench Batch Interface)

In EGL, a command line interface is used to generate an output from an EGL component in a workspace that is loaded into the Interactive Development Environment.

Build part

In EGL, a declaration unit of various processing features is specified. The species of the build part include: Building a descriptor component, a connection option component, a resource association component, a binding control component, and a link editing component.

Build Server (Build Server)

The client system is used to implement the build server system. Building a server receives a request from building a client to create an executable based on the source code sent from the build client.

Build Plan

An XML file that defines the build to build the process you need, and specify the machine where you are processed.

Build script (Build Script)

A file in Enterprise Developer, builds a server using it to convert a set of files into another set of files. For example, build scripts may be a pseudo-JCL script, a Java compiler, or a REXX script.

Building a client (Building Client)

Use the build server to perform the build client system.

Build (Build) typically creates or modifies resources based on the presence and status of other resources. For example, the Java Builder converts the Java source file (.java file) to the executable class file (.class file), the web link builder updates the link to the file whose name or location has changed.

Building a descriptor part (Build Descriptor Part)

An EGL component that controls the generation process by specifying how to generate and prepare an "Option-Value" pair.

Build Descriptor Options (Build Descriptor Option)

In building a descriptor component, help control the generated or prepared properties.

Build file (build file)

In EGL, an XML file containing any number of build components, which determine how to generate and prepare a program. This file can import other build files. The file extension is .eglbld.


For XML documents, the document itself is connected to the rule of managing its structure, it can be defined by the "Document Type Definition" (DTD) or XML mode.

Relational database (RDB) (RDB)

A database that can be understood as a set of sheets and can process depending on the relational data model. Each database includes a set of system catalog tables that describe data logical and physical structures, a configuration file that contains parameter values ​​assigned to a database and a recovery log with an outgoing transaction and archive transaction.


Session bean (session bean)

In EJB, a business bean created by the client, usually exists only during a single client / server session. See also enterprise bean.

Session (session)

(1) Program or device can communicate with a program or device communication at a remote location.


The basic components of the process indicate that the use of operations that must occur to meet the entire business process. Connect the activity to the link through the terminal.

Activity log (Activity log)

See also WebSphere log file.


Basic Type (Primitive Type)

In Java, a category of the data type of the variable is described, which contains a single value of the appropriate size and format as its type: number, characters or Boolean. Examples of basic types include Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, CHAR, and BOOLEAN.

Basic time (Base Time)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, the time spent on the specific method is performed. Basic time does not include the time spent in other Java methods called by this method.


In EJB, enterprise beans are transferred from the auxiliary memory to the memory. See also inhibition.

Activation condition

A Boolean expression in the activity in the business process, when the specified process will start.

Integrated Development Environment (Ide) (IDE) (IDE)

A set of software development tools (such as source code editor, compilers, and debuggers) can access them from a single user interface. In WebSphere Studio, IDE is called a "workbench". Inheritance

An object-oriented programming technology allows existing classes to create other categories foundations.

Record agent (Logging agent)

A agent in the WebSphere Studio Record tool, the user can create it to write data (e.g., Java primitives, objects, or predefined recording structures) to one or more output sources (eg text or XML) for applications that are testing. . The record agent can pass their data to the view, standard output, or local file on the "Profile Analysis" perspective.

Logging Tools

A feature of WebSphere Studio enables developers to view and analyze WebSphere activity log files and WebSphere Studio XML log files, and edit symptoms database files.

Logging Level

In the WebSphere Studio Record tool, the indicator of the record amount to be completed. The higher the level, the more information to be recorded. The default recording level is Severe.

Record generator (Logging factory)

A generator in the WebSphere Studio record tool, is used to create, store, and destroy recorders for public access.


(1) In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, a logical container for the summary analysis information collected from all agents it contains. A view in the monitor level displays the total set of data from all the proxy.

Check Out

In some software configuration management systems, the latest revision of the file is replicated from the source code resource library so that the file can be modified.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

A lightweight XML-based protocol is used to exchange information in a dispersed distributed environment. SOAP can be used to query and return information on the Internet and call services.

Simple Type

In XML, a type that cannot have element content and cannot have attributes. Contains numbers (and strings and dates, etc.) but does not contain any child elements. See also complex types (Complex Type).

Check IN

In some software configuration management systems, copy them back to the source code repository after changing the file.

Clipboard (CLIPBOARD)

The area of ​​computer memory or memory for preservation of data is used. The data in the clipboard can be used in other applications.

Key Class

In EJB, you are used to create or find classes of entity beans. It represents the identity of the entity bean, corresponds to the primary key column of a row in the relational database. See also entity bean.

Keyboard Shortcut

By or key combination, the user can perform an available operation by pressing these keys in the menu. It is also called shortcuts.

Key Field

The field of a container management in the entity bean corresponds to one of the primary key columns in a row in the relational database. Each key field is a member of the key class of entity beans.

Interactive Session A work session, where there is a 3270 application and a communication switch between 3270 Terminal Services Records.

Interactive View

In the 3270 Terminal Services, real-time access to the host application in the 3270 Terminal Services Recorder Editor.

Script (script)

A series of commands that perform specific features when the file is run (they are combined in the file). The script is explained when they are running.


J2EE development, features in the development of applications and deployment phases. The J2EE specification defines several roles, including application components vendors, application assembly, deployers, system administrators, and tools.

Node (Node)

(1) In XML, the minimum unit of the effective structure is effective in the document. The node including the tag set and any necessary attributes, attribute values, and content constitute an element.

Structured view (Structured Viewing)

The form of the "Design" view of the XML editor, which separates the structural components of the XML document (such as elements and attribute types) with values ​​(such as attribute values ​​and text content).

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A normalized language for defining and processing data in relational databases.

Structured Array (Substructure Array)

In EGL, there is a structural term greater than 1 and have a dependent structure item.

Structure Item

In EGL, a field in the structure or record. Each structural item is a sub-structure (as the word can be used as a sub-structure) or is inextricably (as the letter is indivisible).

Result tree

The output document created when you use the XSL file to convert the XML file.

Receiver Bean (Receiver Bean)

In the extended message delivery, the message-driven bean or session bean. Call the message-driven bean when the message reaches the JMS target of the listener activity. The session bean polled JMS targets before the message arrived, as an object acquisition, and can use the method to retrieve the message data.


In the symptom database used to analyze the WebSphere activity log, information on the possible cause of the error and how to recover from the error.

Process Object

In the WebSphere Studio Profile Analysis Tool, the logical representation of the Java process. The process object is identified by name and process identification number (PID), whenever it starts or connects to a Java process, it appears in the Monitor view with the associated agent.

Interprocess Communication (IPC)

The processes are exchanged with each other to exchange data and synchronize their activity. Signal volume, signal and internal message queue are public methods for communication between processes.


In the process editor, the graphical representation of the service process is used to control the activity, from the start position (input activity) to the end position (output activity).

Process Context Switch Saves or Restores the process of the processor's status. The scheduler performs the context transfer to respond to system changes.

Static web page (Static Web Pages)

The web page that can be displayed but the additional client or server-side processed by JavaServer Pages, servlets, or scripts can be displayed.

Competitive conditions (RACE CONDition)

The irregular behavior of procedures caused by unexpected emergency dependence on events occurred. For example, two different processes may read or write to the same file at the same time, resulting in data reading is not the latest.

Handle (Handle)

In J2EE, identify the object of the enterprise bean. The client can serialize the handle and refine the handle in the future to obtain reference to the enterprise bean. (Sun)


Open Transaction Manager Access (Otma)

One component of the IMS, which implements a transaction-based non-connector client / server protocol in the MVS Sysplex environment. The domain of the protocol is limited to the domain of MVS Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF). In IMS Connector for Java, IMS Connect is used to communicate with IMS communication. See also IMS Connect.

Open source

Contents of software source code for issuance licenses that can be used, modify, or re-restrict, modify, or re-restrict usage, modify, or resemble it. Linux is an example of open source technology.


The properties of software or hardware products that can be used by disabled people.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A standard meta language for defining a tag language. XML uses tags to define the structure of the data, and let the interpretation of the data leave the application to read it.

Extensible hypertext markup language (XHTML)

HTML 4.0 is constituted as an application of XML applications. XHTML is a series of current and future DTDs and modules that regenerate, build subsets and extended HTML.

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)

The language used to specify a style sheet for an XML document. "XSL Conversion" (XSLT) is used in conjunction with XSL to describe how the XML document is converted to another document. See also Xalan Processor.

Interruptable process

The process that can be completely stopped at waiting for the input or instruction. The most common format of this interruption will be that people are interactive or decided. See also staff activities.

Client Proxy

An object of a client-connected client-side, which provides a remote procedure call interface for servers' services.


A system or process in a distributed file system environment, which belongs to a server that provides access to data, services, programs, or resources. Multiple clients can share access to a public server. Another server (Server).

Client / Server (Client / Server)

In the distributed data processing, the model interacts, in which programs on a site are sent to the program on another site and wait for a response. The program is called a client; the program for answering is called a server. Empty activity (EMPTY ACTIVITY)

A event that does not have a definition, can be used as placeholders at the design phase.


See also a small window (Widget).

Control link

Objects in the process, which links activities and determines the order of them.

Shortcut Bar

On the left side of the Warkest Window in WebSphere Studio, a perspective view for opening and a button for a quick view.

Shortcut Key

By or key combination, the user can perform an available operation by pressing these keys in the menu. Also known as "keyboard shortcut".

Fast view (Fast View)

In WebSphere Studio, a view that opens and closes by clicking the button on the shortcut bar. The quick view is created by placing the view on the shortcut bar.


Used to implement the framework of the class.


Garbage Collection

A part of the runtime system of the language, or an automatic determination of memory that is no longer used and reclaimed for its loading item library (can be composed of any combination of compilers, hardware, operating systems, or these three). See also Automatic Memory Reclamation and Automatic Storage Reclamation.

Cumulative Time

The method is spent on performing the time on the stack, including spending the time in the method itself and other methods it calls.

Class Hierarchy

Share the relationship between individuals of individual inheritance. All Java classes are inherited from the object class.

Class Path (Class Path)

(Including a list of resource files or Java classes that can be dynamically loaded at runtime, and a list of JAR files. See also ClassPath.

Class (Class)

In object-oriented design or programming, a model or template that can be instantiateted to create an object with public definition (to have public properties, operations, and behavior). Object is an example of a class. See also objects (Object).

Class file

A compiled Java source file.

Type hierarchy (Type Hierarchy)

A complete context of a Java class or interface (including its superclass and subclasses).

Type (TYPE)

(1) a class or interface in Java.

Connection (JOIN)

A SQL relationship operation that allows you to retrieve data from two or more tables based on the matching column value.


Provides J2EE components for access to Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). The connector must comply with the "J2EE Connector" architecture. See also Resource Adapter.

Link Editor Parts (Link Edit Part)

In EGL, how to constitute a build part that is loaded from two or more programs. This part is used when the target system is generated and ready when the target system is generated. Link Properties file (Linkage Properties file)

An EGL generated or manually written text files that can be used to run the JAVA program or wrapper for EGL in J2EE. How to call other code details.

Link Option Parts (Linkage Options Part)

A build part in EGL provides details about how the generated program calls another program or is called by another program. The component also provides details about how the generated COBOL programs accesses files on the remote CICS area. The information in this part is used when testing, when testing and runtime.


In the process, connect the active line or arrow. The information between link pass activities and determines the order of execution activity.

Two-stage submission protocol (Two-Phase Commital Protocol)

Synchronous Point Manager (Transaction Manager) and Explorer The process used to coordinate changes in the transaction. By using two-stage submission process, multiple changes in multiple resource managers can be used as a transaction.


A client program that launches request to the web server and displays the information returned by the server.


The old name of the process.


The shared copy of the application resource is updated when the development team member is updated when they change. The flow represents the current state of the project.

Logic Part

A unit of declaration in EGL includes runtime sequences. This sequence is written in EGL processes. Types of logic components include program components and function components.


Object-Oriented Programming

A method for constructing a program as a hierarchical organization (these class descriptions can interact with other objects) and operations).

Name Space (Namespace)

(1) The file system reserves the space that contains its object name.

Command Bean (Command Bean)

Java beans with only one operation during the creation agent.


In J2EE, a software unit consisting of one or more components of the same container type and a deployment descriptor of the type. Example has EJB, Web, and Applications Client Modules. The module can be deployed as a stand-alone unit or an assembled application.


(1) In the database program, the representation of the database will be mapped.

Target Name Space (Target Namespace)

A unique logical location for information associated with the service associated with the namespace and the WSDL position.


Memory Leak

Program role, it maintenance is a reference to the object that no longer needs to be recovered by the garbage collection routine.

Content Assist

A feature of WebSphere Studio, which prompts the user to complete the current code line or the valid alternate selection list list. Content assisted is to access the cursor in the source code and press the Ctrl Spacebar to access.

Content Model

It may be included in any data in the XML element. There are four content models: element content, mixed content, EMPTY content and ANY content.


Configuration file contains Struts files for information on data sources, form beans, global forwarding, and operational mapping.


One hardware or software component, which limits the performance of the device, subsystem, such as an adapter or network. For example, if an adapter has a hardware that can forward 14,000 packets per second, and the software can process 4000 packets per second, the software is a bottleneck.

Screen Editor

A 3270 terminal service development tool that enables developers to create and modify the identification profile of the imported screen and specify a name for the fields on the screen definition.

Screen Capture

A process: capture the screen definition (in the current state) and save it to the 3270 Terminal Services tool workbench to generate an identification profile and custom screen record. Use a 3270 Terminal Services logger to capture the screen.


The screen you see when the user is connected to the 3270 application on the host system. A 3270 application can contain many screens, in the context of the application, each screen has a purpose.

Screen Recognition

A runtime function that determines the state of the screen and processes the screen according to the identifier in the identifier of the profile. The screen recognizes the screen displayed by the 3270 application with the defined identification profile to determine which screen status is applicable.

Screen file

The screen file is the result of importing the screen from 3270 application into the 3270 Terminal Services Development Table. The screen file represents the screen definition. The screen definition contains some identifiers, such as the number of fields on the screen, and rows and column locations on the screen. Each 3270 terminal service project has multiple screen files. Each screen file can specify multiple identification profiles to it.

Screen State

Determine the condition set for allowing and necessary processing on the screen (when importing the screen from the host). The status of the screen operates to change the status, causing a specific output screen. A screen can have multiple states, which are different from the state of the user operated by the screen.


Business-to-business (B2B)

Refers to an Internet application that exchanges information or executes a transaction between enterprises.

Business-to-consumer (B2C)

Related to subsets of Internet applications that exchange information between enterprises or execute transactions.

Enterprise Service

Typically access one or more "Enterprise Information System" (EIS) services.

Enterprise Archive (EAR)

A dedicated JAR file type containing J2EE applications.

Enterprise bean (Enterprise Bean)

A component that implements a business task or a business entity and resides in the EJB container; it is an entity bean, a session bean or a message-driven bean. See also Access Bean.


A component architecture defined by Sun is deploying and developing object-oriented distributed enterprise applications.

Enterprise Generation Language (ENTERPHERATION LANGUAGE) (EGL) "WEBSPHERE Studio Enterprise Developer's feature, which enables developers to quickly write full-featured Cobol or J2EE applications so that enterprise data can be used for browsers.

Enterprise Application

See also J2EE applications (J2EE Application).


A special file in the Java Archive (JAR) file provides information about files contained in the JAR file.

Name aliasing

Place the name in the output source file during EGL generation instead of the name in the EGL source code. In most cases, the alias will be taken for the original name, because the original name is invalid in the target generating language.

Global Transaction

A work unit of multiple resource managers is required in a distributed transaction environment.


Log Record

In the WebSphere Studio Record tool, an entry in the log view, contains properties and their values. A log record does not contain an instance of other log records, but has a nest level entry or child generation.

Log Visualizer

A tool that is used to analyze the message logs generated by the application that is performing unit tests.

Container-Managed Persistence (CMP) (CMP)

In J2EE, data is transmitted between the variables of the entity bean with the resource manager managed by the container of the entity bean. See also bean management persistence (bean-managed personistence).

Container-Managed RelationShip (CMR)

In EJB, the association between the relationship between the enterprise bean is specified, represented by the CMR field in the deployment descriptor. These relationships are maintained by the EJB container.

Container-managed transaction

Its boundaries are defined by the EJB container. Entity Beans must use container management transactions. (Sun)


In J2EE, an entity that provides validity period management, security, deployment, and runtime services for components. Each type of container (EJB, Web, JSP, Servlet, Applet, and Applicable Client) also provides components-specific services.

Software Development Kit (SDK)

The collection of tools, APIs, and documents is used to assist software development in specific computer languages ​​or software development for specific operating environments.

Software Configuration Management (SCM)

Tracking and control of software development. The SCM system typically provides version control and group programming feature.


Context root

Web application roots when deploying it to the web server, it is the top-level directory of the application. The link builder uses the context root to ensure that the link remains ready in the project to move or rename files in the project. Device Output Format (DOF)

Describes the "Message Format Service" (MFS) control block of the format of the output data displayed to the device.

Device Input Format (DIF)

A "Message Format" (MFS) control block describing the format of the data displayed on the device and displaying the MFS.


Create Java or COBOL source code from the EGL component.


Create an output from the EGL component. Output includes COBOL or JAVA source code and related files.

Builder (Factory)

In object-oriented programming, a class for creating an instance of other classes. The generator is used to create a particular class object in a certain location so that there is no need to provide a large number of code changes.


In Java programming, a statement that establishes an identifier and associates attributes without having to retain its memory or provide an implementation.

Recognition Table

In the 3270 Terminal Services Development Tool, a table defining view and identifying a profile view of the screen definition view and identifying a screen view appearing in the screen editor and provides the imported screen.

Identify profile (Recognition profile)

In the "3270 Terminal Services" tool, unique identifier list of the state of the screen, that is, the set of conditions for the screen when importing the screen from the host. Each screen status needs to be uniquely defined in its own identification profile.

Instance Statistics (Instance Statistics)

In WebSphere Studio Summary Analysis Tools, including the following information about applications: Different classes of instances and their size, packets belonging to the class, and the time of spending on the instance of the class, etc. See also package statistics (Package Statistics).

Entity bean (Entity Bean)

In EJB, a business bean representing persistent data saved in the database. See also key class and session bean.

Entity (Entity)

In XML, a method indicating a special character or replacement variable.

Sequence Diagram (SEQUENCE DIAGRAM)

Method calls and calls the returned format description of the interaction between class instances. These figures are defined by "Unified Modeling Language" (UML) representation.

Clock Time

WebSphere Studio Performance Summary Analysis Tools The actual passage time. The clock time is different from the CPU time because the thread switching and process context switching is introduced into the performance calculation; the clock time does not calculate this execution behavior.

View (View)

In WebSphere Studio, a region of the table can drag and drop it on other views or on the operating system desktop. This behavior scores a view from the editor or pane.

Transaction Attribute

A value specified in the deployment descriptor of the enterprise bean is used by the EJB container to control the transaction scope when calling a corporate bean. (Sun) First fault data capture (FFDC)

One problem diagnosis assisted, is intended to identify errors, collect, and record information about these errors and returns control of the affected runtime software.

Daemon (daemon)

A program that operates unattended to perform continuous or periodic system range functions (such as network control). The daemon can be automatically started (if you start the operating system) or manually launch the daemon.

Output activity

The end point of the business process.

Output screen

In the 3270 application, the user navigates the screen according to the data input and keystroke. In the 3270 Terminal Services logger, access routes from one screen to another can be recorded and saved in the dialog file.

Enter activity

The initial position of the process, the source of the entire process calls the data.

Input (INPUT)

A component of the operation indicates that the key is sent to the host screen to initiate the conversion of the output screen. The input is usually represented by the PF key value.

Data Part

In EGL, the memory is described; especially the data structure of TypeDef that can act as a variable and other data components. The species of the data components include data item components, structural components, and recording components.

Data definition

Define the data objects of the database or table.

Data object filter (Data Object Filter)

In WebSphere Studio's relational database tool feature, a control that allows data objects (such as tables and modes) that allows tree views from the database.

Data objects (Data Object)

Any object (such as table, view, index, function, trigger, and package) can be created using the SQL statement.

Data perspective filter (Data Perspective Filter)

An object in WebSphere Studio, which displays and hides the information displayed in the "Data" perspective in the table based on the specified criteria. There are two types of data perspective filters: data object filters and JDBC connection filters.

Data Item Part

In EGL, the data components of the inseparable memory area are defined.

Data item

In EGL, the variables input according to the data item or the basic feature.

Data Source

An interface in JDBC, which provides logical representation of pools connected to the physical data source. The data source provides application portability through an information that does not require information specific to a specific database driver.


"Name-Value" pair within the XML element with marked, it modifies some features of the element.

Array (Array)

In EGL, there is a structural item having a number of times of appearance value of 1. If the array has a slave structure item that has occurred greater than 1, the slave structure item is an array of additional dimensional declarations.


The icon size of the larger graphic image presents, allowing the user to preview the image without having to open the viewer or graphic editor.


Pop-up menu (POP-UP MENU)

A menu appears as a result of certain user operations (usually click the right button) and includes actions suitable for the selected object in its current context. Sometimes called context menu. Popup information (Infopo)

A small window showing the context-related help and link to the related online help topics for specific UI elements. To display the pop-up information of the UI element, you can press the F1 key by clicking the UI element or by using the TAB key to make the UI element in the focus status.


A component of the operation, which indicates user input to the field before converting to the output screen.

Substitution Variable

In the pseudo-JCL, the symbols used in the build script are received from the value from the build server default, build the script itself or symbol parameters.


A Boolean expression specifies it to the control link to orient to the process.

General Standard Products and Services Classification (UNSPSC)

An open global standard, classified products and services based on public functions, destination, and tasks.

General Test Client (Universal Test Client)

In WebSphere Studio, a server tool feature for testing enterprise beans and their interface methods.

General Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)

A specification that is unrelated to the supplier, which defines how objects interacts on the network.

General Description, Universal Description, Discovery, And Integration (UDDI)

A set of standard specifications for service descriptions and discovery on the Internet.

Synchronic Point Manager (Sync Point Manager)

A function that coordinates two phases of the protected resource to submit or revoke all changes to the data. In OS / 390, RRS can act as a system level synchronization point manager. Synchronous Point Manager is also known as transaction manager, synchronous point coordination procedure, or submission of coordination procedures.

Synchronization point (Sync Point)

The start or end of the recovery unit, all resources are consistent at this time.

Synchronous process (SYNCHRONOUS Process)

By calling the request and the response operation startup process. Returns the result of the process through the same operation. Check the asynchronous process.

Unified Modeling Language (UML)

A standard representation, used to establish an actual object model, which is the first step in developing object-oriented design methods. UML is defined by the Object Management Group (OMG).

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

A encoded address represents any resource on the web (such as HTML document, image, video clip, or program). It is different from the URL or URN, the URL or URN is a specific entity, and the URI is an abstract superclass. See also Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Uniform Resource Name. Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

A character sequence represents information resources in a computer or network (such as the Internet). This character sequence includes: (a) an abbreviation name of the protocol to access the information resource. (B) Information of the protocol to locate the information resources. For example, in the context of the Internet, the following is an abbreviation name of some protocols to access various information resources: HTTP, FTP, GOPHER, TELNET, and NEWS. The following is the URL of the IBM home page: http://www.ibm.com. See also the same resource identifier (Uniform Resource Name).

Uniform Resource Name (URN)

A name to the client uniquely identifies the web service. See also Uniform Resource Locator.

Perspective (PERSPECTIVE)

A set of views showing the various aspects of the resource in the workbench. Depending on the task being processed, the table user can switch the perspective and customize the layout of the perspective view and editor.

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

File format for storing images. The GIF file is very common on the World Wide Web (WWW) because they only contain up to 256 colors, and the file is very small.

Exit condition (exit condition)

The Boolean expression is performed when the process in the process node is controlled.


Foreign Key

In the relational database, one of the tables is referenced to the primary key in another table.

Full Build

In WebSphere Studio, a build that will consider all resources in the domain. See also incremental builds (INCREMENTAL Build).

Pseudo-JCL (Pseudo-JCL)

In EGL, an appearance is similar to the language of standard JCL, with certain extensions and restrictions, in build scripts running by the MVS build server.


A first fault data capture (FFDC) constructor can be included in the WebSphere Application Server Symptom Database to provide information and suggested operations to help diagnose the module custom recorded data. The puppet instruction includes a unique identifier, describing, and the associated operation to be performed. You can create, modify, and delete pseudo instructions using the Symmetric Database Editor of WebSphere Studio Record Tool.

Document Object Model (DOM)

One system, where the structured document (such as XML file) is considered an object tree that can be accessed and updated by program. Document Access Definition Extensions (DADX)

A specified how to create a web service XML document format by using a set of operations defined by a DAD document and SQL statement.

Document Access Definition (DAD)

A XML document format used by DB2 XML Extender to define a map between XML and relational data.

Document Type Definition (DTD)

Specifies the specified structure for the specific class of SGML or XML documents. DTD defines structures with elements, attributes, and representations, and it also establishes constraints on how to use each element, attribute, and representation in a specific class of documents. DTD is similar to database mode in the following aspects: DTD is fully described in a specific tag language.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

In TCP / IP, a application protocol used to transfer files to the host computer or from the host computer.

Text XML (Literal XML)

The code style is seriallyified based on the SOAP protocol. The xml of the text is based on an XML schema instance.

Stateless session bean (stateless session bean)

In EJB, a session bean that does not have a dialog state. All instances of stateless beans are identical. See also 1 stateful session bean (Stateful session bean).


System Menu

Allow users to recover, move, resize, minimize, or maximize the window by clicking the icon on the left side of the window title bar.


Computer instruction stream, it controls the process. The multi-threaded process begins with an instruction stream (a thread) and can create other instructions to perform tasks later.


The form of activity helps to guide the user to complete each step of a specific task.

Item (ITEM)

In EGL, the named memory area of ​​a single value is included. Such regions can be described in any of the following entities: data items, structural items (as long as the structure item does not represent array) or array elements (as long as the array element does not represent array). The item is different from any of the following: item EZE words, text or arrays.


In WebSphere Studio, organizational units used to group folders or software package. The project is used to build, version management, sharing, and organizational resources.

Project resources

Contains files in a web project or EJB project. For example, in a web project, the resource file can be an HTML file, a JSP file, and a servlet; in the EJB project, the resource file can be an EJB bean.

Message Format Service (MFS)

A editing facility allows applications to process simple logical messages instead of device-related data to simplify application development processes.

Message Format Service (MFS) Control Block, in the MFS, stored in the IMS.Format library and invigible to messages or formats in the MFS buffer according to online execution.


What is described by the description service. Abstract type definition of data being passed. The message contains logic components, each logic component associated with a definition in some type of system. In WSDL, it corresponds to a single information segment that moves between the calling program and the service.

Message Output Descriptor (MOD)

Describe the MFS control block of the output data format generated by the application.

Message Input Descriptor (MID)

Describe the MFS control blocks in the data format displayed to the application.

Small window (Widget)

A reusable user interface component (such as button, scroll bar, control area or text editing area) that receives the keyboard or mouse input and can communicate with the application or another small window. See also Control.

Team stream


Information Management System (IMS) (IMS)

You can use any of several system environments in Database Manager and Sergeant, you can manage complex databases and terminal networks.


In the SOAP runtime environment, the SOAP interface org.apache.soap.util.xml.Serializer is implemented. See also the DeSerializer.

Housing help (HOVER HELP)

In the user interface, information can be viewed by placing the mouse pointer on a certain item (eg, icon or variable).

Select board (Palette)

The options (such as color or tool collection) can be selected in the application.

Loop (LOOP)

A series of instructions that they are repeated until the end condition is reached. In WebSphere Studio, you can use two types of loops in the Process: Repeat-Until loop and WHILE-DO loop.


Validating Parser

A program that checks if the XML file is in line with rules established in DTD associated with it.


Check the correctness of data or code or check if they meet the applicable standards, rules, and agreements.


A program, it checks the correctness of data or code or whether it meets applicable standards, rules, and conventions.

Style Sheet

Format the specification of the instruction information, when it is applied to structured information, a specific presentation (such as online or printed) will be provided. Different style sheets can be applied to the same part of structured information to produce different information display.

Business Method

One way of enterprise beans, it implements the application's business logic or rules.

Business Service (Business Service) In Web Service Programming, the data structure specified when registering services. The business service structure contains information about the Web service group.

Business Entity

In Web Service Programming, the data structure type specified when registering services. The business entity structure contains information about the service of the published service, such as business name, description, and contacts.

Business registry (Business Registry)

See also UDDI Business Registration (UDDI Business Registry).

Asynchronous process

By calling the business process started with unilateral operations. Return the results and errors by calling other unilateral operations. Check the synchronous process.


In EJB, the process of transmitting enterprise beans from memory to the auxiliary memory. See also Activation.

Internet Inter-ORB Protocol

See also IIOP.

Reference integrity (Referenceial Integrity)

(1) When the data in one column of the table is valid for all intentions in the other column of the same or another table. Maintenance Reference Integrity Requires DB2 UDB for OS / 390 for all LOAD, Recover, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations for reference constraints.

Application Programming Interface (API) (API)

A functional interface that allows applications that are written in advanced languages ​​use a specific data or feature of an operating system or another program. API is a collection of programming language constructors or statements that can encode these constructors or statements in applications to obtain specific functions and services provided by the underlying operating system or service. In DB2, the API enables most of the management functions from the application.

Application Client

In J2EE, a first-layer client component executed in its own Java virtual machine. The application client has access to some J2EE platform APIs (eg, JNDI, JDBC, RMI-IIOP, and JMS).


In the WebSphere Studio EJB tool, the persistent field of the company's container management is a specification corresponding to the columns in the relational database table or other persistent memory. Mapping is used to generate deployment code.

User-Defined Function (UDF)

The function can be referenced by using the CREATE FUNCTION statement as DB2 and will be referenced in the SQL statement.

Structured Query for Java (SQLJ) for Java (SQLJ)

A programming extension, which allows an embedded SQL statement to be present in the Java program.

Stateful session bean (stateful session bean)

In EJB, a session bean with a dialog state. See also the stateless session bean (Stateless session bean).

Syntax highlighting

For marker language source code editors, use text highlight differences (such as font effects, emphasis and color) to distinguish between text and structural elements (such as tags, properties, and attribute values). employee activity

The process is queried in the human interaction to determine how to continue. It is used for interrupting processes that will stop to wait for human interaction.

Original time

In WebSphere Studio's Summary Analysis Tool, the time required for the application runs, including the overhead of the application for profiling. Check the compensated time.


Describe data that stores data characteristics, which is descriptive data. For example, metadata of the database table may include the name of the table, containing the name of the database, name and column description in the table (whether in the form of a technical term or in the form of business terms). Database directory and information directory contain metadata.

Source Tree

XML input documentation converted by XSL style sheet.


(1) One of the basic units in HTML, XML or XSL, contains start tag, end tag, associated applying, and its value, and any text containing two tags.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI) (RMI)

A protocol used to pass the network delivery method. "Java Remote Method Call" is a distributed object model, where a method of remote objects written in Java programming languages ​​can be called from other Java virtual machines (possibly on different hosts).

Remote Method

A business method that can be called by the client in a remote interface.

Remote Interface

In EJB, a interface that defines a business method that can be modified by the client. See also the home interface.


Contents related to systems, programs, or devices accessed through communication lines. See also local (LOCAL).

Remote file transfer instance (Remote File Transfer Instance)

One of WebSphere Studio contains information about the method for remote transfer files.

Remote Project

Resident projects in an environment other than the development environment.

Remote home interface (Remote Home Interface)

In an interface in EJB, it specifies how remote clients are used to locate, create and remove instances of enterprise bean classes. Check the local owner interface (Local Home Interface).

Run Time

(1) Computer time period, computer program is executed during this period. Runtime Environment is an execution environment.


Incremental Build

In WebSphere Studio, a resource considering only resources change since the last construction. See also Full Build.


In the WebSphere Studio record tool, an error message. In the symptom database, the symptoms can have a solution associated with it.

Symptom Database

Symptom XML files, including one or more string matching modes (with one or more associated solutions used in event analysis) and error messages that occur in the WebSphere activity log. You can create, import, and edit symptoms in WebSphere Studio. Terminal file

3270 Resources in the service project, which contains the information they need to connect to the host system when constructing. The terminal file is automatically generated when the 3270 terminal service item is created. In the Navigator view, if a terminal file is selected, the 3270 terminal service logger opens in the editor area.


In EJB, a method for mapping enterprise beans to database tables, in which, but also creates enterprise beans and database modes at the same time.


The method in the primary interface, is used by the client to create, locate, and remove the instance of enterprise beans. See also the home interface.

Main building descriptor (Master Build Descriptor)

The build descriptor in EGL, its option cannot be overwritten.

Host variable (Host Variable)

A program data area that provides values ​​to the columns in the SQL table or receives the value of the value from the column in the SQL table.

Host Process (Host Process)

In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical Tool, an element that can be used using the IBM Agent Architecture to externalize the application behavior.

Host (Host)

(1) In the WebSphere Studio Summary Analytical tool, the application in the test resides in the machine or machine executes the partition. The host has a process of summarizing it.

Host Cluster

A group of physical computers, they interconnect through the network and provide a shared infrastructure for performing a distributed application.

Host System (Host System)

A business system of a supervisor 3270 application. In the 3270 Terminal Services Development Tool, developers use the 3270 Terminal Services logger to connect to the host system.

Primary Key

(1) In the relational database, uniquely identify the keys in a certain row in the database table.

Home Interface

In EJB, a zero or more Create and REMOVE methods are defined for session beans or to define zero or more CREATE, FINDER, and REMOVE methods for entity beans. See also HOME METHOD and Remote Interface.


In Struts, the operation returns an object, which has two fields: name and path (usually the URL of JSP). The path indication is to send the request to the location. Forwarding can be partial (for specific operations) or global (available for any operation).


A class that converts the database to an object type or converts the object type to a database representation.

Transition condition

A Boolean expression determines when the processing control is passed to the target node.

Preparation In EGL, part of the build process, converts the generated source code to an executable. In many cases, the preparation step places the source code on the deployment platform other than the development platform, and prepare the source code on the deployment platform, and sends the result file from the deployment platform to the development platform.


Convert the source code generated by EGL to an executable.

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)

A security service for authentication and authorization in the OS / 390 system.

Resource Associations Part

In EGL, a build component that enables the EGL record related to the information required to access the file on a particular target platform. The information in this part is used when testing, when testing and runtime.

Resource Manager

Subsystems or components (such as CICS, IMS or DB2), which manages resources that can be involved in transactions.

Resource Recovery Services (RRS)

OS / 390 system components provide some services, resource manager calls these services to protect resources. RRS is an OS / 390 System Level Synchronization Point Manager.


Sourcecodes and other application resources persistent memory area. In a group programming environment, shared resource libraries support multi-user access to the application resource.


In WebSphere Studio, the general name of the project, folder, subfolders, and files.

Resource Adapter

A set of related classes that allow applications to access resources such as applications such as data or remote servers, commonly referred to as "Enterprise Information System" (EIS). See also connector (Connector).


In SQL, Subselect used in the predicate. For example, the SELECT statement within the WHERE or HAVING clause of the other SQL statement.

Bottom-Up Development

A method of developing a web service. The web service begins with the method and field of the file, which represents an application that provides a web service. Check the top-down development (Top-Down Development).

Bottom-up mapping

In EJB, a method for mapping enterprise beans to database tables, first importing mode from existing databases, then generating enterprise beans and mapping.

Self-descending development (Top-Down Development)

A method of developing a web service. Web services start with WSDL files. Then, the application that provides functions on the web service server is encoded to implement the service. Check the Bottom-Up Development at the bottom.

Self-top mapping (Top-down mapping)

In EJB, a method of maping enterprise beans to a database table, in which an existing enterprise bean and its design determine database design.

Automatic Storage Reclamation See also Garbage Collection.

Automatic Memory Reclamation

See also Garbage Collection.

Field (Field)

In Java programming, a data member of the class.

Bytecode (bytecode)

Unrelated to the machine, generated by the Java compiler and is performed by the Java interpreter.

Free-form Surface

The open area in the editor, where developers can add and process objects. For example, the Struts application diagram editor provides free format panels to represent JSP pages, HTML pages, operational mappings, other Struts application diagrams, links from JSP pages, and forwarding from operational mapping.

Combiners (Composer)

In EJB, a class used to map a single complex bean field to a plurality of database columns. It is itself a complex field of objects with fields and behaviors that require a combination.


(1) In an object-oriented programming, perform a specific function and designed to work with other components and applications to work together. JavaBeans is the architecture of Sun's use to create components.


In a web service, identify the properties of the validity period of the object to which the call request is handled.


New Post(0)